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Ms. Wang Xuemei Dies in Custody

June 4, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Name: Wang Xuemei (王雪梅)
Gender: Female
Age: 46
Address: Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Prefecture, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Death: May 21, 2010
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 6, 2009
Most Recent Place of Detention: Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center, Alihe Town (鄂伦春旗阿里河看守所)
City: Oroqen Prefecture
Province: Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, imprisonment, torture, home ransacked, interrogation, detention


Ms. Wang Xuemei died in police custody on May 21, 2010. Little has been reported about her story, aside from the following:

Officers from Dayangshu Town Police Department arrested Ms. Wang Xuemei on November 6, 2009. More than 30 practitioners have been arrested here since November 2009. Police officers forced their way into practitioners' homes, asking, "Do you still practice?" If the answer was "Yes," they would be immediately arrested and detained in the Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center, Alihe Town, as Dayangshu Town has no detention center. Practitioners were violently beaten, and only given two steamed buns and two bowls of broth with a few dirty vegetable leaves in it per day. Many practitioners developed health problems.

Two court trials were held on March 9 and 10, 2010, where 18 practitioners were sentenced to prison terms varying between 1 and 7 years. Ms. Wang appeared very ill, and requested medical parole. Her family only saw her briefly in court, and were denied any visitation rights or contact with her prior to the trial. The next time Ms. Wang's family saw her was when they went to see her body in the detention center after she died on May 21, 2010. Before Ms. Wang's arrest she was very healthy, weighing 160 pounds. Her weight had dropped to 110 pounds before she died.

Wang Liangsen, director of Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center: 86-13848075599 (Cell)
Zheng Wenlong, CCP director of Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center: 86-13847046488 (Cell)
Guo Guanghui: deputy director of Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center: 86-13847088193 (Cell)
Ao Dingzhu: deputy director of Oroqen Prefecture Detention Center: 86-13789601158 (Cell)
Yu Shichun, director of Oroqen Prefecture Police Department: 86-13947013077 (Cell)
Hou Qingjie, deputy director of Oroqen Prefecture Police Department: 86-13804707007 (Cell)
Li Benxue: police officer at Dayangshu Town Branch of Oroqen Prefecture Police Department: 86-13847072678 (Cell)

Dayangshu Town Branch of Oroqen Prefecture Police Department: 86-470-5712307
Dayangshu Town Forest Police Department: 86-4705720439