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Mr. Liang Qidong and Mr. Sun Zongxu Persecuted in Shandong Provincial Prison

Dec. 27, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) In order to intensify the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the Shandong Provincial Prison specifically set up the Eleventh Prison Division. All Falun Gong practitioners who newly arrive in the Shandong Provincial Prison are first sent to the Eleventh Prison Division for intensive brainwashing. The guards employ many kinds of torture to persecute them. The prison has heinously persecuted many practitioners to their deaths, including Mr. Qian Dongcai from Qingdao, Mr. Wang Xinbo from Zibo, and Mr. Lu Zheng from Mengyin. Some practitioners who did not die were persecuted so badly that they are now disabled.

The following are details of what Mr. Liang Qidong and Mr. Sun Zongxu have had to endure in the Eleventh Prison Division.

Mr. Liang Qidong from the Kuiwen District of Weifang, Shandong, was sent to the Shandong Provincial Prison from the Lechang County Detention Center in January 2010. He was illegally sentenced to five years in prison.

Mr. Liang was first detained in the strictly-monitored team of the Eleventh Prison Division, where he was beaten and physically abused. He was later transferred to the fourth team. In June 2011, he was sent to the strict monitoring team again because he passed on hand written copies of Master Li's articles. Prisoners Li Xiao and Han Xiaoqing, both collaborators, beat him. Only after he gave in was he sent back to the fourth team.

In late November 2011, Mr. Liang refused to answer questions about prison regulations. The team leader, Li Xingchun, got angry again and began a campaign of strict monitoring. Mr. Liang was forced to sit on a small stool. He had to report everything to Li Xiao and Han Xiaoqing, including drinking water and going to the bathroom. He was tortured for approximately five months. In late April 2011, he was assigned to the tenth team. He was not allowed to go downstairs and was detained in a prison cell. He did not see any sunlight all day long. Most detained Falun Gong practitioners were in similar situations.

Mr. Sun Zongxu from the Hanting District in Weifang has been strictly monitored after being sent to the Shandong Provincial Prison in August 2010. He is very weak as a result of persecution, and is very pale because he has not seen sunlight for a long time.

In April 2011, the Eleventh Prison Division was moved to a new building. Mr. Sun was detained in the fourteenth team on the fifth floor. Every practitioner who is under strict monitoring is assigned to one cell, and the others detained in that cell are non-practitioners. Li Xingchun is the team leader of the fourteenth team. He was deputy chairman of the Jinan Political Consultative Conference and was very corrupt. Deputy team leader Yu Guangpeng was also a corrupt official in the Township Enterprise Bureau in Zhangqiu City. He uses street kids as assistants to the two team leaders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.