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Baoding City Court Officials Refuse to Accept Falun Gong Practitioner's Lawsuit

Sept. 23, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Laishui County Police Department officers took Mr. Li Dezhi to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp on December 8, 2009 to hold him for one and a half years. Mr. Li's wife Liu Qingmei hired two lawyers from Beijing, and the lawyers submitted a statement of complaint on February 8, 2010 to the Xicheng District Court's Case Filing Chamber in Baoding City. But the court has not filed the case, having refused to accept the complaint.

The officials based their refusal on the communist regime's political and judiciary system's "Three Don'ts" policy for Falun Gong petitioners, that is, don't accept [the plaintiff], don't accept [the case] and don't provide an explanation.

The lawyers' complaint requests to withdraw the written decision of forced labor and immediately release the plaintiff; immediately restore the plaintiff's reputation and provide a public apology; and compensate for financial losses and suffering, totaling 20,000 yuan.

Mr. Lan Zhixue and Mr. Li Dezhi's relatives went to the Case Filing Chamber in Xicheng District Court the afternoon of September 13, 2010 to inquire about the filing issue. The presiding judge refused to accept Mr. Li's case, claiming that he was following the provincial political and judiciary system's policies in doing so.

Review of the case:

A group of officers from the Laishui County Police Department and local police station went to Dongleizi Village around 10:00 p.m. on September 21, 2009. They climbed over a courtyard wall and broke into Mr. Li Dezhi's home. They seized a bank book and more than 70,000 yuan cash, took Mr. Li's wife Ms. Liu Qingmei to the Yongyang Town government offices, and held her for 24 hours before releasing her. After that, Ms. Liu contacted Yongyang Police Station head Niu Zhigang and Laishui County Police Department head Zhao many times, to demand the confiscated money and items back. Related personnel refused to return the money and instead illegally arrested Mr. Li Dezhi the evening of November 20, 2009 from his home and held him in the Laishui County Detention Center. Mr. Li's elderly father vomited blood right on the spot from being terrified by the arrest.

The incident was exposed to the outside world on the Internet. Under strong pressure from efforts of the international community, the Yongyang Town Police Station officers returned the confiscated money to Mr. Li's family. But the Laishui County Police Department officers sent Mr. Li to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp on December 8, 2009, to be held for one and a half years.

Later, Mr. Li's wife received a phone call from the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, and arrived there with her relatives. The duty officer with the surname Wang (police badge #: 1346242) forbade them to see Mr. Li, and told them that only a lawyer could see him. Ms. Liu and the relatives went to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp three more times within a month, but were unable to visit Mr. Li. With no more options, they decided to hire Beijing lawyers Mr. Lan Zhixue and Mr. Zhang Chuanli.

The two lawyers went to the labor camp at 10:00 a.m. on January 11, 2010 to request a meeting with Mr. Li, but the labor camp authorities told them that they had to present proof from their law firms that they did not believe in Falun Gong.

The lawyers went to the Baoding City Police Department that same afternoon, trying to get a copy of the written decision regarding Mr. Li's forced labor sentence. They called the office of section head Wang. The reply was that he had not gone to work that day.

Mr. Li Dezhi is currently held in Division One at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. The officer in charge of his case has the surname Bai, police badge #: 1346101.

Parties participating in the persecution of Mr. Li Dezhi:
Laishui County Police Department: 86-312-4522219 (Office), 86-312-4533110 (Office)
Niu Zhigang, Laishui Town Police Station head: 86-13603227702 (Cell), 86-312-4532657 (Home)