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Additional Persecution News from China - May 26, 2010 (8 Reports)

June 2, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in eight cities or counties in eight provinces. In this report, two Falun Dafa practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 11 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Yinchuan, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Domestic Security Division Officers Arrest Elderly Women and a Three-year-old Child
2. [Yingcheng, Hubei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Mr. Xu Xuanzi
3. [Luannan County, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Guizhi Arrested
4. [Wendeng, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhu Derong and Ms. Shi Yonghong Arrested
5. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Ms. Song Xiurong
6. [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
7. [Duchang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Cao Guoxian Awaits Trial
8. [Tianshui City, Gasu Province] Ms. Zhang Lan Harassed

1. [Yinchuan, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Domestic Security Division Officers Arrest Elderly Women and a Three-year-old Child

Four practitioners went to study Falun Gong books in a practitioner's home at 2:30 p.m. on May 12, 2010. The police broke into the house at 4:30 p.m. Three elderly women and a mother with her three-year-old son were in the house. The child was frightened and started sobbing. The woman tried to carry the child out of the house, but four police officers blocked their way.

Thirty minutes later, Zhang Dingsheng from the Domestic Security Division and to other officers shoved the mother with her child toward a police vehicle, but the mother firmly resisted. Four officers forcibly dragged a practitioner in her 70s into the vehicle and knocked out one of her teeth. Then, four officers carried the mother and her child into the vehicle. They squeezed another practitioner inside and sat her on top of the mother and child. A practitioner in her 60s was pushed into another vehicle. The four practitioners were taken to the Yingu Road Police Station.

2. [Yingcheng, Hubei Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Mr. Xu Xuanzi

Mr. Xu Xuanzi, a teacher at Langjun High School, was arrested on the evening of May 17, 2010, and taken to the Yingcheng City No.1 Detention Center. He was transferred to the Tangxunhu Brainwashing Center two days later. Officials from his school assigned two people to monitor him in the brainwashing center.

Cheng Xincai, Langjun High School principal: 86-13507293863

3. [Luannan County, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Guizhi Arrested

Ms. Liu Guizhi and another practitioner distributed information about Falun Gong in Fanggezhuang Town at the end of April. Officers from the Fanggezhuang Police Station arrested them. Their families were each forced to pay 5,000 yuan to secure their release. The two practitioners returned home. Ms. Liu went to the police station to demand her money back two days ago. Officers from the Chengguan Police Station and from the county's Domestic Security Division arrested her on the afternoon of May 25, 2010. The police confiscated her computer and a printer.

Wang Zhongcun, Police Department deputy head (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong): 86-315-4121007, 86-13832987279
Jin Shumin, Political and Security Section head: 86-315-7801119, 86-13832983559
Zhou Lishun, 610 Office deputy head: 86-315-4125610, 86-315-4165206, 86-13102612999

4. [Wendeng, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhu Derong and Ms. Shi Yonghong Arrested

Officers from the Houjia Town Police Station and from Wendeng Domestic Security Division broke into the homes of Mr. Zhu Derong and Ms. Shi Yonghong in Xinigou Village and confiscated Falun Gong books and a photo of Master. They took the two practitioners into custody.

5. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Additional Information Regarding the Arrest of Ms. Song Xiurong

More than 30 police officers from Kuaida County arrived in the home of Ms. Song Xiurong at 9:00 p.m. on May 21, 2010, in an attempt to arrest her. Ms. Song, in her 40s, is an employee of the Dongbao Pharmaceutical Factory. She was not home, so the police ordered her husband to lead them first to Ms. Song's mother's home, but found Ms. Song was not there, either. They threatened Ms. Song's mother, in her 70s, claiming she was committing a crime by concealing a criminal. They proceeded to Ms. Song's sister's home, where they arrested the practitioner. These people returned to Ms. Song's home and ransacked it. They took valuable personal property. Ms. Song is now on a protest hunger strike in the Kuaida Detention Center.

6. [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Two practitioners from Jianghu Farm went together to speak with people about Falun Gong on May 15 or 16, 2010. They went missing. We learned later that they are now in Ward 13 of the Tianmen No.1 Detention Center.

Cai, Tianmen No.1 Detention Center deputy head: 86-13597433988
Wang, prison guard in Ward 13: 86-13597433988

7. [Duchang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Cao Guoxian Awaits Trial

Duchang County Court officials were scheduled to try Ms. Cao Guoxian at 8:00 a.m. on May 27, 2010. The chief judge in her case was Liu Jianhong, and the deputy court president was Liu Haiquan.

Kuang Jie, Duchang County Court president, 86-13707929109
Liu Haiquan, deputy president: 86-13879231266, 86-792-5221165

8. [Tianshui City, Gasu Province] Ms. Zhang Lan Harassed

Ms. Zhang Lan, 51, from the Maiji District, is employed by the Gansu Knitting Factory. She was twice taken into custody, in 2008 and 2009, for distributing Falun Gong-related VCDs. Ms. Zhang was held in the Maiji District Police Department and was subjected to severe abuse and mistreatment. Feng Jitang and a group of officers from the Domestic Security Division ransacked her home and confiscated her computer, Falun Gong books, and other personal property.

Ms. Zhang's family was forced to pay more than 10,000 yuan in cash on each of her arrests to secure her release. After that, officers from the police department and from the street office kept harassing, intimidating, and threatening Ms. Zhang at home.

Qiaonan Community Party secretary Liu and three others went to Ms. Zhang's home on May 24, 2010, trying to force her to give up Falun Gong. She sternly refused. They left and declared they would come again the next day.