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Mr. Wang Haihui Brutally Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for Eight Months

July 17, 2010

Name: Wang Haihui (王海辉 )
Gender: Male
Age: 30s
Address: Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: Unknown
Most Recent Place of Detention: Masanjia Forced Labor Camp (马三家教养院 )
City: Shenyang
Province: Liaoning
Persecution Suffered: Hung up, beaten, tied to a bed, solitary confinement, and torture
Key Persecutors: Hongchang (高洪昌), Yu Jiang (于江), Jing Hongbo (井洪波), Li Meng (李猛) and Su Jufeng Gao (苏巨峰)

(Clearwisdom.net) (By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Liaoning Province) Mr. Wang Haihui is a resident of Heishan County, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. He is being held in the 3rd Brigade, 1st Ward of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, a special unit established in September 2008 to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. It was confirmed by a reliable insider that the camp guards have been torturing Mr. Wang by hanging him up by his handcuffs, putting him in a straightjacket, tying him to a bed frame, etc., for eight months, ever since October 18, 2009. Many parts of his body have become swollen, infected, or bruised. His life is in danger.

On October 18, 2009, when practitioners were forced to sign a statement renouncing their faith in Falun Gong, Mr. Wang smudged the signed statements hanging on the walls. As a result, Gao Hongchang, director of the 1st Ward; Jing Hongbo and Yu Jiang, captains of the 3rd Brigade; and officers Li Meng and Su Jufeng started to brutally torture him. First, more than 20 camp guards beat Mr. Wang for a long time. Then he was confined in the special management room and tortured around the clock. The labor camp officials closely covered up their crime to keep news about what they were doing from leaking out of the labor camp.

Please help contact Mr. Wang Haihui's family if you know them so that they can visit, help protect, and save him.

More Information on the Special Unit for Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners

On September 29, 2008, the 3rd Brigade in the 1st Ward was established specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Gao Hongchang was the captain of the brigade at the time. At the end of 2008, the Liaoning Province Judicial Department and the Liaoning Province Forced Labor Bureau recognized the brigade as a provincial "model unit" for their excellence in persecuting Falun Gong. Gao Hongchang was promoted to director of the 1st Ward. Jing Hongbo was appointed captain of the brigade.

It was reported that over 100 practitioners were detained at the brigade when it was first established. Later, the Liaoning Province Judicial Department and the Liaoning Province Forced Labor Bureau disbanded the brigades that persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in other labor camps and the male practitioners were transferred here. Some practitioners were sent from Beijing. All of the practitioners who refuse to renounce Falun Gong have been and still are being brutally tortured here.

Main Perpetrators

Gao Hongchang, in his 40s, police No. 2108123, is the director of the 1st Ward. He was the captain of the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Ward when it was established. He is very vicious. He directly participated in the brutal persecution of over 20 Falun Gong practitioners at the beginning and that was how he got promoted. It was difficult for the practitioners' family members to see the practitioners being tortured and they wanted to get them released earlier. Gao Hongchang profited from their concern to extort large amounts of money from them. Under his influence, all the camp guards extorted money from the practitioners' families.

Gao Hongchang

Yu Jiang, about 38 years old, police No. 2108213, is the deputy captain of the 3rd Brigade. He directed and conducted the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Under his orders and with his involvement, practitioners were tortured in different ways such as being hung up, put on the death bed, electrically shocked, etc. He forced practitioners to do hard labor more than 16 hours a day. He also extorted large amounts of money from practitioners' families. His cell phone number is 13840046635.

Jing Hongbo, about 44 years old, police No. 2108085, is the captain of the 3rd Brigade. He is very ruthless and often complained that the practitioners did not do enough hard labor. He made money from the products made by practitioners under such duress.

Jing Hongbo

Su Jufeng, about 28 years old, police No. 2108597, is an officer in the 3rd Brigade. He was in charge of brainwashing practitioners. Because he actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, he was promoted.

Li Meng, about 29 years old, police No. 2108598, is an officer in the 3rd Brigade. He actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and was promoted as a result.