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Selling Shen Yun Tickets in a Hospital

Dec. 21, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Toronto, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) When a fellow practitioner found a spot to sell Shen Yun tickets in a local downtown grocery store, our coordinator asked me if I could take Thursday off to sell tickets there. I received an email on Wednesday and noticed there were some changes in the arrangement. I was scheduled to go to a hospital to sell tickets rather than the grocery store. I quickly checked the email but didn’t check the address of the hospital. I thought, “I will corporate with whatever the coordinator arranged.” When I checked the map the night before, I realized that it was the hospital where I had delivered my baby. It might not have been just a coincidence that the coordinator sent me to this hospital to sell tickets.

When I was driving to this hospital the next day, I sincerely called out to those sentient beings: “Please don’t miss Shen Yun!” In this dimension my car was driving to the hospital, but I truly felt that those sentient beings were waiting and searching in other dimensions.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw the ticket booth was set right next to the elevator where the doctors, nurses, patients, and their family members had to pass. At first, I was looking at the patients in wheelchairs and their relatives who were assisting them. My eyes chased the doctors and nurses with name tags. It seemed I was trying to exclude those who didn't have high incomes like doctors and nurses.

After a while, a lady stopped by our booth. She didn’t look like a doctor or a nurse. When I spoke to her, I learned she was a patient’s relative. Since she was standing in front of me I began to tell her about Shen Yun. She said it sounded really good and inquired about ticket pricing. She wanted to buy two tickets, but needed to check the time with her husband. She then called her husband, and after speaking with him told us that he couldn’t decide which date they were available. My fellow practitioner and I then sent righteous thoughts silently. She didn’t leave the ticket booth. After a while, she changed her mind and told us, “I'll buy two $100 tickets. Even if my husband and I can't make it, we can give the tickets to my daughter and my daughter-in-law as gifts so they can go see the show.”

After these two tickets were sold, my notion in the other dimension was cleansed. I clearly realized that I had been using my human notions to choose people. Master has told us:

“I have come to save people (disciples applaud), and you all know that I am enduring things on behalf of sentient beings so that they may gain salvation. I seek nothing personally from this. I can forsake everything, and I have no human attachments. Since I have come to save sentient beings, I cannot be selective. I am saving all of the world’s people, which includes all of you seated here.” (“Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa—Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference”)

At that moment, I couldn’t remember the exact words Master spoke, but I could recall my understanding in the Fa conference in DC. I could see my human notions were keeping me from promoting Shen Yun.

Turning my head to look at the hopeless patients in wheelchairs and their tired relatives, a very deep sympathy arose within me. Human beings can't escape birth, old age, illness and death; looking back in history, nobody could truly escape the pain of reincarnating. If I didn’t cultivate Falun Dafa, I would be in such a situation sooner or later.

After thinking about this, I had sincere respect for Master and Dafa and was grateful that I could participate in selling Shen Yun tickets. I recalled a recent Minghui (Chinese version of Clearwisdom) experience sharing article on eliminating selfishness and cultivating into an enlightened being that is selfless and altruistic. I have benefited a lot from reading these experience sharing articles. At that moment, I heard a voice in my head: “Would you give up everything you have to save sentient beings?” I nodded and could almost hear the strong response from my heart: “Master, your disciple is willing to give up everything to save sentient beings!” After I had this thought, my eyes were full of tears. I could see the glittering divine body that I have already cultivated in another dimension. While I was standing there, I felt that my physical body in this dimension was not real, and that only my thought of willingness to give up everything was truly there; after a few seconds, I realized that I was at the ticket booth. I restrained myself from shouting out the true words that were echoing in my ears in this dimension. I wiped away my tears, but my true thoughts were still echoing.

Just then, an ordinary old lady came over. Since I had just realized that I should not have my own notions about who to select to save, I introduced Shen Yun to her. After I told her that there would be five shows in four days at the Sony Center from January 12th to the 15th, she told me, “You know, January 11th is my birthday. I have been searching everywhere, since I have to do something special.” I quickly told her that the best choice for a celebration would be to see the world class Shen Yun show.” She agreed. After asking about the price she said, “I'd like to buy four $180 tickets.” I looked it up and got four $180 tickets for her. She was very satisfied. When she needed to pay, she asked me to wait five minutes because she had to go upstairs to get her credit card.

When I asked her about this, I learned that she was a long-term patient in the hospital. Out of safety concerns, her credit card is normally locked inside a safe in the hospital. She said she was going to ask the hospital staff to open the safe to get her credit card out to pay for the tickets.

After a little over five minutes passed, the lady came back with her credit card. She gladly swiped the card and paid for the tickets. She asked me to reserve two more $180 tickets next to her seats, and that if she still wanted them she would call me.

A long-term patient in the hospital usually has a relatively huge amount of karma. She had the true thought to buy tickets to see Shen Yun. Once she sits in the theater, Master would remove her karma..... I was afraid to use my human thoughts to feel what Master would bear. I turned around and let my tears fall like a broken string of beads. My heart was full of respect and thankfulness. I feel my mind and body were cleansed and purified in the field that Master set in the ticket booth. People came and went in front of me. I kept being respectful and thankful, taking every chance to introduce Shen Yun to people passing by. In my eyes, I feel there is no difference among doctors, nurses, patients, and their relatives. In my eyes, they are all precious sentient beings that Master wants to save. I told myself not to have any notions and not to make any selection as long as they could stop to listen to me tell them about Shen Yun. I was using my heart to send the great news about Shen Yun.

It was almost time for the employees to get off in the afternoon, when, after listening to my introduction, a lady with a hospital badge was very interested in purchasing three $80 tickets. She told me that she hadn't brought her bank card with her. After I called the hotline to reserve the tickets, we asked her to fill out some information including her mailing address and said that the hotline would mail the tickets to her. This way, she only needed to swipe the card when she came back.

After she came back with her bank card, I called the hotline to pay for the three tickets. Since a different practitioner picked up the phone, she was not sure if the tickets had been held for us. Because of this, I had to hang up the phone and call again to get the first practitioner who reserved the tickets for us. We told the guest the situation. She was very upset and said to herself, “Those tickets have to be reserved for me.” After confirming the tickets had been reserved, she gladly paid for them. We told her that she would receive her tickets in two weeks.

Shen Yun is what sentient beings have been waiting and longing for for thousands of years! I asked myself, “Shouldn't I participate Shen Yun ticket sales? What else am I waiting for?”