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Canada: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Edmonton

May 9, 2010 |   By a practitioner in Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 2, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners in Edmonton, Canada held a cultivation experience sharing conference and shared their experiences in validating Dafa and doing the three things practitioners are asked to do.

Mr. Qi shared what he realized when facing different opinions from fellow practitioners in working on projects. He said, "When I was a student in school, my teacher asked us not to submit our exam paper until the final ring notice. He wanted us to thoroughly check our papers before we submitted them. In today's cultivation, who can say that they cultivated well with all the right answers? Each of us needs to look inward and find room to improve, instead of finding fault with others."

Ms. Chen realized that each practitioner reaches a different level; thus we should do well what we shoulder to the full extent, and at the same time, complement or make up those things that other practitioners do not complete. Only in this way can we form an unbreakable, integrated one body. She also understood that when one practitioner is in tribulation and interfered with, the best help is a kind reminder and sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate interference, not criticism. She also shared her understanding about illness karma. She said, "In today's Fa-rectification, tribulations we encounter are not an issue of personal cultivation, but relate to whether we can fulfill our prehistoric vows and whether sentient beings can be saved. Our responsibility is huge. When we step out of notion of self and connect our lives with Fa-rectification, what can we not let go of?"

Other practitioners also shared their experiences, especially on getting rid of the attachment to an easy life. Master Li stressed in Teaching the Fa in Los Angeles in 2006,"I hope everyone will do better and better at the end. Be sure not to become lax. You must not slack off, and you must not become apathetic."