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Ottawa, Canada: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in the Nation's Capital (Photos)

May 17, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioners and friends celebrated World Falun Dafa Day on Wednesday May12, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada's capital city. Festivities included a parade through downtown followed by speeches, dance and music performances, and Falun Dafa exercise demonstrations on Parliament Hill.

The events marked the 18th anniversary of the Falun Dafa's introduction to the public on May 13, 1992.

Among the speakers were Senator Consiglio Di Nino; MPs Stephen Woodworth, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Bill Siksay, and Rob Anders; former Secretary of State David Kilgour; Lyle Notice, pastor of the Ottawa Seventh-day Adventist Church; and former diplomat Brian McAdam.



Falun Gong practitioners hold banners and signs in downtown Ottawa with the Divine Land Marching Band playing in the background as part of a celebration of Falun Dafa Day

MP: Truth-Compassion-Forbearance are universal principles


Member of Parliament Stephen Woodworth at the Falun Dafa Day celebration in Ottawa, May 2010.

MP Woodworth said in his speech, "I am very happy and bring you my personal greetings on behalf of the Kitchener Centre. I am encouraging what you do. Truth-Compassion-Forbearance are universal principles, which are really available to anyone and, in my opinion, formed the base of our Canadian union and Canadian ideal as well. In fact, Canadian pride themselves their forbearance, tolerance, justice and truth. Our values are quite consistent with the principles of Falun Gong.

"In Falun Gong celebrations, I am surrounded by the beautiful arts. There are musical arts, visual arts and performing arts. Maybe there are some connections between Falun Gong or Falun Dafa and love of the arts and ability to bring out the beauty of the world around us. As Gandhi once said truth and love will endure forever."


Senator Consiglio Di Nino speaks at the Falun Dafa Day celebration in Ottawa, May 2010.

Senator Di Nino said in his speech, "The reason I support Falun Gong and the Falun Dafa Association is because the message they sent to the world is one of peace, compassion and one of spirituality. We see today in the world too much running away from these values.

"To the Falun Gong practitioners, I say thank you for what you do. You are teaching the rest of us how to preserve forbearance and how to hang tough when you faced with the adversity and faced with a government that won't allow you to do it in China."


Former Secretary of State David Kilgour speaks at a Falun Dafa Day celebration on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada, May 2010.

Former Secretary of State David Kilgour said in his speech, "In the face of enormous adversity, Falun Dafa practitioners in China have stood up for Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, showing the entire world the value of life and human dignity.

"Falun Dafa practitioners in China undergoing inhuman persecution from Communist party represent the best hope for the the Chinese people as a whole."


MP Bill Siksay at the Falun Dafa Day celebration in Ottawa, May 2010.

MP Bill Siksay said in his speech, "I am glad that we are able to celebrate with Falun Gong practitioners around the world on this important day here in Ottawa in front of the Parliament buildings. It is a very important occasion, an occasion that talks to important values like Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. It also speaks to the importance of religious freedom around the world. So I am very happy to be here as a participant."


MP Rob Anders at the Falun Dafa Day celebration in Ottawa, May 2010.

MP Rob Anders said in his speech, "I am sure I have told many people this story before about how I came to understand and know about your cause. I was reading an article in National Review Magazine a Conservative publication many years ago that talked about the sheer persecution of Falun Gong, Falun Dafa Practitioners because of the size of the following in mainland China and the idea that there was any organization that people would follow other than the communist party of China.

"I am grateful today to see that you have a statement from our Prime Minister, commemorating and recognizing your contributions. It is well deserved. And I am glad to see his recognition of this. And I hope more and more come to your cause and lend it credence ands give you voice."

The Persecution Must Stop


Pastor Lyle Notice of the Ottawa Seventh-Day Adventist Church speaks at the Falun Dafa Day celebration on Parliament Hill, May 2010.

Pastor Lyle Notice said in his speech, "Falun Dafa is Based on ancient Chinese values, Falun Dafa emphasizes the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Practitioners embrace these values in everyday life. It is comprised of 5 gentle, tranquil exercises through which one is able to attain a healthy body, mind, and spirit."

He calls on the Chinese government, "To the Chinese authorities. How can the Chinese Government persecute people who practice and promote peace? How can the Chinese government torture and terrorize people who are tender and who practice and promote truthfulness? How can the Chinese Government victimize people who practice and promote non-violence? THIS IS WRONG, AND IT MUST STOP!"


MP Borys Wzesnewskyj at the Ottawa Falun Dafa Day celebration, May 2010.

MP Borys Wzesnewskyj said in his speech, "We live in a country that allows us to enjoy freedom. In other countries, for instance, in China they cannot enjoy the sunshine. They are repressed because of their beliefs.

We keep that in mind as we enjoy the sunshine in Canada, the freedom of Canada. In other parts of the world, our family and friends do not have opportunity to enjoy life of the same way as we do. Thank you again for coming out and making more Canadians aware what is taking place in China and continue to put pressure upon China."

The Falun Dafa Association of Canada received greetings letters from Prime Minister Stephen Harper as well as a host of other government officials.