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Enlightening to Teacher's Hints and Righteously Walking My Cultivation Path

June 3, 2010


I'm a Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioner. When I measure myself against the Fa's requirements, I know I haven't been striving forward diligently in many areas. In fact, sometimes I have done really badly. However, our benevolent Teacher has never given up on me. In order to help me catch up with the Fa-rectification progress, he often gave me different hints to help me enlighten.

Teacher suggested that "...materials production sites...spring up everywhere..." ("Teaching the Fa in San Francisco," 2005) After that, I had a thought to set up such a site, but then found many excuses not to do it. Because of this, I couldn't make a breakthrough for a long time. In 2007, a fellow practitioner said to me in my home, "You have such a good environment in your family. Why don't you make Dafa materials yourself?" I gave him all the reasons with my human notions. He said, "If you say so, you won't be able to do it then." After he left, I wondered why he said that and whether it was Teacher that used the fellow practitioner's mouth to give me a hint. But I could find so many reasons not to do it. I thought about it back and forth and didn't know what to do. Eventually, I did heshi in front of Teacher's picture and said to Teacher in my heart, "Teacher, what should I do?" Then a voice came to my mind, "So many Dafa disciples have done it so well. Why are you still hesitating?" I realized that I shouldn't let myself be held back by human attachments. I must do as Teacher said.

Once I made up my mind, I told the fellow practitioners in my Fa-study group that I wanted to work on producing materials. At that time, my family's financial situation was pretty tight. Another practitioner said, "A certain practitioner happens to have an extra computer and said you could have it." Teacher is so kind that he had already set up everything for me. Everything is dependent on whether I'm determined to validate the Fa and save sentient beings.


"Each Dafa disciple is trying his utmost to do what he should do on the path of validating the Fa, and since what you are doing at present is closely linked to your cultivation, you are in fact cultivating this way. " ("Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan")

When I started making truth-clarification materials, I came to understand the Fa principles more. It really wasn't easy to set up such a site. In the beginning, when I first created color materials, I was so proud that I developed the attachment of zealotry, and then my troubles started. My printer started to have paper jams and leak ink. I got worried and went to check with fellow practitioners about it. They reminded me that I should look inside and shouldn't get too anxious. When I finally let go of my attachments, everything returned to normal.

Many of my human notions wouldn't have been uncovered or relinquished that easily if I hadn't started the production site. Therefore I think it is a critical part of our cultivation for us to make materials production sites spring up everywhere. This is a path that Teacher arranged for us.

In 2008 right before the Beijing Olympic Games, the authorities became more frenzied. Sometimes when I was in the middle of producing materials, police cars would set off alarms, which made me jump. I looked inside right away. I saw my fear of being persecuted. In other words, I worried too much about persecution. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate my attachment of fear. I firmly do not allow beings in other dimensions to use ordinary people to commit crimes against Dafa. It is the most sacred thing for me to make Dafa fliers to validate the Fa and save sentient beings, so I will not allow any malicious people to come and interfere with me. Before the Olympic Games, some people from the local community committee came and knocked on my door. I then sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind them. I didn't open the door for them, and they soon left. Personally I don't think we should open the door for people that come to try to persecute us. If we do that, it is cooperating with the evil. There are many other ways to clarify the truth and save those people in other circumstances. If we open the door to them when they come to persecute us, we would be passively clarifying the truth to them and therefore wouldn't achieve a good result. Besides, one's righteous thoughts might not be that strong at that time, either. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to come to your home. This is why I don't think we should open the door to them. Instead, we should adjust our mindset and send forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil beings and rotten ghosts behind them. In this way, those vicious people will leave. This prevents those people from committing crimes against Dafa and reduces potential damages to Dafa practitioners, too.

In 2009, before the Party's national meeting, someone from my local community committee went to my workplace and told one of my supervisors to monitor me closely. The people in my workplace (I had already clarified the truth to them earlier) who are in charge of this type of thing told me later, "We protected you and told them that there was nothing wrong with you and not to bother you again." Since then, they have never come to check on me again.

When I first started, a fellow practitioner helped download materials to a USB disc for me. I didn't know how to connect to the Clearwisdom website myself. Because of this, it wasn't very convenient for me when that fellow practitioner wasn't at home. One day when I once again went to that practitioner's home to get the disc, a voice came to me from another dimension, saying, "You should solve this problem yourself now." I came to understand that Teacher had give me a hint, and I should learn how to connect to Clearwisdom myself. The next day I went to another practitioner's home and said I had decided to get a network card. Soon enough, I learned how to download materials myself. Two weeks later, the practitioner who had helped me download materials went on a business trip for over a month.

I was almost in my 60s. I didn't like challenges very much. Therefore, I'd learn new things only if I had to. I tended to go ask for help from fellow practitioners. Teacher saw my attachment of depending on others and gave me hints that I should get rid of that notion. One day when I tried to download materials, somehow I couldn't make it work. I went to another practitioner's home three times, but she was never home. I asked myself why I couldn't find her. I realized that it was time for me to get rid of my attachment of depending on others. The fourth time when I went to her home, I caught her. I told her about the issue that I had and asked her to help me with it for the last time and after that I'd try to figure out those problems myself. I'm very glad that I got rid of another attachment.

At critical times in our cultivation, Teacher will give us hints when we can't brave through ourselves. However, sometimes if we are too attached to human notions about things and therefore we cannot enlighten to Teacher's hints, it can cause troubles and losses to our validating the Fa, saving sentient beings, and our individual cultivation.