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Sydney, Australia: Grand March Held in Protest of the 11-Year Persecution (Photos)

July 20, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 17, Sydney practitioners held a grand march to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China and call for public support to end the persecution.

Divine Land Marching Band leads the march

Divine Land Marching Band

Divine Land Marching Band

Divine Land Marching Band

Falun Dafa Is Good

The World Needs Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance


Stop the Communist Party's 11-Year Persecution of Falun Gong


Commemorating practitioners who were killed in the persecution

Commemorating practitioners who were killed in the persecution

Exposing the CCP's brutal crime of organ harvesting


At 3 pm, led by the Divine Land Marching Band, the procession marched toward Chinatown. The band was followed by several large banners. Following the banners, about 100 female practitioners dressed in white held portraits of practitioners who died in the persecution. Then came practitioners with more banners and posters exposing the persecution. The march attracted numerous spectators who took photos and accepted informational materials.

Mary thanks Falun Gong practitioners for their contribution to society

Marie Zammil-Ross told the reporter that she was very grateful for the Falun Gong group's contribution to society. She said, "I read stories of Falun Gong from the Epoch Times, and I cried. I am so glad to find a newspaper that exposes the truth and I think this is the best newspaper in this city. I hope that the whole society will speak out to help end the persecution of Falun Gong in China, and I also hope that the new prime minister will pay attention to this issue."

George Al-Sabti supports Falun Gong

George Al-Sabti brought a friend to watch the march. He told the reporter that he knew about the human rights situation in China well. He said: "I often discuss the issue of human rights in China with my Chinese colleagues. My Chinese friend Mark told me that people in China lost their jobs simply for having a second child. However, there are other human rights atrocities which are not discussed, such as harvesting organs form living Falun Gong practitioners. I will tell my Chinese friends about Falun Gong. I support your protest and hope that the persecution will end soon."

Ms. Fischer hopes that the persecution will be stopped soon

Ms. Fischer had joined a communist group in Australia when she was only 17. When she was 19, Australians started to discuss whether this group should exist and she chose to quit the group. Four years later, this communist group disappeared. She said: "We should stop this persecution, bring democracy to China, and let people enjoy freedom of belief."

Mr. Shi just came from Mainland China recently and he decided to join the march. While he is not a practitioner of Falun Gong, he quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after being a member of the CCP for 60 years. Because his family members practice Falun Gong, he knows what the practice is and he has helped many people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He said: "Because I worked in my work unit for a very long time, I served as party propaganda department director and later party general secretary. I also taught party members classes about the party. For these reasons, I know the party very well and I can easily help people to clearly see the party's evil nature. Since I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, I have helped many high-ranking officials quit the CCP.

"I know Falun Gong is good. My wife used to have very severe diseases and she regained a healthy body from practicing Falun Gong. I also know that Falun Gong was recognized by the China Qigong Association. I read Zhuan Falun, which is a great book. This march is spectacular. I hope the persecution of Falun Gong in China will end soon."