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Three Stories of the Miraculous Healing Effects of Practicing Falun Dafa

June 4, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

Story 1: 70-Year-Old Lady No Longer Needs a Cane

This woman is 70-years-old this year. For several years she suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and the joints of her hands were all swollen. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, her son handed her Falun Gong books to the police station in order not to suffer on her account, and also refused to let her practice the exercises at home. After 2000, the woman's condition was getting worse. She spent more than 20,000 yuan on different medicines, but she didn't get better. Worse still, she ended up bedridden. In spite of her deteriorating condition, her family would not help her at all. Her husband said, "Just cut a hole in the bed and relieve yourself." The attitudes of her husband, son, and daughter-in-law were really disappointing.

The woman tried to stand up and resume practicing the exercises in her room. In the beginning, she could only get around with a cane. Gradually she could walk without using the stick. In her mind she often saw Master's benevolent image. She secretly cried many times. How could she validate Dafa? She went out to look for fellow practitioners, but she couldn't find any because the ones she knew before the persecution had either been detained or imprisoned.

When she returned home, her relatives were quite surprised to see her up and walking around. The elderly woman then told them how she had benefited from practicing Dafa. She asked her relatives to write down "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and to remember these words. She went out and walked through every part of her village, telling people, "Falun Dafa is good!" Whenever people thanked her, she said, "Don't thank me. Thank the Master of Dafa!" Her family members didn't understand her at first; some even opposed her. Afterwards, her family members were all convinced by how she had improved, observing firsthand the miraculous healing effect of Dafa. Her daughter even asked the woman to teach her husband's family to practice Falun Gong. Once ill and bedridden, this lady has been walking everywhere over the past seven or eight years. She doesn't take any medicine as many people her age do. This is the result of the miraculous effects of practicing Falun Dafa. Today she went to the market again to let more people know the truth.

Story 2: Master Saved Her Child

This story is about a young woman whose husband was persecuted to death several years ago just for practicing Falun Gong, leaving her and their 4-year-old son on their won. She cherishes this child very much and is always grateful to Falun Gong. Before the husband practiced Falun Gong, he did immoral things, contracted a sexually transmitted disease, and couldn't have children. After he practiced Dafa, he regained health, and a son was born to them one year later. Every May 13, this young lady buys the best fruit and cake, and she and her son give thanks to Master. She said, "It is Master that gave us his life."

After her husband was persecuted to death, the boy developed a hernia. She and her sister took him to the hospital to see about having him operated on. The doctor agreed to charge less after learning about her situation. However, just one day before the operation, the child recovered. Her sister often mentions this to others. The boy remained healthy this year even during the peak flu season.

Story 3: Asthma Disappears

Someone has described asthma patients as, "looking like they just finished running 800 meters." The following practitioner was born with asthma. Her mother, a nurse, tried all kinds of things to cure her daughter's illness, but nothing worked. After practicing Falun Dafa, this practitioner's asthma disappeared.

She was persecuted in Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province in 2003. Despite the brutal torture, she never gave up being a practitioner. A female guard once asked her, "There are so many types of qigong you are allowed to practice. Why did you choose Falun Gong?" She replied with a smile, "I tried all the others; my mom tried all kinds of treatments. None of them worked. Only by practicing Falun Gong did I understand the real purpose of life and become healthy."