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Eliminating Human Notions and Doing a Good Job with the Three Things

June 4, 2010 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Here I share my cultivation experiences with fellow practitioners. I hope that by sharing, we can practice cultivation diligently, harmonize with what Teacher wants us to do, seize the last opportunity, progress diligently on the divine path, and fulfill solemn vows.

1. My Wife's Recovery from an Incurable Disease

I was born in a poor peasant family in a poor village in the western part of Liaoning Province. I struggled to finish my college studies in 1996. Soon after I got married, my wife came down with an incurable disease. In order to treat my wife's disease, I borrowed a lot of money from others. No matter how much I tried to help her, her health got worse and worse. When I almost gave up, my wife encountered the Fa through a colleague of hers. Our lives changed greatly from that point on.

The day she began practicing Falun Gong, she miraculously had a good sleep, which hadn't happened in years. Within a week, blush returned to her face which had been black and blue. The puffiness in her body disappeared. Her body became much stronger than before. She said she got rid of the disease, and could go to work now. Altogether with other illnesses, her incurable disease miraculously disappeared. I was too excited to believe it.

My wife's bad temper vanished after she practiced Falun Gong. She had never allowed others to criticize her before, but since she started to practice Falun Gong, she has always been kind to me and all the other family members. We have all witnessed the wonderful and miraculous effects of Falun Dafa. Strangely, whenever my wife practiced the exercises, as soon as the music started, I would feel the rhythm, even when I was sleeping. I would feel the center of my palms and feet jumping with the music. Sometimes I woke up immediately after I fell asleep; however, I did not feel sleepy, but rather I felt very relaxed and awake. When I think back on it now, I realize it was Teacher adjusting my body.

I witnessed all the miracles that happened to my wife. Within days, she recovered from an incurable disease, her temper improved dramatically, and she became compassionate and kind.

Seeing such great results, I started to practice Falun Gong myself. My health was relatively good, and my understanding of the Fa was not enough, so at the beginning, my understanding remained at a superficial level, that Dafa can treat diseases. I did not cherish Dafa very well, though I knew it was good. I only read Zhuan Falun once in an entire year. Sometimes, I just opened the book and something urgent would happen and I would stop reading. Later, I learned this was interference. Even though I did not practice Falun Gong diligently, my rhinitis and periarthritis of the shoulder disappeared. I always feel guilty whenever I think of Teacher's benevolent care.

Soon it was July 20, 1999, when the communist regime started the persecution of Falun Gong. I had obtained the Fa only a short while before, and I was not practicing diligently, and thus neither of us did a good job of safeguarding the Fa. The only thing I did was to protect fellow practitioners at work. Teacher gave me a second chance. He planned a special opportunity for me, and he called me back onto the divine path during a dream. Once, two fellow practitioners came to my home, and told us how when they walked to Beijing to validate Dafa, Teacher encouraged them again and again by miraculous manifestations. When I was listening, I felt like I was surrounded by a strong energy field. I had never had similar feelings before. Thus, I told myself firmly that I must be diligent in practicing Falun Dafa. This was the first time I experienced Teacher strengthening me. Since then, I made up my mind to truly practice Falun Dafa.

2. Validating Dafa at work

Since practicing Falun Gong, the burden from my wife and my family disappeared, and my work became smoother and smoother. Within two years, I was promoted all the way up from technician to section head of technology. I know for sure that all this was endowed by Teacher. Teacher said: "he is full of great aspirations while minding minor details." ("Sage", Essentials for Further Advancement)

I always remind myself that I must play a good role in my human affairs, and at the same time, I must practice Falun Gong very well. Only by doing so can I validate Dafa. Therefore, no matter what I do, I always try my best to do it well, and do it based on the Fa. I don't complain about how hard I need to work and how much I need to sacrifice. I just pay attention to details, work hard, and set a good example for others.

