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Using Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the False Phenomenon of Sickness Karma

Sept. 23, 2010 |   By Jingping, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiangsu

(Clearwisdom.net) Prior to beginning to practice Falun Gong in 1998, I suffered from several chronic diseases. All of these diseases disappeared after I started practicing. From the depths of my heart, I am deeply grateful to Master for cleansing me, saving me from hell, and helping me to become a Fa-rectification period practitioner.

I had wanted to submit articles to the Minghui website, but I never got around to doing so. It wasn't until a fellow practitioner experienced severe persecution through the false phenomenon of "sickness karma" that I understood that I had a cultivation issue that I needed to address. I would like to discuss the following cases concerning the tribulation of "sickness karma" and share my experiences with fellow practitioners.

Case 1

One morning in 2007, while studying the Fa I experienced a sudden burning feeling in my right leg. When I looked down, I saw that my foot was severely swollen. Immediately I thought, "You evil old forces should stop making fools of yourselves! The sickness karma involving my foot was eliminated long ago by Master." I continued to study the Fa and did not pay any attention to my foot. Later in the day I remembered my swollen foot and saw that it was now perfectly fine!

Case 2

I promised my sister that we would visit my niece, who just had a baby in another city. However, shortly thereafter my right leg started to become swollen and painful for no apparent reason. In the beginning, I kept this matter from my family members, who were not practitioners. By the next day, however, I could not hide it anymore. The bottom of my foot was so swollen that I would feel extreme pain even when a blanket touched it. I knew that because I had attachments, the evil in other dimensions were taking advantage of my loopholes. While sending forth righteous thoughts, I looked inward for my shortcomings. Despite this, I did not get better by Saturday. My husband said, "Tomorrow, you must go to visit your niece. If you don't go, no one else in the family can replace you. The trip can be made entirely by bus and little walking is needed." Upon hearing this, I thought to myself that my body should be controlled by me and matters relating to me are decided only by me. I made the decision to go and I would go! Once this thought came out, I told my husband calmly, "Be assured, tomorrow my leg will be fine." The next morning, after doing the Falun Gong exercises, I put on my shoes and started walking without any thoughts of pain, as though nothing had happened. My husband looked at me in surprise and asked, "Are you really fine already!?" Actually, it was my righteous thoughts that frightened the evil away.

Case 3

There was another time, when I had pain in my gums and could not eat anything. My gums hurt even while drinking water. When I did not eat anything, the pain was better. I told my teeth, "You are my teeth and you need to take the responsibility for chewing my food." Then I took a biscuit and bit into it. In the end, my toothache just went away!

Case 4

In January 2009, my neighbour was careless and boiling water was poured into my shoes. While shouting "Falun Dafa is good," I took off my shoes and socks. My skin peeled off as I took off my socks. My flesh was bleeding and the areas that still had skin on them were covered with blisters. I knew this situation occurred as a result of evil persecution. I knew that I must not acknowledge the old evil forces. I understood that after 1999, Falun Gong practitioners fundamentally did not have sickness karma. If they had sickness karma, they would not be able to have gong. This must have been arranged by the evil forces. Master did not acknowledge the evil forces, and so I must not acknowledge the persecution forced upon me by the evil. I must not accept this situation. Whoever persecutes me must suffer the consequences. I must return the bad elements used to persecute me, back to the evil. After having this thought, I wrapped toilet paper around my leg. Then I put the scalded right foot on top of it and sat in the double lotus position to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. After that, I wrapped the toilet paper around my foot. This way, I did not feel any pain. The next day I continued with my daily tasks. When I touched the toilet paper, it felt like real skin and it had stuck to my flesh. A few days later, I washed away the toilet paper and new skin had grown. There were no scars at all. The people around me once again witnessed a miracle from Falun Gong.

The reason I wrote these experiences down is to tell practitioners who are undergoing the tribulation of sickness karma, that it is not sickness karma, but a false phenomenon. The evil wants to make use of the places where we previously had sickness karma to create a false phenomenon and force the tribulation upon us. With regards to this, we must not acknowledge it.