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Persecution Accounts Inside the Shanghai Women's Prison (Part 5)

June 3, 2010



2-5 Ms. Dai Zhiying Is Locked in Solitary Confinement

Ms. Dai Zhiying, in her 50s, lived in Room 503, 285-8, Xincun Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, and was an employee of the Airport Hotel. She was arrested while telling people the facts about Falun Gong on December 25, 2000. She was illegally sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and sent to the Shanghai Women's Prison.

The guards feared that she would have a positive influence on other detained practitioners, so they forced her to undergo brainwashing sessions in 2002. They instigated "transformed" practitioners to "communicate" with her. Immediately after she realized that she had been deceived, Ms. Dai wrote a solemn declaration that all her words and deeds not in accordance with Dafa were void. As a result, she was confined in a small cell for one month.

She was then transferred to the No. 3 Labor Group, where she suffered severe persecution and forced to do hard labor overtime everyday.

On February 24, 2010, Ms. Dai was deceived into going to the residential community office, where Wang Jue, an official from the Changning District 610 Office, was waiting to arrest her. She was released after being detained for several days.

2-6 Ms. Feng Rongxia's Life Is In Danger

Ms. Feng Rongxia

Ms. Feng Rongxia, 43, lived in Room 106, 1565-46, Linfen Road, the Zhabei District, Shanghai. She used to suffer from leukemia and was told that she had only three months to live. Fortunately, she regained her health after she practiced Falun Gong. She is now imprisoned in Shanghai Women's Prison and suffers from a serious ulcer. Using any type of medication only worsens the ulcer, which is getting bigger. Doctors at Shanghai Prison Hospital said that they can't do anything to help her. The officials at Shanghai Women's Prison still refuse to release her on medical bail.

Police officers broke into Ms. Feng's home and arrested her on December 1, 2006. She was then sent to a detention center, where she was tortured and contracted a venereal disease. Several times when Ms. Feng was at the hospital, the doctors said that her disease was incurable because of her weak immune system.

Since being transferred to Shanghai Women's Prison on September 17, 2007, she has been sent to the prison hospital more than ten times. Due to the severe persecution, she now suffers from a serious disease. Still, in order to force her to give up practicing Falun Gong, the guards instigated criminal inmates to brutally beat her until she fainted. They would then kick and pour cold water on her to wake her up.

Ms. Feng has also been forced to stand still from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

2-7 A Falun Gong Practitioner's Story of the Prison

A Female Practitioner Who Escaped From China: I Was Persecuted in Shanghai Women's Prison


2-8 A Falun Gong Practitioner Witnesses Tortures in the Prison

My Experiences in Tianhe Detention Center in Guangzhou and Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai


2-9 Other Cases

(1) Ms. Lou Xiashu, a practitioner in her 60s, who lives near the suburbs, was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. She was deprived of sleep and ordered to copy the prison's rules of behavior by hand. She also had to clean the restroom while closely monitored by other inmates.

(2) Ms. Ling Xiaoyun, in her 50s, lives on Yan'an West Road. She was sentenced to a three-year prison term. Immediately after she was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison, she was confined in a small cell for several months. Zhang Jiamei, a team leader, instigated other inmates to beat her. They also forced her to hold a full chamberpot and wear undergarments that still had soap on them; to stand or sit still for long periods of time; to write so-called "reflection articles;" and didn't allow her to drink or shower when the temperature reached 96 degrees Fahrenheit.

(3) Ms. Li Feng, in her 30s, was sentenced to three years in prison. She has a masters degree and was a teacher at Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Foreign Languages School. At the prison, guard Chou Minying didn't allow Ms. Li to sit down because she firmly refused to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In addition, Chou Minying forced the rest of the prisoners to stand still with Ms. Li. It caused the prisoners to hate practitioners. Chou didn't allow Ms. Li to leave the cell, take a shower, or use the restroom. Instead, the other prisoners were responsible for pouring out the chamberpot put in the cell for her to use instead of the toilet. If they didn't pour out the chamberpot, she wasn't allowed to, either. As a result, she consumed less food. Ms. Li suffered intense pressure and torture at the prison. She was released in 2003.

(4) Ms. Song Yujue, in her 50s, from the Putuo District, was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. She was arrested and taken to Shanghai Women's Prison in 2001. She was confined in a small cell for more than a month. She was closely monitored in the "specially-administered group," where she was forced to sit and stand still and copy the prison's rules of behavior by hand. She was also deprived of sleep, forced to carry a big barrel of water to clean the restroom, and threatened by the officials with an extension of her prison term. Due to the long-term physical and mental pressure, she became very weak.

(5) Ms. Song Jinhua, a senior at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, was sentenced to four years imprisonment. She was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison at the end of 2002. For a period of time, the criminal inmates dragged her up to the fifth floor every morning and tortured her because she refused to give up her belief. Group leaders Zhang Hongmei and Chou Minying used electric batons to shock Ms. Song, scorching her arms and head. Zhang Hongmei intentionally wrote Teacher's name on a piece of paper and tried to force Ms. Song to step on it. When she refused to do so, the inmates dragged her to step on Teacher's name while the guards stood aside and shouted, "Come look at this practitioner!"