When I am doing things based on the Fa, Dafa will give me endless wisdom. No matter what I do, as long as I try, I can accomplish it in a way that ordinary people think is the best. The technology section I was leading was considered the best among a dozen technology sections by the headquarters. The team I was leading was considered the best. I lead my team to create a good work ethic, and elevated the team's design capabilities and overall quality, which was considered to be a good model for other units. Teacher endowed me with all these abilities because he wanted me to take advantage of them to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa and save sentient beings - not just to lead others.

People recognize my character and capabilities, so when I tell them the truth about Falun Gong, and ask them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they are willing to listen to me. I have persuaded many people to quit the CCP, many of whom are intellectuals and leaders. Once I talked with my company president about Falun Gong. At the beginning, I had strong human notions and I was confused. As I talked, I had the thought from the bottom of my heart that, "I must save you." With the human notions gone, I started talking nonstop. He listened and nodded his head. He told me that his classmate had told him a similar story, but he did not take it seriously. He had thought that Falun Gong was "getting political" (something the Chinese Communist Party accuses anyone that challenges it of, as if making a political statement is a bad thing) but now he said he truly understood.

Through this, I learned that status and positions in human society are unimportant. Just like what Master has said, "... you are now their only hope for entering the future." (Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People). Dafa disciples' responsibility is to do the three things well and to fulfill our prehistoric vows. Let us not be bound by our human notions and let's save sentient beings.

I cultivated myself and got rid of many attachments, such as the attachment of fear. Once, a fellow practitioner at my workplace reminded me to be careful. He told me that someone wanted to report me to the government because I always asked people to quit the CCP. I only said "thank you" to him, without being afraid. I believed, "I am following what Teacher has told us to do. No one is qualified to interfere." It turned out that nothing dangerous happened to me at all. Later on, I was told that several people from the domestic security bureau once came to my workplace and had wanted to see me. My workplace refused. Through this, I believe more firmly that as long as Dafa practitioners follow Teacher's instructions, everything will be planned by Teacher, and the old forces cannot interfere all all.

3. Building a Family Material Site

In 2005, my wife and I started a material production site at our home to produce local materials and copies of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. During the process, I eliminated many attachments and learned how to keep the equipment working. When the equipment is lazy and wants to take a break, I would tell it, "We are doing the most righteous task in the universe. You have to cooperate and give yourself a good place, you will receive good rewards in the future." It would start working again right away.

With only a few practitioners familiar with computer technology in the local area being constantly very busy, I realized that my skills in working with the equipment should be put to more widespread use. Master gave me the wisdom to repair printers and computers. I began to take charge of many repair and maintenance tasks for other material sites as well. Dafa is supernormal. Being a Fa tool, material production sites are also supernormal. As I understand it, problems with the equipment are also sometimes supernormal and you can't solve them using ordinary human techniques. When we are full of righteous thoughts, Master will give us the wisdom. With some problems that arise, I have no idea what to do at all, but along the way I begin to find a solution. Sometimes, I just have to shake it and wipe the dust off the top and the problem is solved. Throughout the process, I realize that repairing the equipment is a process of cultivating myself. As long as I am a cultivator, Dafa will give me the necessary knowledge. On the contrary, if I were moved by human notions, such as attachments to fame, joy, anxiety or to doing work, the result would turn out to be the opposite. There have been many lessons in this regard and I will not name them one by one.

4. Coordinating the Entire Body, Exposing the Evil, and Saving Sentient Beings

As Master's Fa-Rectification progresses, the evil forces are diminishing. "Poison is just poisonous, and if you want it to stop being poisonous it can't do that."(Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Phildelphia, USA).

Every time I read articles on Clearwisdom describing news of a mainland Dafa practitioner being persecuted, I feel the urgency of exposing the evil and halting the persecution. Through communicating with fellow practitioners, we added a new task of "Exposing the Evildoers in a Timely Fashion" in our daily truth clarification work. Each day, we summarize all the persecution information on Clearwisdom. Through phone calls, text messages and mail, we send warnings and words of kindness to all the evildoers, creating a huge effect on them, thus stopping the persecution, saving sentient beings, and rescuing fellow practitioners.

We have done this for the past several months and the effect has been very good. If more mainland Chinese practitioners can participate in this effort, imagine the great effects it would have!