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Ms. Shang Shiying and Other Practitioners Tortured at Fengnan Police Department and the Fengnan Detention Center

June 3, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Shang Shiying, Ms. Shan Huanrong, and Ms. Li Chunxiang from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, were illegally arrested in the Fengnan District, Tangshan City, in January 2010. In the Fengnan District Police Department, they were interrogated, tied to iron chairs, and handcuffed. Their feet were put in heavy shackles. Zhang Baocai, chief of the Fengnan Detention Center, and other guards brutally beat these three innocent women.

Ms. Shang Shiying is an employee of the Tangshan Workers Hospital. Before becoming a Falun Gong practitioner, she was hospitalized, as she often fainted because she had hyperthyroidism. In 1995 she had restored her health by practicing Falun Gong and living by the guiding principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on July 20, 1999, Ms. Shang was detained five to six times by the Tangshan Workers' Hospital. She was forced to do labor under the hot sun . Ms. Shan Huanrong was Ms. Shang's husband's sister-in-law. Before learning Falun Gong, Ms. Shan had severe rheumatoid arthritis. After becoming a practitioner, her illnesses disappeared.

On the afternoon of January 14, 2010, Ms. Shang Shiying, Ms. Shan Huanrong, and Ms. Li Chunxiang were arrested in Fengnan. The police did not show any identification. Ms. Shang and Ms. Shan's homes were both ransacked. Li Lianguang from the Fengnan District Police Department and Li Yingxiang from the Diaoyutai Police Station in Tangshan City were responsible.

In the Fengnan District Police Department, the police interrogated them. The three practitioners were forced to sit on iron chairs for 24 hours. They were not allowed to close their eyes and or use the bathroom. Because Ms. Shang refused to have her picture taken, Chief Yao from the Fengnan Domestic Security Team pulled her hair downwards by force, which caused a pinched nerve in her neck. The outside of her right thumb was numb and she was dizzy, with pain in her neck and shoulders. She also experienced high blood pressure.

On the night of January 15, 2010, the three women were taken to the Fengnan Detention Center. Zhang Baocai, head of the detention center, brutally kicked them. One of his kicks landed on Ms. Li's left breast, which was extremely painful for her. Zhang slapped Ms. Shang on the face and her face swelled up. When Zhang kept on slapping Ms. Shan, a guard tried to stop Zhang, but Zhang assaulted him, as well.

After the beatings, the three practitioners were handcuffed and shackled. Ms. Shang could not stand up because she felt dizzy, and her thumb was still numb. Her blood pressure went up to 170/100. She asked that the handcuffs and shackles be removed, but her request was ignored.

Two weeks later, Ms. Shang's had scars on her wrists because the handcuffs were so heavy and tight that her skin had been torn and rubbed off. The heavy shackles around her ankles had rubbed her socks threadbare.

Persons involved :
Li Xiaodong, chief of the Fengnan Domestic Security Team: 86-315-8169799, 86-13832984429 (Cell)

Zhang Baocai, chief of the Fengnan Detention Center: 86-315-8181775, 86-315-8198899, 86-13832984782 (Cell) 

Instructor Qiao Jinyou: 86-315-8123541, 86-315-8161999, 86-13832981991 (Cell)