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Guilan's Second Life

May 2, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Guilan is from Dashu Village, the Fengrun District, Hebei Province. She is 52 years old. Starting in 1992, she felt pain in her legs that became worse and worse. Eventually they became misshapen and she had a hard time getting around.

In early August 2008, her legs hurt more and more. In the Fengrun District People's Hospital, she was diagnosed with renal failure and osteoporosis. She was later transferred to the Tangshan No. 2 Hospital, which is an orthopedic hospital. They confirmed the renal failure and osteoporosis diagnoses. She stayed there for four days but they could do nothing for her so she had to transfer to a third hospital, the Tangshan City People's Hospital for ten days. The doctor there asked her daughter to take her home since there was no way to treat her advanced osteoporosis. He said that Guilan's bones were so brittle that they were like glass.

Guilan's daughter told her father what the doctor said. He went to the doctor for details and fainted when he was told. He recovered and was sent home with his ailing wife.

When they got home, Guilan's daughter reached out to carry her mother. The driver told her that she needed to find someone strong to carry her mother, otherwise she would be very uncomfortable if she was moved much. Guilan's husband carried her on his back. Although he moved very carefully, two of her bones were broken just getting her into their home. After that, she could not move. She depended on her husband and others for everything. She had a hard time eating and sleeping, and she cried every day.

A Falun Gong practitioner came to visit her very often. She told Guilan, "Falun Dafa is good" and asked her to listen to Master's lectures. Guilan thought to herself, "If the doctors cannot save me, how could anyone else?" She did not take the practitioner's words seriously. Later, another practitioner told her the same thing and told her that by truly believing in Falun Dafa she could get better. This time she wanted to give it a try. She listened to the lectures and found them pretty good and started reading the Fa carefully. The more she read, the more interested she became. On the 28th day, the practitioner told her that Master said that there was huge difference between a righteous thought and other thoughts, so Guilan thought to herself, "I must stand up." Then a miracle happened. She could stand up. The practitioner held her arms and Guilan was able to walk slowly. Guilan was very excited and said, "I have been in bed for seven and a half years. Without Falun Dafa, I could have died already. Dafa gave me a second life!"

Now Guilan is in good shape and can do all the housework. Her husband said, "I was actually telling myself that, when the money ran out, I would not be able to help her anymore. I would have had to let her die. Now Dafa has saved her and our whole family. I cannot express my gratitude enough. Thank you, Falun Dafa!"

Guilan has become better and better since she obtained the Fa. She has shown us all how good Falun Dafa is, and her story spread quickly. Many people who used to be scared as a result of the persecution have come back to practice Falun Dafa. Many people know that Falun Dafa is good because of her.

On the second day, Guilan's mother-in-law heard about her miraculous recovery and was very happy. Everyone in the family was very happy about this good news. Her mother-in-law told the youngest son that Guilan could work on the farm after practicing Falun Dafa. He did not believe it at all. When he saw Guilan in person, he was too shocked to say anything. He had been influenced a lot by the Chinese Communist Party's atheism. Now he had to admit that he needed to reconsider what he had been taught. Guilan's story became the biggest news in the local area.

When Guilan's family was celebrating her recovery, her 80-old mother-in-law had a cerebral hemorrhage. She was taken to the local hospital at the end of August 2009. After 14 days the doctor notified her family that she would not survive for more than a few days and asked them to take her home. When she got home, she wanted to learn Falun Dafa with Guilan since she knew about the miracle that had happened to Guilan. She always kept in mind that Falun Dafa is good. Indeed, she recovered and could take care of herself again, even though the doctor had predicted that she would die within a few days. What happened to this old lady was another example of the miraculousness of Falun Dafa.