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Corrupt CCP Police Steal Businessman's Car, Interrogate and Torture Driver

July 21, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Zhang Shengqi. I was born in the Heping Village of Laiyang City, in Shandong Province. After returning from the military in 2001, I became a street vendor. My business has grown, and I have now opened four branches and have eight employees. In 2009, I bought a car with my hard-earned money. As I can't drive, I hired a driver.

At around 6:00 p.m. after work on May 21, 2010, I couldn't find my car or the driver. I didn't become concerned until the next day when I still couldn't find the car or the driver, and I lost phone contact with the driver. I asked the people in the area, but got no answers. The car and the driver both seemed to have disappeared.

During the next few days, the driver's family came to me because they were looking for him. Three days later, I reported the disappearance to the Wenhua Road Police Station. After hearing my case report, officer Jiang realized this was serious and checked my driver's records on the computer. He then told me that they would inform every police station as well as the traffic police to search for the car and driver. I had to close two of my branches to get help from my employees to look for the car and the driver, and also ease the driver's family's worries.

One week later, I got a phone call from the driver's family saying that he was back. I immediately took a taxi to meet with him. When I saw him he told me the whole story.

At around 5:00 p.m. on May 21, he went to the public restroom on Dashi Street, where an unknown person (who was later found to be Ma Shuguang from the Domestic Security Division) suddenly came in, struck him across the back of the head from behind, and took him away. Ma Shuguang snatched the car keys from him and stole the car that was parked in front of my store. He was illegally arrested and taken to the Domestic Security Division, then later transferred to the Criminal Police Division, and then to the brainwashing center at Laiyang Communist Party School, and finally to Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Center. During that time, they tortured him to make him "confess." After a week, he was unconditionally released. I asked him how this happened and learned some details about the situation.

In Sanqing Village, Tuanwang Town, Laiyang City, there is a person named Liu Zhimei, who had suffered a mental collapse. She was a student at Tsinghua University. Because she practices Falun Gong and hasn't given up her belief, she was sentenced for 12 years and send to Shangdong Women's Prison in 2001. She was just 21-years-old then. In the prison, she was subjected to both mental and physical torture. In December 2008, just three days before she was released, she was injected with some unknown poison while undergoing a "physical examination." Three days after she returned home, she suddenly lost her memory and had a mental collapse. Watching her intelligent daughter becoming like this, Liu Zhimei's mother passed away, traumatized by grief and anger. Several female Falun Gong practitioners offered to take care of Liu Zhimei.

On April 16, 2010, using the excuse of checking household registrations, Bolinzhuang Police Station arrested Liu Zhimei and the four practitioners who were taking care of her. A few days later, Liu Zhimei and three of the four were released, leaving only Gao Chunhong in Laiyang Detention Center, because the house rented by Gao Chunhong was where they took care of Liu Zhimei. One month later, Gao Chunhong was transferred to the brainwashing center at the Laiyang Party School, where she is still being held. During that time, the news that Liu Zhimei has been persecuted to the point of mental collapse was exposed internationally and drew attention from international human rights organizations. People in the Laiyang Domestic Security Division suspected that my driver, Gao Jianting, who is the brother of Gao Chunhong, was involved in taking care of Liu Zhimei. Thus, after watching and monitoring my driver for a period of time, they arrested him on May 21, 2010.

My driver and I began to inquire at some related departments to have my car returned. Ma Shuguang, officer Sun, and other people in the Police Department and Domestic Security Division were involved in the arrest of my driver, and stole my car. At first, they denied stealing the car and claimed that they didn't see anything. Later, they questioned me as to if my car was legal, and demanded to see the car's title. I have all the documents for my car and the police department has all the valid copies. My car was stolen and has been missing for over twenty days, during which a lot of my business transactions have been delayed. This caused a large amount of economic loss.

People in charge of this case:
Heads of Laiyang 610 Office:
Sun Maoheng (about 45 years old)
Ma Shuguang: 86-13853502789, 86-535-7211905 (office)