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San Diego: Nobel Laureate Says "The Music Was Great!" (Photos)

July 18, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Shen Yun Performing Arts staged three awe-inspiring shows at the San Diego Civic Theatre in San Diego, California, on July 13-15, 2010.

Professor Robert Engle III attended the third and final show of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the San Diego Civic Theatre.

Among the many VIPs at the show was Professor Robert Engle III winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2003. He currently teaches at New York University, in the Stern School of Business.

During intermission, Dr. Engle said, "I think it's great! I love Chinese music and dance and this is a nice example of it. Very interesting."

He talked about the music and dancers, saying, "The music was great, I liked it very much, and the "dancers were very good, too."

"Most of the shows I see in New York are American shows, not Chinese shows. The ballet, opera--so this has different characteristics," said Dr. Engle, adding, It's was "aesthetically very nice."

Former Screen Writer: "The Best Show I Have Ever Seen"

Raquel Cheirif, a former script writer for TV and movies.

Former TV and movie script writer Raquel Cheirif was also in the audience, accompanied by her friend, Danny Ashel, a former textile engineer who was equally excited about the show.

"This show is magnificent," she said. "I think it's the best show I have ever seen. I went to China, but I didn't see this kind of show there. Fantastic!"

She was awestruck by the colors and how the dancers moved, saying, "It's like they're floating in the air. It's so beautiful."

Being a lover of Chinese culture, Ms. Cheirif was delighted to see the many different ethnic groups in China represented in the show.

"It's different because I think that your show here portrays every province and every place. I love Chinese culture," she said.

She was touched by how the different performances were able to bring out different spiritual elements in Chinese culture.

"It's incredible. I think it's marvelous, really. It moved me," she exclaimed.

"Now! I'm going to call my daughter and everybody to tell them how beautiful this show is!"

Mr. Ashel also shared his experience with the show. "I love this. I was in China twice. I love China," he said.

He continued, "But this show was so extraordinary. There was the color, the movement, the grace, and the beauty. It was harmonious. It was wonderful. I'll see it every year."

When asked if he would consider recommending the show to others, Mr. Ashel enthusiastically replied, "Oh, I'll tell everybody to come next year. It should [have been] this year, but next year we are coming, maybe 50,000 of us!"

"It Was Beautiful!" Says International Vocalist and Dancer

Singer and dancer Chantal Roche.

Chantal Roche, a professional singer and dancer thoroughly enjoyed the show.

"I love the show, it's a feast for the eyes," said Ms. Roche.

"All these beautiful colors, the costumes, the dancing are superb; the music is gorgeous, and the orchestra is fabulous!"

Ms. Roche has been a dancer since she was a child and can sing in five different languages. She just started singing opera within the past 2 years.

Ms. Roche said she loved the opera singers in the show. "Oh, beautiful, the tenor was beautiful, the soprano, and the female soprano were really wonderful. It was a beautiful show."

Commenting on the dancing, she said, "The dancing is all superb, the flexibility of the bodies--it was beautiful!"

The cultural content of the show also intrigued Ms. Roche, as well as the spiritual theme of the show.

"It was beautifully done. They were talking about a spiritual path, and they were talking about Buddha. It has a base of spirituality which is magnificent. There is a message that is being offered out there."

When asked to give her overall impression of the show, she said, "I think it's a beautiful, spiritual show, so it's not just about dancing and singing, there is also a basic message that is about spirituality.

"I recommend it to everyone, and the beauty of this is that any age can go and see this. Could be children, middle aged, or older people. It's just a feast to the eyes, so I think everybody should have a taste of this."



