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Auckland, New Zealand: Audiences Express Delight in Shen Yun: 'Thank You Very Much!'

May 3, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Dianne Neves, a government administration officer, attended Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time on Saturday, May 1, as it graced the stage at the ASB Theatre at the Aotea Centre in Auckland, New Zealand. She came with her family on the recommendation of a friend. She was glad she came and said the show was "absolutely fabulous."

Ms. Neves joined the highly enthusiastic audience in honoring the artists with a standing ovation at the end of the matinee performance. "I thoroughly enjoyed it!" She said it gave her a feeling of "peace, absolute peace."

She continued, "[Shen Yun] has certainly delivered peace and harmony, that's for sure." Ms. Nerves said that she perceived a message in Shen Yun of "peace and harmony and that all people can actually live together."

Many audiences world-wide have praised The Shen Yun New York Orchestra. Ms. Neves felt it was "'just magnificent." Ms. Neves said she loved "everything, the costumes, the scenery."

She added that seeing Shen Yun deepened her appreciation of classical Chinese culture. "Through the song and the dance it was just beautiful to watch. It just showed the elegance of the people, they were very eloquent in the way they presented themselves. The dance, the song, and that lady on the piano, she was just beautiful."

She concluded by saying that she would come back to see Shen Yun again.

'I want to present a bouquet of 1,000 roses!'

Nina Rykova, born in Russia, is a pharmacist and Red Cross volunteer who has assisted in geriatric care for 15 years. She was in the audience at the ASB Theatre at the Aotea Centre to see Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company on Saturday afternoon, May 1.

Ms. Rykova said of the show, "I think it's really beautiful, and it is so colorful, and ... for me it's very exciting because I never saw before anything like that."

Ms. Rykova loved the New York-based Shen Yun's depiction of 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture. She said, "I want to bring my girls, because I have three daughters."

She continued, "I really want to come again and again and look and look and look, ... and a present of [a] bouquet of 1,000 roses for these people! I am really happy to stay here and to see this place. Thank you very much!"

Ms. Rykova felt that the Shen Yun performance was very profound and she shared a wish she has for her home country of Russia and also for all the people of the world. "I want these people [Shen Yun]to come to Russia, in Moscow, because I am from Moscow, and actually all people must imagine and understand and enjoy this. I am really happy to see that."

She explained that she was bubbling with emotion from what she had experienced, saying, "I am flying, I am flying, I am boiling like a jug with boiling water.

"I see this message, because people need to care about the world, about peace in the world."

Entrepreneur Moved by Shen Yun

Also in attendance was Roger Dimock, an Auckland company owner who was delighted to see internationally acclaimed Shen Yun Performing Arts. Invited by a friend, Mr. Dimock felt Shen Yun brought a message of peace, and said, "To tell other people to be peaceful towards each other and don't be so selfish, and that will give you a bit of quality of life. That they should be following that philosophy."

He felt uplifted after seeing the show. "They're talking about there being a better way of life and how we shouldn't be so focused on this life--there's another world."

In conclusion, Mr. Dimock said, "I really enjoyed it. I thought it was really awesome--well worth going to have a look at ... it's given me mental clarity and [I'm] more positive."



