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Persecution Accounts Inside the Shanghai Women's Prison (Part 6)

June 4, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) I know several ladies, among them young married women and a 70-year-old, who have all experienced the miracle of Dafa.



(6) Ms. Sun Zhuoying, a practitioner almost 60 years old, was sentenced to a four-year prison term in 2000. She was taken to Shanghai City Women's Prison and detained in Group 5, a strictly-administered group. The guards ordered her to stand and remain still until midnight for many days. They ordered her to clean a restroom that was used by ten other inmates, but wouldn't even allow her to use it. Even worse, the guards didn't allow Ms. Sun to dispose of the excrement and urine even when the container was full. They did so intentionally in order to instigate the other prisoners to hate Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Sun was never allowed to have a shower while she was detained. Under such squalid conditions, she developed skin diseases. Upon expiration of her prison term, she was taken to the brainwashing center, where she was detained for two months. In April 2005, Ms. Sun was arrested again and sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

(7) Ms. Li Weiling, a practitioner in her 50s, whose home address is Room 403, 318-4, Changning Road, Changning District, Shanghai City, was sentenced to an eight-year prison term. She was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison in 2001. In 2007, her family got the news that she was in a hospital in April 2006 because she had high-blood pressure and a heart attack. They also heard that the results of Ms. Li's physical exam showed that she had a gall stone, cholecystitis, choledochitis, and an unidentified hard lump. Moreover, she often fainted due to lack of oxygen. Her family asked the prison officials to release Ms. Li Weiling for medical care outside, but they didn't approve the request.

(8) Ms. Yu Peiying, who is Ms. Li Weiling's mother, was almost 70 years old when she was arrested for the second time in 2004. The court sentenced her to a three-year prison term even though her eldest daughter, Ms. Li Weihong, had been persecuted to death and her youngest daughter, Ms. Li Weiling, had been sentenced to an eight-year prison term. When she was taken to Shanghai City Women's Prison, she lost the ability to talk. After the guards found out that she was meeting her youngest daughter in the prison grounds, they prevented her from going outside again. Ms. Yu could only look out through the iron bars of the window. In September 2005, she had a stroke and was released for medical care outside of the prison.

(9) Ms. Lin Xiaoying was detained in a small isolated cell because she refused to be "transformed." She was not allowed to take a shower for one week even though it was 39 degrees Centigrade. Instigated by the guards, other inmates intentionally left dish detergent in her food bowl, which made her throw up.

(10) Officer Zhang Yongmei put practitioner Ms. Hong Pingping in a small, isolated cell and allowed her only a one-time shower during a period of three months from September to the following Chinese New Year. When other prisoners tortured her, they played loud music to drown out the sounds.

(11) The guards instigated criminal prisoners to force Ms. Qin Fengxian to step on a piece of paper with the name of the founder of Falun Gong. Ms. Qin would rather die than compromise. Zhang Hongmei and Chou Minying were the commanders when this happened.

(12) Ms. Zeng Aihua, a practitioner from Hong Kong, was forced to stand against the wall for a long time because she held firm in her belief in Falun Gong and refused to be transformed. The guards instigated criminal prisoners to persecute her. Song Ling was the commander responsible for the cell where Ms. Zeng was detained.

(13) Ms. Bai Gendi, a practitioner who had been imprisoned in Shanghai Women's Prison for five years, was arrested again in May 2006 and sentenced to another four and a half years in prison. She is now in Shanghai City Women's Prison. In order to force Ms. Bai to give in, the jail guards tied her arms and legs and hung her up. They even instigated the other prisoners to throw mice into the isolated cell where she was detained. When she shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" the jail guards and prisoners who monitored her closely used a piece of cloth to cover her mouth. They persecuted her this way for many days. Even when her blood pressure was over 200, the jail guards still tortured her and often organized big gatherings to criticize her.

(14) Ms. Wang Xuechun, a practitioner who got a master's degree from Tsinghua University, was sentenced to more than ten years in prison. Because she passed Falun Dafa articles to other practitioners, her term was extended by nine months.

(15) On July 26, 2008, officials from Putuo District 610 Office arrested Ms. Gu Jihong, a practitioner from Huangling Road in the Putuo District, Shanghai City. The Putuo District Court sentenced Ms. Gu to three years on November 19, 2008.

(16) Ms. Min Xiujuan, in her 60s, was arrested again and taken to the prison on June 2006. Because she refused to write a guarantee statement, commander Cao Chunhua (name by pronunciation) ordered four criminal inmates to monitor her closely and try to make her write the statement. Indulged by the jail guards, the four prisoners cursed Ms. Min and forced her to write a guarantee statement.

(17) On November 23, 2005, police officers arrested Ms. Xu Fengbao, who lived in Room 602, 757-22, Jinyang Road, Pudong Xinqu, Shanghai, while she was distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in a residential community. Later she was sentenced to three and a half years and taken to Shanghai Women's Prison. Mr. Lu Gentao, Ms. Xu's husband, also a practitioner, was arrested in the middle of the night on July 23, 2005, and detained in Zhangjiang Detention Center, which he has been until today. Puxing Police Station officers arrested Ms. Xu on March 17, 2010, while she was distributing truth-clarification materials at Golden Bridge Park, which is in the district of Puxing Street. She was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

(18) Ms. Zhang Shuying, 48, lived at 1039 Kongjiang Road, the Yangpu District, Shanghai. She is now in Shanghai Women's Prison. Yang Zhaoyue and other officials from the Yangpu District 610 Office arrested Ms. Zhang at her home in October 2007. They later sentenced her to three-year prison term. The officials have not allowed her family to visit.

