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Additional Persecution News from China - April 15, 2010 (20 reports)

May 10, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 8 provinces. In this report, 21 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 22 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. (Zhucheng City, Shandong Province) Mr. Wang Hongwei and His Wife, Wang Lili, Persecuted, Mrs. Wang in Critical Condition
  2. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Kaiming Unconscious Due to Persecution
  3. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Including Mr. Wang Zhiqian Arrested
  4. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Ou Weizhi and Ms. Zhou Jixiu Illegally Sentenced by Land Reclamation Bureau Court in Mudanjiang City
  5. [Taihe County, Anhui Province] Many Falun Gong Practitioners Including Ms. Liang Guifang Arrested
  6. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Jiao Guichun, a Practitioner from Shandong
  7. [Chongqing City] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Zu Huaying
  8. [Anhui Province] Ms. Li Mingqing Arrested
  9. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] More Information about Ms. Wang Juan and Mr. Song Zhi
  10. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhang Fengqun, Ms. Xi Zhenghong, Ms. Wu, and Ms. Wu's Sister Arrested
  11. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Yuhua Tried
  12. [Longyao County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Guoqiang Arrested
  13. [Chongqing] Ms. Zhang Dabi Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  14. [Lanxi County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Sun Yaowu Harassed and His Son and Daughter-in-law Forced to Leave
  15. [Wuning County, Jiangxi Province] More Information about the Arrest of Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin
  16. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Liang Mingzhi Taken to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp
  17. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sui Guanghua Arrested
  18. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] More Information about Ms. Zhang Shulan and Ms. Yu Xueqing
  19. [Jilin Province] Mr. Li Futian Locked in Cell Over One Month
  20. [Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province] More Information about Mr. Dong Shaotai

1. (Zhucheng City, Shandong Province) Mr. Wang Hongwei and His Wife, Wang Lili, Persecuted, Mrs. Wang in Critical Condition

Mr. Wang Hongwei and his wife, Mrs. Wang Lili, from Zhucheng City were arrested by the 610 Office and the police many times. They have been forced to live away from their home for more than four years. The police once offered 50,000 yuan for information to aid in their arrest.

On November 5, 2009, Zhang Ling of the Relative Section of Industrial and Commercial Bureau arrested the couple. Mrs. Wang was persecuted at the hospital and is in critical condition. The whereabouts of Mr. Wang Hongwei is unknown.

2. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Kaiming Unconscious Due to Persecution

Mr. Wang Kaiming used to work for the Gaosheng Oil Production Factory, Liaohe Oil Field, in Panjin City. The guards in the No. 4 Division of Panjing Prison sent Mr. Wang to the intensive care division because he was in critical condition. He is being treated in the No. 1 building of the No. 2 People's Hospital.

Director of Panjin No. 2 People's Hospital: 86-427-3818866 (Office)
Nursing Department: 86-427-8314328 (Office)

3. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners Including Mr. Wang Zhiqian Arrested

Mr. Wang Zhiqian, 65, from Jinshan Village has been sentenced to forced labor twice. He was arrested around 6 p.m. on April 13, 2010. Other practitioners who were arrested the same day include Ms. Nie Shumei and her husband, Mr. Guo.

Mr. Wang's home was searched by the police around 10 p.m., and a printer, computer, and other items were confiscated.

That same night the police from Jinshan Village went to the Little Kunlun Fores and arrested Ms. Yan Tingying and Ms. Xiaohong.

Chen Mingxin, chief of Jinshan Village Police Station: 86-13664589889 (Cell), 86-458-3738537, 86-458-24016888888
Qin Handong, 610 Office: 86-13766730827 (Cell)

4. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Ou Weizhi and Ms. Zhou Jixiu Illegally Sentenced by Land Reclamation Bureau Court in Mudanjiang City

On April 13, 2010, the Land Reclamation Bureau court in Mudanjiang City illegally sentenced Ms. Ou Weizhi to four years of prison and Ms. Zhou Jixiu to three and a half years.

