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My Family Has Greatly Benefited from Falun Dafa

Oct. 13, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa towards the end of 1996. Due to my strong human attachments, I have not been very diligent in my practice, until now. I have witnessed many miracles of Dafa in my family. I've always wanted to write about them, but I felt too ashamed to do so since I felt that I had not cultivated well. But today I want to say that Falun Dafa is good!

The following are some of the many changes that I witnessed in my family.

My Husband Completely Changed

My husband used to suffer from cholecystitus, stomach and intestinal ulcers, as well as blood in his stool. Although he took medications every day, his health did not improve; in fact, it got worse. In 1990, he started to learn a lot of different qigong exercises and spent a lot of money. Although he sometimes experienced a little relief, the exercises didn't solve his underlying health problems.

In November 1996, someone lent him a copy of Zhuan Falun. He read one chapter before he went to bed. That evening, he alternated from being extremely cold to extremely hot, and had 12 bouts of diarrhea, sometimes passing dark blood. At that time, he did not know that Teacher was cleansing his body, so he took some medicine. It wasn't until he read the second chapter of Zhuan Falun that he realized that he had come across the real Buddha Fa. After that, every one of his illnesses disappeared.

My husband used to look very pale, but after he took up the practise, he looked radiant and younger. Many of his old classmates and colleagues said that he had become a totally different person. Many of the phenomena that Teacher mentioned in his lectures, he experienced, such as “the placement of the mysterious pass.”

My Mother Recovered from a Terminal Illness

My mom was 73 when she was diagnosed with cancer. After surgery, the doctor told her that she only had three months to live. Prior to that, we did not talk to her about Falun Dafa, as she had practiced Buddhism her whole life and was also illiterate.

One month after her surgery, the cancer returned. At that point, we let her listen to Teacher's lectures. In the past, she used to chant Buddhist scriptures every day. While chanting, she was able to endure extreme heat and cold. She was very devout. Since we did not have the audiotapes of Teacher's lectures, a fellow practitioner brought them to our home.

That night after dinner, we played lecture one for her, hoping that she would listen to it to the end. To our surprise, after she finished listening to it, she wanted to listen to more. That night, she finished listening to two lectures. Later that evening, she went to go to the bathroom about 12 times. As she listened to Teacher's lectures, we became anxious that she might become dehydrated. This was due to our poor enlightenment quality.

Within a week, her condition greatly improved. She said that she felt as if she was being pushed forward when she walked upstairs. In 2010, when she was 86, she climbed a mountain near our home, without a lift or assistance. Many people were impressed and asked how she kept herself so fit.

My mother had never attended school. She said that Teacher taught her how to identify the characters in Zhuan Falun in a dream. As a result, she was later able to memorize many of Teacher's articles and poems.

After Mother obtained the Fa in1998, Teacher thoroughly cleansed her body. Since then, she has not taken any medicine and has not experienced any recurring symptoms. Her grey hair turned black and the age spots on her face quickly disappeared, as well as most of her wrinkles. Prior to cultivation, my mother dreamed about deceased people and had nightmares. After cultivation, all she dreamed about was heavenly maidens. When she had difficulties passing a xinxing test, Teacher would give her hints in a dream.

My Son's TB Symptoms Disappeared

My son began cultivating Dafa in early 1997. In October 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but was illegally arrested and jailed for one month. In early 2000, he did the exercises in public and was sentenced to forced labor for one and a half years. He later experienced the symptoms of tuberculosis and had a severe cough. When he realized that he had some xinxing issues, he studied the Fa and spent more time doing the exercises. After that, everything returned to normal.

My daughter-in-law has not taken up the practise, however, she has witnessed many changes in my son since he took up the practice. She now realizes that Falun Dafa is good and is supportive of my son's cultivation. Now, when conflicts arises between them, they are easily resolved.

My Mental and Physical Health Greatly Improved

Due to my husband's influence, I started practising Falun Gong in December 1996. Although I didn't have many health issues back then, I did the exercises with him to make him happy. However, my chronic knee problem never seemed to improve. This was due to the fact that I didn't study the Fa nor had I put my heart into doing the exercises. I was only able to feel Teacher's integrity and compassion. Teacher explained to us how to be a good person and the purpose of human existence. I was sort of following that, as I didn't pursue anything that did not come my way, nor did I fight for personal gain.

The practices that I learned in the past never taught me to focus on improving my character. I knew that Dafa is able to produce people with high moral character. I thought to myself, “I must follow Dafa and become a good person.” But I was impatient and found it hard to do the exercises or sit down and study the Fa. I was obsessed with fun and games. I used to play Mah-jong all night long with my neighbours, in the living room, while my husband did the exercises in our bedroom. I had a lot of fun, even though I wasn't gambling.

Then one day, my husband told me to read his cultivation journal, which contained all the extraordinary things he had experienced, such as “the placement of the mysterious pass.”

When I realized that everything that Teacher mentioned in Zhuan Falun was true, I became more serious about the practice and really sat down to read the Fa. After a couple of days, I started to vomit and have diarrhea. I spent most of day in the bathroom. Afterwards, my knees were fine and my skin improved a lot. Since then, I've been able to deal with many issues following Dafa principles.

Although I'll will turn 60 next year, strangers cannot tell my real age and do not believe that I have an 8-year-old grandson. I have directly benefited from Dafa, like countless other practitioners. My mental and physical health have indeed improved immensely!