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I Personally Experienced a Miracle of Dafa

June 3, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Harbin City

(Clearwisdom.net) Let me talk about the miracle of Dafa that I personally experienced after practicing cultivation.

1. Miraculous Physical Changes

I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1996 when I was 61 years old. Before that, I had many illnesses. In order to heal them, I took medicine and also did physical training such as running and practicing Taiji. However, some recurring illnesses, like psoriasis, serious chronic bronchitis, gastroduodenal ulcer, heart disease and serious inflammation of the shoulder joint, still caused physical and mental suffering, and couldn't be cured.

After practicing Falun Dafa, my body continuously changed. The change of my psoriasis was the most distinct. When I traveled on business two weeks ago, I kept on scratching in the evening. But after I returned home, I found that my whole skin was bright without any psoriasis. I was so excited that I jumped up on the bed, shouting "my psoriasis is gone!" This recurring illness had troubled me for 33 years.

Another recurring illness was chronic bronchitis. It occurred every winter. Sometimes I couldn't lie in the bed because I coughed seriously as long as I lay down. After I started to practice Falun Gong, just within one month, my chronic bronchitis disappeared. It has never returned in the past 13 years. Other recurring illnesses gradually disappeared over a period of about two years. My face became rosy, and I looked more than ten years younger. Last year, the company I used to work at organized a health examination for retired employees. I didn't plan to go at first, but my wife urged me to go there. I thought that it might be helpful to ease her worries if I went, so I did. According to one director, the results showed that I was the healthiest one among all the retirees. When I had a color ultrasonic examination, the doctor told me, "Your liver, gall bladder, spleen, lung and kidney are all very good and even better than those of young people. And there is nothing wrong with your prostate gland."

The changes in my body fully display the miracle of Dafa. Of course this is just the surface that we could see with our eyes. Miraculous changes also happened at a deep level; but it is not what one can see with the eyes. These miraculous changes are hard for ordinary people to imagine.

2. Getting Rid of Bad Habits

It is also quite miraculous that practicing Falun Dafa quickly purified my mind, my bad habits and behavior.

Before I practiced cultivation, I had smoked for 37 years. Although, I deeply understood the danger of smoking and had tried several times to quit, I had failed. On the first day when I obtained the Fa, I read Lecture Seven of Zhuan Falun,

"As a practitioner, why don't you take it as an attachment to be abandoned, and see if you can quit. I advise everyone that if you truly want to practice cultivation you should quit smoking from now on, and it is guaranteed that you can quit. In the field of this class, no one thinks of smoking a cigarette. If you want to quit, it is guaranteed that you can do it. When you smoke a cigarette again, it will not taste right. If you read this lecture in the book, it will also have this effect."

Although I had already bought a carton of cigarettes and smoked some at that time, I immediately threw away all the remaining cigarettes. Since then, I never smoked again. It has been 14 years since I quit this bad habit. I also got rid of other bad habits such as drinking alcohol when I started to practice cultivation. I became healthier in body and mind.

3. Change of Notions

I had always been interested in the Book of Changes and after I retired, I actively tried to apply it. I also became more and more interested in Zhuangzi and Laozi, and was also heavily attached to the Five Classics and Four Books. It was very hard for me to give up these things that I had studied and pursued for so many years, especially after I already had certain attainments and developed some notions.

As the saying goes, "It is easy to change rivers and mountains But hard to change a person's nature." After I practiced Dafa, I gradually paid less attention to those things. Especially after I studied Master's lectures, I understood that all of them are there for building a foundation for Fa-rectification today. Master said in "What is Wisdom?" (Essentials for Further Advancement)

"People think that the renowned persons, scholars, and different sorts of experts in human society are great. In fact, they are all really insignificant, for they are everyday people. Their knowledge is only that tiny bit understood by the modern science of human society. In the vast universe, from the most macroscopic to the most microscopic, human society is exactly in the very middle, in the outermost layer, and on the outermost surface. Also, its living beings are the lowest form of existence, so their understanding of matter and mind is very limited, superficial, and pitiful. Even if someone were to grasp all of mankind's knowledge, he would still remain an everyday person."

Master said in "For Whom do You Exist?" (Essentials for Further Advancement)

"The most difficult things for people to abandon are their notions. Some people cannot change, even if they have to give up their lives for fake principles. Yet notions are themselves acquired postnatally. People always believe that these unshakable ideas--ideas that can make them pay any price without a second thought--are their own thoughts. Even when they see the truth they reject it. In fact, other than a person's innate purity and innocence, all notions are acquired postnatally and are not a person's actual self."

However, if we want to change our notions, this is equivalent to fundamentally changing our status as humans. The changes in me are the result of a complete change of heart. Without Dafa's miraculous power, without Master's help and guidance, I couldn't have reached it at all.