Lu Chunling, Presiding judge of the Land Reclamation Bureau court in Mudanjiang City in Heilongjiang Province: 86-13159952682 (Cell)
Yang Jinsong, Acting judge: 86-13846001541 (Cell)

5. [Taihe County, Anhui Province] Many Falun Gong Practitioners Including Ms. Liang Guifang Arrested

On April 11, 2010, Ms. Liang Guifang, Ms. Ming Xiulan, Ms. Jiang Hui, Ms. Liang Shiqin, Mr. Yang Chang'an, Ms. Liang Sujuan, Ms. Yuan Jixia, Ms. Zhang Xuelan, Ms. Hu Cuilan, Ms. Sun Xiuyun, and Ms. Wei Xiuying were studying the Fa at a practitioner's house. They were arrested by the police from Taihe County and are being held in the detention center.

6. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Jiao Guichun, a Practitioner from Shandong

The police of the State Security Squad of the High-Tech District in Weihai City broke into the home of Ms. Jiao Guichun, at around 7 a.m., April 8, 2010. They confiscated a printer, a desktop computer, and a few paper cards. Ms. Jiao was arrested and taken to the State Security Squad and then transfered to the Detention Center in Weihai City that afternoon.

7. [Chongqing City] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Zu Huaying

Ms. Zu Huaying, 63, a relative of people who work for Oil Drilling Ban'an Company of Yuntai Town, Changchou County, Chongqing City, was reported at 1 p.m., April 7, 2010, while she was delivering truth-clarifying materials. She was arrested and taken to the Yuntai Police Station. The police then broke into her house and confiscated Dafa books, truth-clarifying materials and other property. She was then transfered to the detention center in Changshou County at around 5 p.m. Her family was not allowed to visit.

8. [Anhui Province] Ms. Li Mingqing Arrested

Agents from the Linquan National Security Division, Anhui Province, and officers from Tupo Town entered Mr. Li Mingqian's home without proper documents and declared they were doing a "follow up." They arrested Mr. Li and took him to the detention center.

Huang Zongqin and Zhang Lei, police officers from National Security Division: 86-13966583546 (Cell), 86-13170088810 (Cell)
Director of Topo Police Station: 86-13956738422 (Cell)

9. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] More Information about Ms. Wang Juan and Mr. Song Zhi

Ms. Zhao Xiurong from Xifei city was distributing Falun Gong materials on March 10, 2010, and was arrested. She was held at the Xifei Hotel, where she was tortured and lost consciousness. After being interrogated she called out the names of practitioners. The practitioners who run the material production sites had to leave town to avoid being arrested.

On March 18, 2010, officers arrested Ms. Wang Juan and Mr. Song Zhi at work. Their homes were ransacked and almost everything was taken away, including cell phones, an MP3 player, a USB flash drive, and personal items. Ms. Wang was tortured for over tthree weeks, deprived of sleep, and was in critical condition. She was later transfered to a brainwashing center. Mr. Song Zhi was first taken to a brainwashing center and then taken back to the Yanliang District.

10. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhang Fengqun, Ms. Xi Zhenghong, Ms. Wu, and Ms. Wu's Sister Arrested

Ms. Zhang Fengqun, 58, and Ms. Xi Zhenghong, 61, from Xiaosi Village, Tang Town, Pudongxin District, in Shanghai, were arrested when they were clarifying the truth at the Dawan bus stop on April 8, 2010. They were arrested by officers from the Wanggnang Station. They are held at the Pudong Zhangjiang Detention Center.

Two sisters, Ms. Wu Yundu, 68, and Ms. Wu Xindu, 66, from Qingfeng Village, Heqing, Pudongxin District, in Shanghai, were arrested by officers from the Zhuqiao Town Station when the women distributed informational materials on April 9, 2010. They are now in the Nanhui Detention Center.

11. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Yuhua Tried

Ms. Wang Yunfeng; Ms. Liang Zhanhong, in her 60s; and Ms. Liang Yuhua were tried in the No. 5 Court, Second Floor in the Futian District Court, Shenzhen City. The court agent did not sentence Ms. Wang Yunfeng.

Huang Ting, judge of the court: 86-755-82977665 (Office)
Li Jie, secretary: 86-755-82976263 (Office)

12. [Longyao County, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Guoqiang Arrested

Mr. Wang Guoqiang from Xiyun Village, Longyao County, was at lunch on April 14, 2010, when he was arrested by officers from the Longyao County Police Department and Yincun Village Station.

