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Kind-hearted Grocery Store Owner Illegally Tried

Dec. 27, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Peichen was illegally tried by the Tonghua County Court, Jilin Province, on December 14, 2011. He was arrested by the police on July 17, 2011, and then detained at the Tonghua Detention Center for five months, where he was subjected to severe torture by agents and police officers from the 610 Office.

Mr. Wang Peichen, 40, is the owner of a grocery store in Kuaida Town, Tonghua County. He had severe stomach problems before he began practicing Falun Gong. He had tried all kinds of Chinese and western medicine, but none of it helped his diseases. After he started practicing Falun Gong, his symptoms disappeared and he regained his health. He conducted himself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and never took advantage of other people.

Wang Peichen and his father Wang Nuanrong were both arrested by officers from the Tonghua County Domestic Security Division on July 17, 2011. Their house was ransacked, and when their family went to the police station to ask the officers to release them, the police officers threatened them and told them that they would sentence Wang Peichen to prison and put Wang Nuanrong into a forced labor camp.

After being arrested, Wang Peichen was interrogated by officers from the Domestic Security Division and Criminal Police Division for 42 hours. His family was very worried about him, so they hired two lawyers to defend him. On July 25, the lawyers questioned the Tonghua County Domestic Security Division about the father and son’s situation. The police replied, "Wang Nuanrong and his son’s case are handled by the Criminal Division.” However, the Criminal Division police said that it was not their business and no one assumed responsibility.

The Tonghua 610 Office agents and police officers from Criminal Police Division submitted Wang Peichen's case to the Procuratorate, but the case was not accepted. In lieu of this, the 610 Office still refused to release them and insisted on sentencing them. They fabricated some facts and pressured the judicial departments. When they submitted the case the second time, the Procuratorate accepted the case and reported to the court.

The Tonghua County Court tried Wang Peichen at 8:40 a.m. on December 14. The gallery consisted of plainclothes officers, 610 Office agents, officers from Domestic Security Division and neighborhood community members. The areas inside and outside the court was filled with police officers. The detention center had arranged armed police to escort Wang Peichen that morning.

Two days before the trial, Wang Peichen's wife, with their three-year-old son, went to the Tonghua Political and Judiciary Committee and asked them to release her husband. The police officers there pushed her into a corner and shouted at her, which caused her little son to cry very hard.

On the morning of December 16, Wang's wife again went to the Political and Judiciary Committee. Shortly after she entered, 610 Office agent Pu and other officers forcibly put her into a car and drove randomly around the city. They dropped her off at a gas station and asked her to go back home by herself.

Officers involved in the persecution:
Tonghua Procuratorate:
Wang Jinfu: +86-435-5235806 (Office), +86-13904459808 (Cell)
Zhao Yanbi: +86-435-5235803 (Office), +86-435-5236178 (Home), +86-13844511557 (Cell)
Tonghua Court:
Zhang Qisheng: +86-435-5233001(Office), +86-435-3335917 (Home), +86-15526627777 (Cell)
Wu Bo: +86-435-5233002 (Office), +86-435-5223526 (Home), +86-13944518585 (Cell)
Tonghua Political and Judiciary Committee:
Chen Guang: +86-435-5235666 (Office), +86-13844589687 (Cell)
Wang Hongsheng: +86-435-5235791 (Office), +86-435-5228867 (Home), +86-13843538811 (Cell)
(For more perpetrator contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article)