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Practitioner Yao Qiang is Illegally Sentenced

Aug. 17, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Yao Qiang, 62, from Bayuquan District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, was sentenced to two years in Dabei Prison. Officials from the Bayuquan Court held a secret trial between June and July of 2010, and did not notify her family of the proceedings.

Ms. Yao was arrested by officers from Honghai Police Station and the Domestic Security Bureau on the morning of November 24, 2009. Another older lady, who was visiting Ms. Yao, was also arrested and detained at Yingkou Detention Center. She was only released when her family paid money to free her.

Officers called Ms. Yao's husband, who is not a practitioner, and told him to come to the Domestic Security Bureau, as they wanted to get some details from him. He was then also detained at the Bayuquan Detention Center. Officers forced Ms. Yao's son to pay 5,000 yuan to release his father. When Ms. Yao's husband asked the officers if they had lied to him, Wang Hongkui and other officers replied, "Yes, we lied."

Ms. Yao has a good reputation among friends and neighbors, because she strives to be a good person by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In 2005, she had a conversation with an old man about the persecution of Falun Dafa. The old man later reported her to the police. She was then arrested and sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for one year. Ms. Yao's husband and son have also suffered a lot because of the persecution.

People responsible for the persecution of Ms. Yao Qiang:

Wang Hongkui, police officer, Bayuquan District Domestic Security Bureau: 86-417-6217143, 86-13841755119 (Cell)

Li Yuanqing, actively involved in persecuting practitioners since July 20, 1999.

Cao Ning, female, 29 years old, in charge of persecuting practitioners at Buyuquan Procuratorate: 86-417-6200221 (Office), 86-13470418222 (Cell)

Zhang Jihua, chief procurator, Buyuquan Procuratorate: 86-13904070998 (Cell), 86-417-6254100 (Office), 86-417-6228606 (Home)