Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

The Buddha Light Shines on Me

July 17, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) I work as an administrator in the office of a Political Legal Department. Because I grew up under the atheistic Communist Party culture, I was very selfish and narrow minded. My goals in life were making money and pursing fame. After I learned Falun Dafa, I was very strict with myself about following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person.

Over the last seven decades, the Chinese Communist Party has used the doctrines of atheism, evolution, and materialism to destroy China's five thousand years of divinely-imparted culture. The CCP employed violent suppression by concocting lies to deceive and brainwash the poor Chinese citizens. Over these past 70 years the Chinese people have lost all moral restraint, and the moral values inside all of China have declined rapidly. Nowadays, people try to plot against each other and outwit each other, and they value money more than life. Corrupt officials and merchants are everywhere, and there are natural and manmade disasters happening all over China. The poor Chinese people suffer mentally and physically without knowing why.

On May 13, 1992, when Falun Dafa was first taught, it was like a spring thunderstorm shaking Mainland China. Millions of people emerged from the fog of malevolent communist doctrines and said goodbye to their mental and physical anguish as they walked straight into Buddha's shinning light.

My 78-year-old mother more fit than a youngster

My mother grew up in a poor family. Because she could not go to school, she began picking cotton when she was eight. Later she learned how to weave cloth, and she was sent to farm the land in 1958. Due to a life of hard, physical work, she developed all sorts of illnesses: low blood pressure, low platelet count, a chronic cough, and a stomach so painful that, at times, she required a morphine injection.

In October 1998, she began to learn Falun Dafa. Over the last 12 years, she has studied the Fa and exercised with fellow practitioners daily and lived by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In only a few months, all her illnesses vanished. She looked like a new person with smooth, fair skin. Before Dafa she was very thin and full of winkles. She has not taken a single pill in all this time, and she is able to walk very fast. My 78-year-old mother and I are very happy and grateful to have learned this Dafa.

The most astonishing miracle was she was able to read the main text of Falun Dafa, Zhuan Falun, which is over 300 pages, and she did not even need reading glasses.

In order to clarify the truth to the Chinese people, she walked approximately 40 kilometers on a mountain path and did not feel tired. I asked her one time, "How can you walk so fast?" She proudly replied, "When I close my eyes, my body feels like its flying forward, so how can I slow down?" My neighbor also said, "Your mother has such a good health, and she seems like she is running when she walks." When we toured Qingcheng Mountain, she was the first one to reach the top of the mountain, which is 1600 meters high. My sisters went home and suffered with aching legs for days, but not my mother!

Witnessing my mother's miraculous change and the wonders of Dafa, eight of our relatives decided to take up the path of cultivation in Falun Dafa.

Falun Dafa taught me to be an honest, upright official

At my workplace I was able to treat others with compassion, and I took on the difficulties and problems myself. When other staff members made mistakes, I helped them do better with heart-to-heart talks. For example, a young policeman often went to gamble when he was on duty. His supervisor took him to task and berated him, but the young man did not change his ways. I talked with him by conveying compassion and kindness, and he responded with tears, saying "This is the third time you have talked with me. Nobody ever treated me so kindly. I know you want the best for me, and if I do not change, I am not a good human being." From then on, he stopped gambling, and he diligently worked hard and soon became accountable and a very reliable member of our staff. His wife also told me that he had changed and he thought about work related issues even in his sleep.

I often would lend a hand to people when they came for help with their transportation expenses and meal tickets. When they said that they wished all the officials would be as kindhearted and good as me, I asked them to say "Falun Dafa is good."

I am not affected by the temptations around me, and I care even less for fame or benefit. I carry out my duties honestly and diligently, never ask anything for myself, and will never accept any bribes or gifts. If I cannot return something, I give the value in money to the Office of the Disciplinary Committee. One day a policeman gave me a bag of gifts, and I gave him a bottle of wine the value of his gifts, but when he left I found a carton of cigarettes worth two hundred yuan. I called him into my office the next day and he refused to take it back. I told him if he did not take it back, I would take it to the Disciplinary Committee. Only then did he take it back.

Once, a worker put an envelope with several hundred yuan in my drawer at the office. I told him, "If you do that, sometime in the future when I may have to speak up for you, I might not able to." He was ashamed and took the envelope back. Most of the staff know my character now and will no longer offer me bribes.

Thanks to Dafa, all my co-workers and my supervisor all view my upright and honest character and my diligent work ethic favorably.