13. [Chongqing] Ms. Zhang Dabi Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Ms .Zhang Dabi, in her 50s, was arrested by officers from the National Security Division, Yuzhong District, and from the Jiaochangkou Station in July 2007. Later, she was held at the Liziba Detention Center in the Yuzhong District. Ms. Zhang was tried in the Yuzhong District Court and sentenced to seven years in prison. In March 2010, she was taken to the Chongqing Women's Prison.

14. [Lanxi County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Sun Yaowu Harassed and His Son and Daughter-in-law Forced to Leave

Mr. Sun Yaowu was twice harassed at his home by officers from the Lanxi County Station and agents from the Neighborhood Administration Committee. The police asked his young daughter, Ms. Sun Yuhong, if she wanted to go to the brainwashing center. Then they asked where Mr. Sun's son was. His son and daughter-in-law were forced to leave home to avoid being arrested.

15. [Wuning County, Jiangxi Province] More Information about the Arrest of Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin

On night of November 20, 2009, officers from the Xinning Town Station broke into and ransacked the home of Mr. Wang Liming and Ms. Liu Qin. Two computers were taken. Mr. Wang and Ms. Liu were taken to the county detention center. A month later, both of them were sentenced to forced labor. On December 25, 2009, Ms. Liu was taken to the Nanchang City Women's Labor Camp. Mr. Wang was released to take care of their child. 10,000 yuan was extorted from Ms. Liu's family.

Ms. Zhang Keying, in her 50s, was also sentenced to one year of forced labor. On the same day, she was taken to the Nanchang Women's Forced Labor Camp with Ms. Liu Qin. Ms. Zhang was arrested by officers from the Luoping Station, Wuning County.

16. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Liang Mingzhi Taken to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Liang Mingzh, from the Yantai City Development Zone was clarifying the truth on the afternoon of March 6, 2010, when she was arrested. She was taken to the Yantai City Second Detention Center. On April 2, 2010, she was transfered to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, Zibo City, Shandong Province, and sentenced to one and a half years.

Zheng Suiyue, leader of National Security Division, Yantai Development Zone: 86-13806383839 (Cell)
Kong Fanyun, deputy director of National Security Division: 86-13953503377 (Cell)

17. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sui Guanghua Arrested

Ms. Sui Guanghua from Pingdu City was arrested at a market place in Zhugou Town on April 13, 2010. At midnight, officers went to her home in Zhugou Town to ransack it.

18. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] More Information about Ms. Zhang Shulan and Ms. Yu Xueqing

Around noon on April 13, 2010, officers from Anci District, Langfang City, and Sun Qingjun, secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee of Luofa Town, arrested Ms. Yu Xueqing and Ms. Zhang Shulan. Ms. Yu was taken to the town government building and Ms. Zhang was taken to the Luofa Town Police Station.

In the afternoon, their families went to ask for their release and saw Ms. Zhang handcuffed to a heater. Sun Qingjun assigned women officers from different departments to watch Ms. Zhang and Ms. Yu. The two practitioners were to be immediately taken to the Langfang City Police Department.

19. [Jilin Province] Mr. Li Futian Locked in Cell Over One Month

Mr. Li Futian from Gongzhuling City was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment. He has been in Jilin Prison for almost two years. Wang Yuanchun, a guard, ordered an inmate who was formally a practitioner, to search Mr. Li Futian's bed. They claimed to have found Falun Dafa writings and locked Mr. Li Futian in a small cell for over a month.

20. [Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province] More Information about Mr. Dong Shaotai

On April 13, 2010, Mr. Dong Shaotai was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Shuangliu County Court. Mr. Dong said he would appeal. He is in a critical condition with high blood pressure and heart diseases. He has difficulty breathing and needs someone to assistant him just to walk. His life is in danger. During the trial doctors watched him closely. He is on a an I.V. at the Shuangliu County Detention Center.

Liu Guangqiang, Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-28-85816003, 86-13908203835 (Cell), 86-28-85832669
Li Zhongquan, chief of Shuangliu County 610 Office: 86-28-85811022, 86-13908206216 (Cell)
Zhang Hao, deputy chief, person in charge: 86-28-85831911, 86-13881919836 (Cell)

April 14, 2010