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I Saw the Heavenly Book

May 1, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa disciple in Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began cultivation in 1996. Soon thereafter, a miraculous incident occurred that left a deep impression on me. I want to share this to validate the supernormal realities of Falun Dafa cultivation as World Falun Dafa Day draws near.

One afternoon just after reading Zhuan Falun I could see in front and behind me, as well as to the left and right of me simultaneously. I did not wonder why, but immediately the ability vanished. Then characters appeared, black characters, on a copper background, in vertical formation similar to the Lunyu hanging on the wall in our house. I wanted to see them clearly, but could not make out any one of them separately. They just looked like Chinese characters. Then they vanished.

The whole episode lasted about five minutes. I had no clue what it all meant at the time, but knew Master was encouraging me in cultivation. It was in 2006 that I found the answer in "Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles:"

"Actually, as I've been saying for quite some time, the Chinese culture is one that gods have passed down among human beings. It is a semi-divine culture. That's why a lot of the elements of that culture have profound content. The languages and scripts of other ethnic groups, by contrast, do not exist in the heavens. The Chinese characters, though, are very similar to those in the heavens. The way of writing them is the same as it is in the heavens, but the combinations of strokes are different."

I then understood that what I saw must have been the characters as they appear in heaven, or maybe it was Lunyu in heavenly script.