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"Transforming" Falun Gong Remains the Primary Objective at Wuhan Women's Prison

Aug. 17, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hubei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) The Wuhan Women's Prison has been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners for the last ten plus years. Clearwisdom reported on the brutal and systematic persecution there on November 26, 2009 and February 22, 2010. Today, "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners is still the number one goal in the prison. The persecution is as brutal as ever, but it is hard to spread the true story to those outside of the prison.

Strict Blockade Prevents the Truth from Escaping

To stop the truth from leaking out, the Wuhan Women's Prison has adopted a policy of strict personal control.

1. A practitioner is under strict management as soon as she is admitted to the prison. Several inmates take turns to monitor her 24 hours a day. They closely follow her every step, including using the bathroom and taking a shower.

2. Practitioners who do not give up and refuse to be "transformed" are confined in solitary cells. They have no contact with anyone other than those who are monitoring them. They are not allowed to shop in the prison shops. Others are not allowed to provide them with any kind of humanitarian help. They are allowed neither family visits or other forms of contacts with family.

3. After a period of "observation", "transformed" practitioners are allowed to work but not talk with other inmates in the halls while being monitored. They may have strictly controlled family visits, and may call home once a month if prison deputy political commissar Jiang Chun grants their requests. Other inmates may call home without asking for grants. Jiang won't grant any requests on any "sensitive" days or holidays. In case of emergency, guards make the call, and pass any messages. A practitioner may only call two phone numbers.

4. There is no contact allowed between practitioners. They are not even allowed to be together in public areas, such as bathrooms and the prison doctor's office.

5. Every cell, hall, and even bathroom has a monitor present to observe and control the behavior of practitioners.

Punishment, Drug Administration, Forced Labor

Guards no longer openly beat practitioners, but the persecution has not stopped. Sleep deprivation, handcuffing, standing punishment are still commonly used. They deprive practitioners of sleep for many days, and use it as a means to "transform" them. Whenever the practitioner closes her eyes, they wake her up. They handcuff practitioners for days, even sometimes over ten days. Standing punishment is used in almost every occasion. Some practitioners were subjected to standing punishment for three days and nights; some eight days and nights; some twenty days and nights.

In addition, guards put drugs into some practitioners' meals.

After the extreme forced labor conditions in the prison were publicly exposed, the situation improved marginally. Production quotas have been reduced. Overtime is no longer common. Laborers are paid, although just a token amount.

Persecution Case - Ms. Nan Min, 53, a former accountant in the Luotian County Building & Installation Company, was imprisoned at the prison for the second time in the autumn of 2009. She is being held in the first section of the first ward.

She was hung up in the air for eight days during her first period of imprisonment. This time, guards ordered the inmates to torture her and deprived her of sleep on many occasions. Once she went without sleep for two weeks. She had many dark bruises all over her body as a result of the torture. She hunches over while walking because she has been frequently subjected to handcuffing.

The prison administration took away her family visits, citing that she does not comply with the attempts to "transform" her. She uses newspaper as toilet paper because she is not allowed to shop in the prison shop, nor are others allowed to aid her.