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With One Practitioner In the Family, the Entire Family Benefits

June 5, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) My family is a testimony of the saying that if one person practices, the entire family benefits!

Before I practiced Falun Gong, I had all kinds of illnesses, including gastric hemorrhage, uterine fibroids, headaches, and backache. When my condition was most severe, I was just skin and bones. After practicing Dafa, all my diseases disappeared. My husband told others emotionally, "My wife would be dead if she hadn't practiced Falun Gong! It is really good!"

My father was the one who experienced the biggest change. He was a high-ranking official and was confused about Falun Gong. For many years, my younger sister was not healthy and she had moved in with my parents with her child. My father developed heart problems in 2004. The doctor said that he needed a pacemaker to support his heart, but we didn't have enough money for the surgery. I took the opportunity to tell my father that he could recover by practicing Falun Dafa. Witnessing the dramatic changes in me since I started practicing Falun Gong, my father decided to give it a try. A miracle occurred, and my father's heart condition began improving. When he went back to the hospital, he was told that he didn't need the pacemaker.

My father later had a problem with his wrist. He couldn't bend it because it was swollen and distorted. Because of the pain, he was not able to sleep for days. He went to Normal University's Hospital for treatment. He spent more than 10,000 yuan but gained no relief. He also even tried many different advertised medications, but achieved no results.

I told my father, "You were treated with many different types of drugs and you spent a lot of money, but could not be cured. Please return to practicing Falun Gong!" Father asked, "I used to go to the hospital and take drugs when I was sick. Can Master still take care of me?" I replied firmly, "Of course He will! As long as you practice, Master will take care of you. Only Falun Dafa can save your life." So father resumed his practice.

One day, he told me, "I had a dream last night. I was told that there is a wall for me to fix. Master has passed a message to me to resume practicing. Master still takes care for me! I must be diligent!"

Father has resumed practicing. He became very healthy and his temperament has also changed. He used to quarrel a lot with my mother. They had consistently quarreled since they got married. When father got angry, he would beat her and take out his anger out on things by smashing them. Now father is the one who takes care of his eighty year-old wife, sick daughter, and granddaughter. He makes the food, maintains the plants in the yard, heats the boiler, and takes good care of the entire family.

Father also told my mother, my younger sister and his grandchild that he believes that Dafa is good. Under his care and love, my mother escaped danger and helped my younger sister regain her energy. My 84 year-old father practices Dafa and he is healthy and happy. He brought happiness to the entire family, and all my neighbors admire him.

There was another shocking incident that happened five years ago. My youngest son drove big trucks, along with another man. One day, as they drove back with a full truck of sand, they crashed into a bus. The two vehicles immediately became a pile of twisted metal, and a crane had to be used to separate them. Many people on the bus were injured. The back of the truck driver's head had a big hole in it and he died shortly thereafter. But my son escaped injury, except for a cut beneath his nose.

During the collision of the two vehicles, my son claimed that everything went black, and he thought that this was the end for him. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was fine, although sand and crushed glass were all over him. He said that it was Dafa that saved his life!

Yes, Falun Dafa is good! Dafa lifts up the moral standard and turns chaos into peace.