My relatives and friends benefit from believing Dafa

Falun Dafa not only brings miracles to practitioners, it also bring happiness to people who believe in Dafa.

My cousin, an assistant principal of a village school, was deceived by the CCP's lies about Falun Dafa. In the summer of 2005, my mother explained the facts about Falun Dafa to him, but he did not believe her and repeated the lies spread by the CCP. The next morning he developed a sore throat. He asked his wife, who works at the hospital, to treat him. After several days on an IV, he felt something was wrong. He usually got well after such a treatment, but this time he got worse. He went to the hospital and the doctor said it might be throat cancer and wanted to hospitalize him for treatment. He came back to my house and said in despair, "The hospital diagnosed me with throat cancer; my time is limited." He called the principal to ask about his health insurance and called his wife to get the money.

I told him, "If you truly have cancer, the only thing that can help you now is Dafa." I told him the truth about the April 25th peaceful appeal for Dafa and the truth about the Tiananmen Square Self Immolation. I told him that Dafa is omnipotent and that, as long as he believed, miracles would happen. He said to me, "If you believe in Dafa, I also believe Dafa." He took a copy of Zhuan Falun home to read.

Several days later, he came back and said, "It is truly a miracle. I went home and read Zhuan Falun, and received several days of IV fluid, and my sore throat is gone. I went to the hospital for another exam, and they said it was just an inflammation."

On May 4, 2006, I visited him. He showed me the Dafa amulet (1) that my mother had given him. He told me that he had just returned from a trip from Guangan and that his amulet had saved them all. He told me the story: "On May 1, the school organized teachers for a field trip. As our bus travelled to Huaying Mountain district, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and could smell gasoline. I knew that something was wrong with the vehicle and told the driver to stop and exam the vehicle. The driver attempted to stop, but the brakes did not work. He used an emergency procedure to reduce the speed and finally reached a car repair shop to get the brakes fixed." My cousin knew it was Dafa that had alerted him in time. If there had been another car coming and their vehicle had no brakes, they would have gone over the cliff. These two near-death personal experiences helped him to enlighten that Falun Dafa has come to fundamentally save people.

My husband's brother-in-law went to work out of town. He suffered severe gastric intestinal bleeding and was emaciated. When he learned the truth about Falun Dafa, each day he would say sincerely, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good." He watched DVDs on the true facts of Falun Dafa and the Shen Yun Performing Arts show.. Gradually he gained weight and became healthy with a glow on his face, and he is now full of energy. He farmed the field that other farmers did not want. He and his wife each farmed a ten-acre field and they are both in their 50s. They have a sow and ten big pigs. One day the sow refused to nurse the baby pigs that were screaming for milk. The couple worried so much they could not sleep, as there were numerous pigs who were sick and dying around the village. They rely on raising the pigs to send their son to college. He went to the pigpen and said, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are good." After several minutes, the sow began nursing her babies. He returned and told his wife, and she could not believe it. She came out to see. They both were very grateful.

My younger sister, who lives in the Dujiangyan disaster area, not only believes in Dafa, she also tells her friends the facts about the unlawful persecution and tries to persuads people to quit the CCP and all its affiliated organizations. At the time of the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, she evaded the huge disaster by just a few minutes. She usually takes a nap until 3 p.m. everyday. That day she was resting when her nephew, who had come to Dujiangyan to pick up his paycheck, went to her house to avoid the rain and knocked on her door at 2:27 p.m. The moment she opened the door, the earthquake began and a huge piece of furniture fell down onto her bed. She kept saying, "Thank you, Master Li Hongzhi!" Her best friend and eight other people were playing a card game when the earthquake began. They went out to stand by a wall, when suddenly the wall gave in and those eight people died. Her best friend, who understood the truth of Dafa and had quit the CCP, only had a minor injury. Later she sent my sister a message and thanked her for saving her. My sister replied, "You should thank Dafa and Master Li Hongzhi."

Falun Dafa is also call Falun Gong, and it is an advanced way of cultivating both body and soul. The Great Law--Dafa--uses the simplest language and scientific theories to explain to people why they have illness, disasters, and difficulties in life and how to truly and completely eliminate these illnesses and disasters. Millions of Dafa cultivators all across the world can personally verify that Dafa is the highest universal law. The age we are in now is the most important historical time period, and whoever is able to realize the truth of Dafa, he or she will have the best possible future.

(1) Amulet - In China, practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.