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UN Summit: Falun Gong Practitioners Call on Chinese Premier to Stop the Persecution (Photo)

Sept. 23, 2010 |   By Shirley from New York

(Clearwisdom.net) Beginning September 20, 2010, world leaders, including China's Premier Wen Jiabao, came to stay at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel to attend the Millennium Development Goals Summit and the 65th General Assembly of the United Nations. Falun Gong practitioners in the tri-state area took this opportunity to hold a protest in front of the hotel, calling on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to stop persecuting Falun Gong and bring the culprits who launched the persecution to justice.


Falun Gong practitioners protest at UN Plaza and call on the CCP to stop the persecution.

On the morning on September 21, the practitioners held protest banners and posters with pictures of torture victims in front of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Some practitioners demonstrated the exercises and some distributed fliers to passersby.

During Wen's stay in New York from September 20 -22, the practitioners held activities in front of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and at the UN Plaza to protest the persecution.

Citizens Subjected to Persecution

From September 11 to 21, Clearwisdom.net has reported many cases of torture and persecution of practitioners in China. They are from all walks of lives--college students, store owners, musicians, teachers, soldiers, professors, lawyers, etc.

Lily was in the crowd of protesters. She used to be an economics teacher at a university in Beijing. She said that not just the practitioners, but also their families are subject to persecution. The police have been following and monitoring her since April 1999. Her in-laws, who were CCP officials, and her non-practitioner husband all got into trouble because of her. Her colleague at the university was arrested and then beaten to death, leaving behind a broken family.

Let People Understand What Happened

Paul is a practitioner from New Jersey. He was holding a poster with pictures of torture victims. According to him, many people often stopped and asked what was happening and asked for fliers when they saw the pictures. "Those who did not stop also took a good look at the pictures," said Paul. He began to practice Falun Gong four years ago. "The practice changed me completely and made me understand the meaning of my life. I can see more clearly why things happen to me. I want to let the visitors know how Americans feel about the persecution."


Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a traditional Chinese spiritual discipline for mind and body. The practice involves slow, gentle movements and meditation. It is easy to learn, enjoyable to practice, and free of charge. Its principles are based on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The practice began in China in 1992 and quickly spread by word of mouth throughout China and then beyond. Its beneficial effects in improving an individual's physical health, spiritual well-being and moral character, not to mention its positive influence in the community and society as a whole, have been undeniable. In fact, Falun Gong is practiced by millions of people in 110 countries. The main works of Falun Gong are available in over 30 languages.

On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a brutal persecution of Falun Gong. Since the start of the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners throughout the world have been constantly clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and exposing the CCP's crimes in a tireless effort to end the persecution.