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Dafa Disciples Should Look Inward Unconditionally

May 3, 2010 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, the issue of lack of coordination among practitioners, due to various conflicts, had been apparent. I think that as long as we are still cultivating, anything that happens around us exists for the purpose of making us look inward and eliminating our attachments. Therefore, no matter what we encounter, as Dafa disciples, we should look inward unconditionally.

The major manifestation of these conflicts among practitioners is because one practitioner involved in the conflict thinks, "You do not even acknowledge that I am right, even though I am so right." At the time, all kinds of emotions are stirred up in the heart of this practitioner: grievance, indignity, anxiety, worry and complaint. The more emotion is stirred up, the stronger the practitioner's desire to validate himself, the stronger the determination to convince and change others, and the more intense the conflicts become. When we insist that we are right, as a matter of fact, behind the thought of being right stands a strong ego. Such conflicts are actually caused by self-centered selfishness, which is the fundamental nature of the lives in the old universe. If we do not replace selfishness with selflessness and become considerate of others, we cannot accommodate the shortcomings of other practitioners with compassion, no matter how much we look inward. If we cannot let go of ourselves and look at things from the perspective of the Fa and with a pure heart, then our notion of "I am right," no matter how much we look inward, will not allow us to understand the Fa principle of "different levels have different Fa." (Zhuan Falun) It is the same as has been described in the ancient poem about looking at a mountain, "From the front, I saw a series of mountains; from the side, only a single peak; far, near, top, bottom, no two positions present me the same vision." Even ancient people knew about this. As Dafa disciples, we should be more clear about this principle.

It happens too often that when fellow practitioners have conflicts, everybody is able to find words from the Fa to defend himself or herself. However, Dafa is accommodating. For each different situation, there is a different Fa on each different level. If we only pay attention to the part of the Fa that validates ourselves, however, we fail to see the Fa from other aspects. When we are self-centered and are attached to our personal correctness, we will blame the other party and be unwilling to change ourselves. It seems that we have completely forgotten that cultivating is all about looking inward and Dafa requires us to treat everything with compassion. When we blame or interfere with others, we think that we are being responsible to Dafa and fellow practitioners; however, we fail to realize that actually, this is coming from a very strong attachment to self. We measure others against the part of the Fa that we have enlightened to. We set standards for and cannot accommodate the shortcomings of others and harmonize the environment; instead, we try our best to change others. This is an exact manifestation of the fundamental characteristic of life in the old universe and a major excuse for the old forces to persecute Dafa disciples, who they look down upon due to their attachments to their own arrangements during the Fa rectification.

When we unconditionally look inward, even though we feel that we are right, we are actually changing the fundamental characteristic of the old universe: the attachment to ourselves. Although we are right, we are able to compassionately accommodate to the "misconduct" of others. Although we are right, we can let go of ourselves, be considerate toward others, and think about whether the methods of the other practitioners can also validate Dafa. As long as everything is for the sake of validating Dafa, we should unconditionally let go of our attachment to self and proactively coordinate with fellow practitioners. Even though there might be insufficiencies and imperfection, we can quietly harmonize the situation by using the best methods we have available to us.
Dafa accommodates everything. I think that when we cultivate to the extent that we are completely selfless and altruistic and are completely assimilated into the Fa, we will be in a state of being able to compassionately understand others. Not only can we then take everything in the everyday society lightly, we will also be able to understand every phenomena of each living being and compassionately accommodate to them. No matter with whom we interact, we should put ourselves in their shoes, be considerate and sincerely perform good deeds for others without a single selfish thought. When we validate Dafa, we should not be attached to ourselves and we should do things completely for the purpose of validating Dafa. Therefore, no matter what kind of situation we face, we will be able to smoothly coordinate with fellow practitioners and not allow any conflicts to arise among ourselves, so that the old forces will not find any loopholes they can take advantage of.

Written on April 12, 2010