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An "uplifting performance," says Councilwoman (Photo)

June 2, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) CLEVELAND, Ohio--City of Cleveland Councilwoman Mamie Mitchell was very pleased to attend the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at the Playhouse Square on Saturday evening.

Speaking on behalf of the City Council at the post-show reception, Ms. Mitchell presented the Council's resolution of recognition for Shen Yun's arrival to their city to those present.

"This Council applauds Shen Yun on its outstanding expression of the cherished traditional values of Chinese culture, and extends the best wishes for a wonderful Cleveland experience with this very unique show," Ms. Mitchell read from the resolution.

She explained that Shen Yun was a very "uplifting performance" and that she was pleasantly surprised.

"I never anticipated Shen Yun would be so dynamic and so uplifting," she said.

Shen Yun, explained Ms. Mitchell, is "good for the soul," and also informs people about the 5,000-plus-year history of China.

City of Cleveland Councilwoman Mamie Mitchell

She also commented on the music in the show, played live by the Shen Yun International Company Orchestra.

"The music is very soothing, it is a relaxing type of music, it seems like you could meditate," she said.

"To me, it connects with the souls basically, connects with my soul when I hear the music, because it's a beautiful music."

Finding it hard to put her feelings into words, Ms. Mitchell said the music makes one so relaxed, "and a word that they use in English is like a high, but not off drugs or alcohol, but of really the universe, or the universe you seem to connect more in a different plane than right here--that I'm relaxed and your mind...is really relaxed, and you're sort of going along with the music."

"I don't know if I did that or explained it [so] that someone else would understand what I'm talking about, but I think if you hear it and feel it, it's something you know when you feel...they would more or less have the same experience that I would have, I would hope," she said.

"It is really, really great," Ms. Mitchell said, thanking the Shen Yun artists for giving her the "pleasure" to enjoy Chinese history and culture.

Shen Yun "really beautiful"

Kathlene Szymanski, a social worker, was also in attendance on Saturday evening.

"It was really amazing," she said. "I was really shocked that it was about spiritual things, and I was very impressed that it was. You don't usually come to something and hear a message and I think it means a lot, in this day and age."

Ms. Szymanski said the theme she saw in the show was one of hope, and that "there is hope for people."

