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Our Family's Happiness Comes from Practicing Falun Gong

June 4, 2010 |   By a Falun Gong Practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) My husband and I are practitioners who began practicing Falun Dafa after the persecution started in 1999. We follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and strive to be better people. Practicing Falun Gong has brought happiness and harmony to us, and the entire family has benefited.

1. Prior to Practicing Falun Gong

Prior to practicing Falun Gong I suffered from a dozen health problems such as high blood pressure, arthritis, neurasthenia, and Hepatitis B. I was also allergic to many medicines and I had to endure the pain. My husband also had many health problems such as heart disease, duodenal ulcer and bursitis in his shoulder. We suffered and experienced the hardships of human life. Just then a Falun Gong practitioner brought us great fortune. She told us the miracles that happened to her and the wonders of Falun Gong and persuaded us to begin practicing. Thinking I could give it a try, I started the practice.

2. Falun Gong Manifests Miracles

Soon after that, Master gave me hope for life. My body was purified. I gained weight as well, increasing my weight from 35kg to 70kg (approximately 150 lbs). I was unable to express my joy.

Not too long after I attained the Fa my husband, my mother, my third-oldest sister and her daughter-in-law, and my sister-in-law all became practitioners.

After my husband started practicing Falun Gong, all his illnesses disappeared. He is energetic, like a young man, despite his 62 years.

My mother is 82 years old this year. She had pneumonia in 2004 and was bedridden. While hospitalized, the doctor said she could maximally live up to six months. She came home after 20 days in the hospital, since there was no sign of improvement. I said, "Mother has a terminal illness; only Falun Gong's Master can save her. Let her start practicing Falun Gong." My mother then started practicing. She improved day-by-day and completely recovered after two weeks. Not only the pneumonia, but all her other health problems disappeared, too.

3. Falun Dafa is Good

My daughter firmly believes in and reads Falun Gong books and materials. Although she does not practice Falun Gong, she follows the principles and is strict with herself. She often silently recites "Falun Gong is good," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." When she suffers from sickness she often asks for Master to help. Master always helps her.

While in college she once caught a cold and coughed continuously at night, preventing her roommates from sleeping well. That night she could not stand it any more and asked, "Master, I can't stand it any more. Please help me recover tomorrow." The next day she did not cough at all.

When she graduated from college in 2005 I thought to have my husband get her a good job by leveraging his relationships. My husband said to me, "We are all Falun Gong practitioners. We should know that everyone has his/her own fate. We need not worry about our daughter's future. Master will arrange everything." I let go of my worries and my daughter found a satisfying teaching job at a school in one of the big cities.

My daughter was pregnant in 2006. We moved from our mountain village to the city and lived with her and her husband, to help with the baby on the way. With Master's protection, shortly after we came to the city we connected with local practitioners. We established our family informational materials production site in February 2008, with their help.

I encountered a lot of difficulty initially because I was unfamiliar with computer technology. With my daughter and son-in-law's help, those problems were solved. They are supportive of our efforts to validate the Fa. When we had to go out of town, they took care of the materials site so other practitioners had access to information. My daughter and son-in-law also follow the principles of Falun Gong and treat students and other teachers kindly, making them successful at work. They live a happy life.

Our entire family has been showered with Master's mighty mercy. We often talk about the wonders of Falun Gong and watch the Falun Gong truth-clarification CDs and Shen Yun Show DVDs. Even our three-year-old grandson often recites Hong Yin with us. The five of us are healthy, harmonious and happy. This is because we practice Falun Gong, where our happiness comes from.