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Persecution Accounts Inside the Shanghai Women's Prison (Part 4)

June 2, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in China

(Continued from Part 3: http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2010/6/1/117551.html)


2-2 Ms. Ge Wenxin and Ms. Xu Meijing Die as a Result of Torture

Ms. Ge Wenxin, an elderly practitioner of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) in Nanhui District, Shanghai, was arrested and taken to the Shanghai Women's Prison, where she was brutally tortured to the brink of death. The prison authorities wanted to evade their responsibility; therefore, they released her in June 2005 on medical bail, but she passed away a week after her release from prison.

Ms. Xu Meijing was nearly seventy and diabetic. While being tortured and subjected to brainwashing, she was "transformed" under high pressure. After being released from prison, she immediately wrote a solemn declaration to continue practicing Falun Gong, which caused some prison guards to frequently threaten her at home. Thereafter, her sickness worsened, and she died sooner than expected.

2-3 Jiang Yun, Former Professor at Huadong's Teachers University, Shanghai, Maltreated

Ms. Jiang Yun graduated from the Media Management Department of the Huadong (Eastern China) Teachers University in 1987. She was assigned to work at her Alma Mater after graduation.

In March 2003, Jiang Yun was arrested in her office and detained at the Putuo District Detention Center. Her home was also ransacked. Additionally, she was illegally sentenced to four years in a women's prison in the 5th prison district in Songjiang, Shanghai. During her detention, she was severely tortured, deprived of sleep, and forced to do labor, having to toil three times as much as others. She wasn't even allowed to go to the toilet, forcing her to excrete in bed. The inmates forced her to bend down on her knees many times, but all the torture she had to endure did not change her solid faith in Dafa.

The police collaborated with personnel from the 610 Office and changed their tactics to increase pressure on her family, including her son, an elementary school student. He was then unable to attend school, causing him to run away from home one time. The police also forced her husband, who had worked in Shanghai for 20 years, to leave town and look for another job in another area. Her 80-year-old mother became mentally unstable from worrying about her daughter. Under these circumstances, her husband had no alternative but to divorce her and take their son with him. A good family was thus broken apart.

Jiang Yun was finally released in March of 2007. At that time, she was not only physically very weak, but she was also discharged from her job. Furthermore, around her residence eight monitoring devices were installed, and at the other end of the corridor, only about a hundred meters away, there were four additional monitoring devices. It seemed as though there were more monitoring devices in her residential area than in the prison. Additionally, her neighbors were afraid to greet her, wary of being implicated and maybe even persecuted themselves. She hasn't been able to live a normal life.

2-4 Ms. Yang Manye's Face Disfigured and Sustains Comminuted Fracture as a Result of Torture

Ms. Yang Manye, a college graduate, is a resident of #12, Lane 55, Shuang Shan Road, Pu Tao District, Shanghai.

In February 2000, Yang Manye was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel from Pu Tao district while passing out informational materials about Falun Gong and its persecution. She was later sentenced to four years in prison in the Shanghai Women's Prison. She was thirty-five years old at that time.

While in prison, Yang Manye was pushed into a "forbidden" room many times. The size of this room was about three square meters, and the situation was barbaric. She was not allowed to take a shower, and on top of that she was punched and kicked by inmates.

One day in 2003, police officer Qiu Mingying ordered Yang Manye to come out of the room and to take off her clothes, but she refused and said that this request went against her rights. But three vicious police officers, Qiu Minying, Huang Hui and Shu Ping, ferociously pushed her down to the ground, and searched through her clothes. They did not find anything on her body, and got so mad that they used electric batons to shock her face and mouth. After that she was taken back to the concealed small dungeon and her hands were handcuffed behind her back and hooked onto the iron window. They also taped her mouth shut, in order to stop her from reciting Teacher's lectures.

For two months she was imprisoned in this tiny dungeon. She was forced to stand up during the day and was handcuffed behind her back at night. In addition, inmates were instructed to torture her by punching and kicking her.

Due to the fact that Yang Manye did not yield to pressure and was unwilling to make concessions, the police organized big rallies many times. In order to generate momentum, they forced inmates to lie on stage against their will and criticize Yang Manye. She went on a hunger strike a few times in order to protest against her inhumane treatment. Even during the hot summer, when her hunger strike was still going on, she was forced to stand 16 to 17 hours a day, causing her to be exhausted and her leg joints to be dislocated. On top of all this, she was still forced to perform labor for long hours every day, which caused a painful condition in her knees. Even in this condition, she wasn't approved to leave on bail to receive medical treatment.

Yang Manye was released from prison in 2005. On June 6, 2009, she was again arrested by about a dozen local CCP personnel who broke into her residence. She was taken to the Putuo District Detention Center for further mistreatment, which has continued to this day.