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More Thoughts on Fellow Practitioners Being "Mirrors"

May 3, 2010 |   By a practitioner in Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Today I went to my group Fa study and noticed a young couple, both practitioners, come late after work late to join the study during our break. When we finish studying the Fa, we go out to do truth-clarification. Usually the couple does not join us in this group effort. I noticed that they had an attachment of fear. According to my understanding, I felt it necessary to candidly point out a problem that I saw in their xinxing cultivation so as not talk to others behind their backs. I said to the husband, "You guys should join group Fa study and then do truth clarification with us afterward." I also quoted to them Master's poem:

"The Difficult Path to Godhood

Predestined relationships spanning endless lifetimes;

Each connected by the thread of Dafa;

Through hardships the body of gold is tempered;

Why such slow and leisurely steps?"

He argued a little, saying, "We do participate, just not as much as you. We walk our own paths." I didn't say anything more and just sat down to study the Fa with the group.

During group study, the following occurred: The young man that I had talked to before noticed an older practitioner misread some words, and he corrected him. The man acknowledged his mistake, making the correction. At the same moment, the young practitioner, his legs numb from sitting in the lotus position, straightened his legs. An older woman immediately demanded that he put his legs back in the lotus position. I noticed that her tone was not very kind, and I reflected upon my own behavior. The moment before, when I talked to the young practitioner, wasn't my own tone too demanding, order-like, unkind, and not benevolent? I continued to reflect inward and realized that I did indeed have the same problem as the older lady.

After Fa study, I brought the issue up for discussion. I said, "If a fellow practitioner does something wrong, out of compassion we should point it out to him or her. And we should be tolerant and understanding. Sometimes, even if others will not tell us, and we still know that something is wrong, we must improve ourselves. Teacher taught us, 'I have not only taught you Dafa, but have also left you my demeanor. While working, your tone of voice, your kindheartedness, and your reasoning can change a person's heart, whereas commands never could!'" ("Clearheadedness" in Essentials For Further Advancement) Both the young practitioner and the senior female practitioner agreed with me. The young practitioner said, "When you first pointed out my problem, my reaction was actually to defend myself. I truly have the attachment of fear and it is very strong." He eventually talked publicly about this problem and upgraded his understanding on the topic.

I think fellow practitioners should help each other. When we see others' problems, we should first evaluate our personal demeanor, which, with proper attuning, will help others improve and engage the state of all practitioners advancing diligently towards achieving consummation together. In the last stage of Fa-rectification, let us stay side-by-side and hand-in-hand to redeem our pledges.

Above is my personal understanding. Fellow practitioners, please point out anything inappropriate.

April 17, 2010