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Transcending Human Notions by Memorizing the Fa

May 2, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Gong after July 1999, so my personal cultivation has been intertwined with Fa-rectification. Soon after, I began to tell people about Falun Gong and the persecution, and I studied and memorized the Fa. Memorizing the Fa gave me a solid foundation in my personal cultivation.

I continued to memorize the Fa. As I walked, I memorized the Fa; whenever I had the opportunity at work, I memorized the Fa. I learned from doing that the importance of always looking within. An older practitioner told me that memorizing the Fa is what Master expected us to do before July 20, 1999. Memorizing the Fa was popular among practitioners in Chuangchun City at that time. Many practitioners who strove forward all memorized the Fa. I found my gap from older practitioners in this matter, and thought that I must catch up.

My memorizations began with Hong Yin. Every morning when I sold goods in the morning market, I explained the facts to buyers. If no one came to buy, I sent righteous thoughts or memorized the Fa. Sometimes I memorized one part well, but I forgot it the next day and had to memorize that part again. Sometimes I was interfered with by thought karma while reciting the Fa, to the point that I couldn't calm down and was confused and dizzy. But I still kept on on studying the Fa.

Since I began practicing, whenever Master presented us with a new lecture, I memorized it.

Master said,

"What's happening is that the cosmos is going through Fa-rectification. [What is taking place in] the human world is merely how low-level beings act when gigantic cosmic bodies are being impacted by the Fa-rectification. What could human beings possibly do to gods? If there were no outside factors, would humans dare to do anything to gods? How human society unfolds is nothing but the outcome of high-level beings controlling things." ("In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human," 2004)

After I memorized this article I realized that the persecution happening now is not led by human beings; it is controlled by the old forces in other spaces. I could be easily controlled by the evil if I wasn't not clear on the Fa principles. The only way to break through the old forces' barriers is to study the Fa more, memorize the Fa, and send righteous thoughts. If, after looking within, I did not cause a problem, it must be interference. Reciting the Fa made me understand many Fa principles and realize my mission and responsibility and the importance and urgency of offering sentient beings salvation, as well as the importance of sending righteous thoughts.

I still remember the first Fa conference I attended. Every practitioner spoke about their experiences of looking within, while I merely said how many people I had helped quit the Chinese Communist Party and how I did things with righteous thoughts. Many practitioners praised me, saying that I did better than they. That made me very happy. However, another practitioner awakened me after I left the conference room, saying, "Everyone said that you did very well, but you should be careful; don't give the evil any loopholes. You need study the Fa more." On my way home, I looked within and found my attachments to zealotry, fame, self, and other habits. I simply enjoyed my advantages rather than looking within. That is not practicing cultivation!

Thinking back to what Master has borne for us, tears ran down my cheeks. I began to memorize Zhuan Falun and be more strict with myself because I realized that practicing cultivation is serious.

I required myself to strive forward with memorizing the Fa. I recited short articles such as "My Version of a 'Stick Wake-up'" that I had already recited for 21 days. I studied one lecture of Zhuan Falun every day and then began to memorize what I read paragraph by paragraph. Sometimes when thought karma interfered and I had difficulties or felt sleepy, I thought about giving up. However, I immediately realized that it was not me and at once eliminated it. I continued and finished memorizing Zhuan Falun for the first time in three months.

When I memorized Zhuan Falun for the second time, I could make use of supernatural abilities. For example, my son's computer was too loud, which interfered with my studying the Fa. I then made the sound on his computer stop working. My son thought there was something wrong with the computer and took it to the repair store. The technician there told him that no one could fix it, so my son brought it home. Then I restored the sound, and the computer worked just fine again. When I was memorizing "Enlightenment," the sound from his computer speaker became even louder. I felt a little angry, but I looked within at once. I'm a god. No matter how loud the sound, it couldn't get into my ears because of my energy field. I continued to recite the Fa sentence by sentence and was eventually never interfered with. After I finished memorizing the Fa for the second time, I felt deeply that Dafa was already rooted in my heart.

In my understanding, memorizing the Fa is practicing cultivation. It let me get rid of the attachments to prestige and recognition and personal gain, to comfort and ease, and the attachment to lust. In addition, it eliminated many other factors. Master arranged that I attended Fa-study groups and exchanged cultivation experiences with other practitioners. We all memorized the Fa and encouraged each other.

Afterwards I took charge of a material production site to distribute the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I studied the Fa at 9:00 a.m. and distributed materials in the afternoon. By the time I returned home, time was tight, and I didn't have enough time to do the exercises. But I still kept memorizing the Fa every day. I still have dozens of articles left to recite. When I feel a little sleepy, my righteous side tells me that I should be strict with myself. After I send righteous thoughts at midnight, I continue to memorize Master's new lectures by flashlight.

I firmly believe in Master and sincerely respect Dafa. Every time when I memorize the Fa, I kneel in front of Master's image.

I feel that memorizing the Fa is a process of practicing cultivation and also a process of assimilating into the Fa, which purifies me every day. Assimilating into the Fa has made me look ten years younger. No matter where I go, I try my best to validate Dafa. By getting rid of attachments, I do things without pursuit and have a happy family life. I hope that I can discipline myself and immerse myself in Dafa at every moment.