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Sacramento Interior Designer: Shen Yun "Absolutely Gorgeous!" (Photos)

July 21, 2010

(Clearwisdom.net) Amidst thunderous applause and a standing ovation, Shen Yun Performing Arts capped off a two-show run at the Sacramento Community Center Theater, in Sacramento, California, on July 17-18, 2010.

Shen Yun "Absolutely Gorgeous!"

Geraldine Smith with Roger Smith and Marsha House at the Sacramento Community Center Theater

Interior designer Marsha House attended the show, accompanied by her friend Roger Smith and his 92-year-old mother, Geraldine Smith.

"Oh, it was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous!" said Ms. House. "My favorite one was the maidens," "Heavenly Maidens."

She added, "They were all so beautiful. I particularly like the long scarves in "Flowing Silk"--that was really nice."

Mr. Smith's mom said that "she had to see it" after seeing the advertisements on TV.

"At 92 it's hard to find things that she hasn't done," he said about his mother. "And there are not a lot of things that she really wants to do."

"And I said," his mother spoke up, "it's only in Sacramento a couple of days, so we better call as soon as the tickets go on sale."

"And everything blended in so well together," Mrs. Smith added. "It's just like you felt you were there."

Ms. House especially enjoyed the "the more exuberant movement" of some dances and was likewise touched by the tranquil dances. "The pure beauty of the ocean was overwhelming," she said.

Another thing that impressed Ms. Smith was how well timed the dancers' movements were. "They were so excellent, so well-synchronized," she said.

Mr. Smith added, "We're all big fans of dancing. But it's rare that you have that many dancers on the stage at all times. To actually have everyone in step, so well-synchronized, takes a lot of practice, a lot of timing. The longer the routine is and the more movement there is in the routine, the harder it is. And I mean they are almost flawless, which is impossible."

One performance that Mrs. Smith particularly enjoyed was "Splitting the Mountain," which is about a goddess who marries a mortal. "It was so well done," she said.

Mr. Smith not only liked the dancers, he was equally impressed with the live orchestra.

He explained, "Well, the music, of course, I thought was extraordinary. It's all written for these dances. Then you have your own orchestra that plays it. So you're actually writing the music for an orchestra that you know, which is kind of unique," he said.

Ms. House also enjoyed the drummers in the dance set, "Tang Court Drummers," as well as the emcees of the show. "The host and hostess were excellent," she said.

"Very Energetic, Graceful, Entertaining, Fabulous Music"

Joe Haggerty, a police officer and Margie Feliz, a funding and research development coordinator

Police officer Joe Haggerty and Margie Feliz, a funding and research development coordinator, thoroughly enjoyed the show.

"It was excellent, very enjoyable," said Ms. Feliz. "Our nephew wanted to come so we got him tickets for his 19th birthday."

Mr. Haggerty was very impressed with the performance and the dancers, especially, "In a Miao Village" and "Handkerchiefs." Margie also enjoyed "Heavenly Maidens" as well as "Drummers of the Tang Court."

Sharing his thoughts about the the show's depiction of the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in contemporary China, he explained, "I think it is very interesting because I remember reading about the persecution of Falun Gong a few years ago, actually--it was big news."

Ms. Feliz said that she had not known much about the persecution of Falun Gong before seeing the show.

"Actually, I never ever understood why the Chinese government is so opposed to it, so it makes me a little curious to know more."

When asked how they would describe the show to their friends, Margie and Joe chimed; "Very energetic, graceful, fabulous music, very entertaining, certainly.

Local Restaurant Owner Moved by Shen Yun

Barbara Gorges, who formerly worked for the Governor's Committee, and Patti Palamidessi, part owner of the Club Pheasant restaurant.

Barbara Gorges, who formerly worked for the Governor's Committee, and Patti Palamidessi, part owner of the Club Pheasant restaurant, were very moved by the show.

"I got my eyes all red," Ms. Gorges said. "Tears--it was beautiful."

She said she experienced "a lot of emotion, a lot of kindness and gentleness and beauty. It was mesmerizing in the way that they presented it. The music and their dedication to the arts. Beautiful!"

Ms. Palamidessi was also moved after the show. She said, "I was so touched by all of this. I was reading the words of the songs and they were so touching and so inspiring--and what they can do to you by reading them--and the music and the colors and the dancing. The art is unbelievable. It's very, very pretty. I'm very touched by this.

"I've always loved the oriental theme," said Ms. Palamidessi, who also wept during the show. "This was very touching to me. I truly, truly was touched--very glad that we decided to attend. I called her and I said, we have to go see this."

She continued, "I said, I just have to see this. This is part of--I feel--I feel all of the oriental themes and the music--I always have."

"Something was in the air!" Ms. Gorges said, jokingly. Her friend, referring to her eyes, asked, "Is it better?" "It's a little better," was the response. Both women had tears in their eyes even 30 minutes after the show.

Ms. Palamidessi said that she left the show knowing more about ancient Chinese culture. "I had no idea that they had classical Chinese dancing. I learned a lot. It was very educational for me," she said.

