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Overcoming Hardships with Strong Belief in Master and Dafa

May 2, 2010 |   By a practitioner from the Yanbian Region, Jiling Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Many practitioners recently shared their cultivation experiences on our website. They talked about the power of Dafa manifesting when practitioners have a strong belief in Master and Dafa. I feel the same way and would like to share my experience.

Thousands of Dafa practitioners have been persecuted and mistreated since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated the persecution in 1999, and I was one of them.

At the beginning of the persecution I had fear, although I knew appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing and explaining the facts were the right things to do.

I had an opportunity to get in touch with city officials, including the city mayor, the head of the police department, the law and politics secretary, and others. I asked Master to give me strength and I smilingly told them my story. I addressed topics from Sakyamuni to Jesus, from the Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and then to Falun Gong. I explained the goodness of Falun Gong, why I practiced it, and how I benefited from it, as well as how my body and mind were changed as a result. I also told them the meaning of, "When we receive a drop of favor we must repay it with a fountain of gratitude." I said nothing untrue. They listened, and no one challenged me. Their thoughts to "reform" me were overturned.

I was depressed and passive when I was first illegally held in a detention center, until one day I realized that wasn't the place for me. I then asked Master to help me. At noon I was taking a nap, but in my dream I saw someone walking toward me and telling me to "dash out of here." After I got up, I thought Master might have pointed something out to me. It was time to get fresh air, but the guards had previously taken this privilege away from me, as they were afraid I might contact other practitioners. This time, without any hesitation, I got outside. The guards panicked and attempted to block the way. I told them I had the right to have the break just like everyone else. They couldn't take it away from me, as they would be in violation of the law. As a result, I was able to go out for fresh air, but the break was to only last for about ten minutes, which was shorter than the usual time. I later thought about whether I did the right thing and affirmed my action. Soon after, a guard called my name and told me to pack up and go home.

I was held the second time when the police claimed that a practitioner had divulged my name. I didn't cooperate with the police, and they were utterly discomfited and threatened to handcuff me behind my back. I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen me. With that thought, three muscular policemen were unable to pull me down and were not able to handcuff me. Master was there protecting me. During six interrogations that followed, they not only got no useful information from me, but also didn't even abuse me. I unintentionally developed an attachment of zealotry, which allowed the evil to take advantage of me. I was sentenced to forced labor, even though there was no evidence of any wrongdoing. I identified my problem on the way to the forced labor camp and said to Master in my mind, "Dear Master, I am so sorry for what I did, but I would never let you down and never give up or betray the Dafa, even if I have to serve in a forced labor camp." As a result I didn't pass the required physical exam to enter the camp and was released. I knew that was due to Master's help.

During the CCP's "Two Conferences," local government officials held a brainwashing session for Dafa practitioners. I was duped into attending the session. Of course, this was not a place for practitioners, and I should not have been there, so I asked Master to help. I told the head of the brainwashing session why I shouldn't participate, and my husband, who cooperated with me from the outside, asked for my release. I got home three days later.

The same thing happened again another year during the "Two Conferences." That time I looked inward, sent righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil arrangements, and asked Master to strengthen me to escape from the brainwashing session. I held a hunger strike. The police officials tempted me, but I was firm. They later threatened to send me to a forced labor camp, but I stayed calm and asked Master, "Dear Master, I am not afraid of them, and I will do what Master has arranged." They took me to the door, pretended they were taking me to the camp, but brought me back after seeing no reaction from me. They later told me that, after a discussion among the detention center heads, they had decided to release me. I was out of the brainwashing center in two days as a result of righteous thoughts and a strong belief in Master.

During an incident of large-scale arrests of Dafa practitioners late one night, I was arrested and detained at a police station after the police discovered Dafa lecture tapes in my home. I looked inward and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements and asked Master for strength. The Political and Security office head talked to me incoherently while I held my righteous thoughts. He asked me questions that I ignored completely. I was released the next day.

The last time, when three police officers searched my home and discovered a Dafa exercise tape, they attempted to arrest me and ordered me to sign the search warrant. I refused and I told them that it was illegal to break into a residence. My home was not a market, and they had searched it without showing me the permit. I told them that I would file a protest. I sat on the sofa, asked Master for strength, and sent righteous thoughts. They called the police station, and the person in charge told them that, if I didn't want to come to the police station, to let me stay. Due to Master's protection, I was once again out of danger.

Recalling more than a dozen years of cultivation, I realized from my personal experiences that as long as we have no attachments, believe in Master, remember that we are Dafa practitioners, and speak every word and do every deed as Dafa requires, we can bypass danger. It sounds easy, but it's hard to do, especially when in a life and death situation.

I didn't share my experiences in detail, which have included many ups and downs. We need to have Dafa-given wisdom to handle the situations. Why do some practitioners receive the power of Dafa and Master's help, but some don't? This is a fundamental issue between divinity and being human.

I am so grateful for Master's protection over the years, which has allowed me to walk on the right path to this day. I didn't cultivate well and let Master worry about me many times, for which I feel very sorry.

I would like to say to my fellow practitioners that no matter what happens, you have to keep in mind that Master is there to help and many gods are there to help. We are practitioners who cultivate according to the universal laws. We are the main players in the world, and we shouldn't misplace our positions. All things that happen to practitioners are real events that exist for Dafa. Don't stop or give up your faith when you encounter a hardship. Only if you have a strong belief in Master and in Dafa can you overcome danger. Cultivate Dafa diligently, and do the three things. The evil will not dare to approach you, and you will be safe.