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San Francisco: Activities Held to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)

May 17, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 15, 2010, San Francisco Falun Gong practitioners held a group exercise practice at Union Square to celebrate the eleventh World Falun Dafa Day. Afterward, the practitioners held a parade in the downtown area. The activities attracted many passersby.

Practitioners started the exercise demonstration on the center stage of Union Square at 9:30 a.m. Of the many people who were drawn to the stage, some talked to practitioners about the nature of Falun Dafa, some learned the exercises, and some Chinese people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations after learning the truth about the party from practitioners.



Morning group practice at Union Square


Passersby learn the Falun Gong exercises

The Brunos came from Rhode Island, and were attracted by the demonstration. They said that the exercises looked very peaceful. When a practitioner told them about the ongoing persecution, including the CCP's appalling atrocities of organ harvesting from living practitioners, the couple said that they knew that communist regimes had killed innocent people in the past.

The Brunos talk with a practitioner about Falun Gong

Ms. Bruno then learned the exercises when she saw practitioners teaching other passersby. She later commented, "The practice is very good. I just did a little bit and yet I felt very relaxed. This is a feeling that I have not had for a very long time..."

"Thank you so much. I feel that I am reborn. We will definitely check the website and find a local practice site."



Falun Gong procession marches in downtown San Francisco

A procession consisting of the US West Divine Land Marching Band, a Falun Gong exercise demonstration group, and a decorated float marched through the busy downtown area.


Helen and Jessica Du both are members of the Divine Land Marching Band

The band's performance attracted many passersby. Band members Helen and Jessica are sisters. Jessica said: "I am a doctor. However, I was weak and often caught colds before I started to practice Falun Gong. Now I am very healthy. May 13 is World Falun Dafa Day, and I have been looking forward to this celebration for a long time."