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New Zealand Legislators Warmly Welcome the Return of Shen Yun Performing Arts (Photos)

May 2, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Shen Yun Performing Arts arrived in New Zealand for its fourth tour on Friday, April 30. Auckland is New Zealand's largest metropolis holding nearly a third of its population.

The Shen Yun performers were warmly greeted on their arrival with greetings from Wellington, the seat of Government. The world renowned show graced the stage at Auckland's ASB's 'The Edge' Theatre on Friday, April 30, as part of it's 2010 World Tour.

"It is a real pleasure to welcome the Shen Yun Performing Arts group to New Zealand for its 2010 tour," said Peter Dunne, Minister of Revenue and leader of the Government's coalition partner, United First, in his greeting.

Peter Dunne, Minister of Revenue and leader of the Government's coalition partner, United First.

"The value of such cultural tours is hard to over-estimate, and I have no doubt that New Zealand audiences will be inspired and delighted by the skill and passion of the group's performances."

"Such tours also give New Zealanders a special insight into the beauty of one of the world's oldest and most sophisticated traditions. It will be a wonderful experience for all concerned.

Green Party Member of Parliament, Keith Locke.

Green Party Member of Parliament, Keith Locke, who had seen the performance last year, also sent greetings acknowledging the important message that Shen Yun conveys to the audience.

Mr. Locke has been a long time advocate for human rights, working for the freedom of belief for Falun Dafa practitioners in China and the rights of all Chinese people.

Mr. Locke said he had been supporting the event for some years.

After seeing the show he shared that he was profoundly touched and said, "It's trying to convey a message of looking to the future in a positive way and joy of the spirit."

Mr. David Clendon, Member of Parliament for the Green Party joined the packed audience excitedly anticipating the return of Shen Yun to New Zealand.

"Well we were told to expect something special and we certainly have seen that tonight. It's very spectacular, it's very colourful. It's been a wonderful evening, a marvelous evening," David Clendon said.

David Clendon, Member of Parliament for the Green Party.

Mr. Clendon was moved by the performances that touch upon the on-going persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China.

"It [Shen Yun] reflects on some of the problems in modern-day China, in the fact that some of the cultural practices are being oppressed, and I think it is a very good way to bring that message to the West. Not in an overtly angry way, but in a very gentle and a very subtle way. It's just telling people that all is not well in mainland China, that we do need to consider human rights. We have to consider the well being of people and that this is a very, very old culture that has been oppressed and has been oppressed for a generation or two.

"So it's a wonderful way to bring that message to the West, that there is a way ... of peaceful resistance through Falun Dafa, and that that is the way that perhaps oppression can be overcome simply by people who have got real belief, real commitment to their cause and their beliefs, and over time that will overcome any oppression."