(19) Ms. Liu Chengying has been suffering from hyperglycemia for a long time. Whil imprisoned, she was forced to do hard labor until she had cramps in her hands and was not able to work. She has been detained in a small isolated cell on the fourth floor and was not allowed to take a shower even in the hot summer.

(20) Shen Ailing, Lin Miaoxian, Zhong Bingnian, and several other criminal prisoners often held practitioner Ms. Chen Huiqun down and forced her to wear prison clothes. Instigated by the guards, they beat her secretly and took off her cotton clothes. Usually she was tied with a binding belt.

(21) Ms. Li Hongzhen, who lived in Room 504, 1521-7, Yan'an West Road, the Changning District, Shanghai, was sentenced to five years in prison by Changning District Court on October 15, 2001. Later she was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison. Once at a July 1 CCP (Chinese Communist Party) celebration, the guards took her to the front of the conference hall and insulted her for several hours, because she refuse to sing the songs praising the CCP.

(22) Ms. Shi Yiling currently lives in Room 404, 29, Gongyuan Xincun, Zhoupu Town, Pudong Nanhui Distrcit, Shanghai. On September 17, 2001, Luwan District Court sentenced her to four and a half years. She was detained in a small isolated cell as soon as she was taken to Shanghai Women's Prison. The guards brainwashed and attempted to "transform" her. They tortured her spiritually and tried to make her write the three statements and sign them. Later she was detained in Group 2 until June 2005 when she was released.

(23) Ms. Wu Xiaofeng, who lives at 704-1, Yingya Village, Kangqiao Town, the Nanhui District, Shanghai, was sentenced to four years by the Luwan District Court on September 17, 2001. In prison, she was brainwashed and "transformed" and was forced to write the three statements and sign them. Apart from spiritual torture, she also had to do heavy labor with overtime.

(24) Ms. Wang Jufang, whose home address is Room 302, Bldg 5, Dazhong Xincun, Xiasha Town, Nanhui District, Shanghai, was sentenced to three and a half years by the Minhang District Court. In Shanghai Women's Prison, the guards forced her to do hard labor, deprived her of sleep, tried to make her write the three statements all night long, and forced her to watch CCP propaganda programs that defamed Falun Gong and praised the Party.

(25) Ms. Qu Lingjuan, whose home address is Room 1, No. 560, Feiqiao Village, Xiasha Town, the Nanhui District, Shanghai, was sentenced to three and a half years by the Minhang District Court on August 23, 2002. In Shanghai Women's Prison, the guards forced her to do hard labor, deprived her of sleep, forced her to write the three statements all night long, and forced her to watch CCP propaganda that defamed Falun Gong and praised the Party. They also ordered the criminal prisoners to monitor her closely and report everything about her in detail.

(26) Ms. Cao Beiqin was detained in Group 5, Shanghai Women's Prison, where she suffered inhumane torture. She was often detained in a small, isolated cell and deprived of sleep all night long. The guards did not allow her to use the restroom or allow her to empty her chamber pot. They forced her to do the prison calisthenics. The guards and criminal prisoners were often heard cursing Ms. Cao. Instigated by the guards, criminal prisoners put slips of paper everywhere with words that defamed Falun Dafa and the founder of Dafa. She was not allowed to sit, sleep, walk, or take a shower. In the cell of only three square meters, they played repeatedly and loudly a tape recorder that tortured her spiritually. Because she refused to admit to any "crimes," refused to do the hard labor, and went on a hunger strike, she was detained in a small isolated cell. She was often taken to the front and criticized at big and small meetings.

(27) Ms. Huang Ying, in her 40s, was arrested and taken to Group 5, Shanghai Women's Prison, in 2002. She was forced to stand still from early in the morning till lat at night when all the other prisoners were asleep. She was also forced to stand still in the bright sunlight with the temperature at 38 degrees centigrade. Due to standing for so long, her lower legs were almost as big as her thighs, and she couldn't put on her shoes. She was not allowed to take a shower the whole summer.

(28) Ms. Ge Xiaotian from the Haijinshan District was pregnant when she was detained in Jinshan District Detention Center. Rather than release her, she was sentenced to a three-year prison term after several months of detention. As soon as she stopped lactating was over, the police immediately took her to Group 5, Shanghai Women's Prison.

When Ms. Ge Xiaotian was taken to the prison, she was detained in a small isolated cell, where she was tortured physically and spiritually. Her hair turned half white soon thereafter. Because she insisted on practicing the Falun Gong exercises, guard Guo Weihua used an electric baton to shock her legs and left many scars. They used a leather belt to bind her from behind and forced her to stand still every day. They didn't unbind her either to eat or to sleep. Her hands swelled. When she menstruated and bled on the bedsheets, they still didn't unbind her. Ms. Ge was released in 2007, but was arrested again in 2010 and sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. She is now detained in the forced labor camp.

(To be continued)

Date: 05/16/2010