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CCP Court Officials Deprive Mr. Sun Yi's Family of the Right to Attend His Trial and Illegally Sentence Him to Three Years in Prison

Dec. 18, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Sichuan Province

Name: Sun Yi (孙毅)
Age: 39
Address: Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 23, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Mianyang Detention Center (绵阳市看守所)
Province: Sichuan Province
Persecution Suffered: Forced labor, home ransacked, detention, illegal sentencing

(Clearwisdom.net) Fucheng District Court officials in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, put Mr. Sun Yi on trial on November 28 without informing his family and illegally sentenced him to three years in prison. After Mr. Sun's family learned this, they contacted Judge Wang Chen, who claimed that the court didn't have to inform the family of an adult before his trial.

Mr. Sun was arrested on May 23, 2011, as he was working on his family's farm. Officers from the Xinzao Police Station and the Fucheng District Domestic Security Division made the arrest. One of them even fired a gun in the air. Mr. Sun was taken to the Mianyang Detention Center.

On December 3, 2011, Mr. Sun's family received a letter from him that was mailed from the detention center. He told his parents that he had received a subpoena from the Fucheng District Court, telling him that he would be tried at 9:30 a.m. on November 28, 2011, in the Fucheng District Court.

However, Mr. Sun's family never received any notice from the court regarding Mr. Sun's trial.

Mr. Sun's family went to the Fucheng District Court at 9:20 a.m. on December 5 to ask the judge why they had not been informed of his trial and to request the verdict in writing. The court police wouldn't allow Mr. Sun's family to enter the courthouse, but let them talk to Judge Wang Chen over the phone. Wang Chen claimed that the court doesn't have to inform the family of an adult when he is tried.

Wang Chen also said that they only gave the written verdict to Mr. Sun but refused to give a copy to his family. Mr. Sun's family said they would appeal. Wang said, “We hired a lawyer for him, you contact him. You also have to get an agreement from Mr. Sun.” Mr. Sun's family called the court appointed lawyer and asked to go with him to visit Mr. Sun, but the lawyer said he didn't have time and would make an appointment to visit him some other day.

Mr. Sun's family insisted on seeing the written verdict. Judge Wang still refused to give them a paper copy and told court clerk Mu Jianfeng to go out and read the verdict to Mr. Sun's family and then ordered them to leave.

Related article: “Mr. Sun Yi Arrested; His Family Appeals on His Behalf

Parties responsible for the persecution:
Fucheng District Court in Mianyang City:
Wang Chen, judge: +86-13909015188, +86-816- 2212652 (Office)
Mu Jianfeng, Court clerk
Wang Libing, presiding judge: +86-13890120511