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The Importance of One Body Cooperation

From the Eighth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China

Dec. 29, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Hunan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I still recall two practitioners who began learning Falun Gong in 2005. One was the caregiver for her grandson and the other's family didn't support her practicing Falun Gong. Both came to the group Fa study regardless of the weather. Another one was a 70-year-old practitioner who was illiterate. Despite being illiterate, she learned to read with the group, albeit very slowly. Some of the local practitioners didn't want to attend the group Fa study because of this person, but they rectified their thoughts after realizing that everything had to be measured against the Fa. This elderly practitioner traveled quite a distance to a practitioner's home to learn how to read, so as not to affect the reading speed of her Fa study group. In less than a year, she wore out several pairs of shoes. With her firm belief in Teacher and Dafa she caught up with the reading speed of the group very quickly, stabilizing the Fa study group. We no longer worried, and our belief in Falun Dafa was indestructible like diamond.

– From the author

Greetings, benevolent Teacher! Greetings, fellow practitioners around the world!

Time flies! One year has passed in the twinkling of an eye. For this Eighth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China we wish to share some of our experiences, which have helped practitioners in China cooperate and elevate as one body.

Setting up a Fa Study Group

As genuine Fa-rectification period practitioners, we all understand clearly the importance of Fa study. Being part of a group Fa study is Teacher's gift to practitioners.

The Fa study group was set up by three practitioners, including myself. After studying the Fa and sharing with each other, we gained a better understanding of the Fa principles. Once practitioners near and far learned of the Fa study group, they joined in. Despite a very hostile environment due to the unprecedented persecution, practitioners offered their homes as venues for Fa study. Six Fa study groups were set up and operated based on the conditions in their respective areas. The groups studied the Fa twice a week. Townships, depending on the local conditions, then also set up Fa study groups.

Practitioners measured their actions and activities against the Fa, allowing them to find their gaps, so they rectified their words and deeds in accordance with the Fa. Practitioners' willingness to study the Fa diligently encouraged us as one body.

I still recall two practitioners who began practicing Falun Gong in 2005. One was the caregiver for her grandson, and the other's family didn't support her practicing Falun Gong. Both came to the Fa study regardless of the weather. Another one was a 70-year-old practitioner who was illiterate. Despite being illiterate, she learned to read with the group, albeit very slowly. Some of the local practitioners didn't want to attend the group study because of this person. All kinds of human attachments surfaced. They complained, criticized, showed-off, and built themselves up. However, they rectified their thoughts after realizing that everything had to be measured against the Fa. This elderly practitioner traveled quite a distance to another practitioner's home to learn how to read, so as not to affect the reading speed of the original Fa study group. In less than a year, she wore out several pairs of shoes. With her firm belief in Teacher and Dafa she caught up with the reading speed of the group very quickly, stabilizing the Fa study group. We no longer worried, and our belief in Falun Dafa was indestructible like diamond. This was fundamental to our saving sentient beings. We caught up with the process of Teacher's Fa rectification. This helped us fulfill practitioners' vows and keep our mission of saving sentient beings strong.

Material Production Sites Spring Up Everywhere

Before 2005, the city's material production site provided Falun Gong truth clarification materials. The trip to pick up materials generally took between five and six hours. With the progress of the Fa rectification and practitioners' improvement in assimilating the Fa principles, the large material production sites could not meet the demand of our local area. In order to reduce the burden on the large material sites, Practitioner A in our county suggested we produce our own materials. Practitioners from the city delivered the equipment needed to produce the materials. In June 2005, the first production site was set up in our county. At the time, Practitioner A was not trained in the downloading and printing of materials but had a firm belief in Teacher and Falun Dafa. Since Dafa is all-powerful, practitioners' wisdom is also all-powerful. As a particle of Dafa, Teacher would definitely give us the power we needed.

We recall the hardships and the process of cultivating our hearts with deep gratitude. If we failed to strengthen our righteous thoughts and forgot to take ourselves as practitioners at all times, we faced conflicts and troubles. When there was a problem with the equipment and we were able to look within and eliminate our human attachments, the Fa principles would be displayed. By understanding these principles, Practitioner A mastered all the skills needed for printing Teacher's recent articles, Minghui Weekly, and truth-clarification flyers. She learned to make truth-clarification DVDs, produce the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party booklets, make amulets(1), and print Falun Gong messages on paper money. Practitioner A later also learned to install computer operating systems, how to clarify the facts via the telephone, and how to produce Falun Dafa books. During this time, Practitioner A really felt that Teacher was at her side all the time. Having the selfless help of fellow practitioners, Practitioner A, despite having only a high school education, was able to master all the skills needed for running a production site in a short period of time. It really revealed the miracle and supernormal power of Dafa.

Practitioner A was a coordinator for the local area practitioners, so she needed to produce the materials while carrying out her role as coordinator. As a practitioner, she also needed to study the Fa and do the exercises. She simply did not have enough time. Sometimes she even did not have time to eat or sleep. The pressure was tremendous. However, we must save sentient beings and bring into full play the potential of each practitioner. Through sharing on the Fa and continued meetings of a Fa study group, practitioners elevated their xinxing and improved their understandings of the Fa principles. We assigned tasks and taught every practitioner about the projects we were involved in, so they could assist based on their ability and family situation. Elderly practitioners were assigned the tasks of binding and burning DVDs. Practitioner B was in charge of printing DVD covers, Practitioner C printed truth-clarification messages on paper currency, and practitioners A and D were responsible for printing the Nine Commentaries, as well as Falun Dafa books. A woman practitioner learned to repair printers and produce materials. Many other practitioners learned to make phone calls to clarify the truth or send SMS messages. Several other practitioners shouldered various other projects based on their abilities and conditions. Therefore, all practitioners were not only able to study the Fa, do the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts, but also save sentient beings in a more effective way. During the process we strengthened ourselves, accepted our responsibilities, improved our cooperation, and played a better role as one body. Material production sites sprang up everywhere in our area.

A woman coordinator who was nearly 70 had never touched a computer before. She also learned to surf the Internet, download Teacher's recent articles from the Clearwisdom website, and produce materials.

Sometimes she traveled two to three hours to the countryside in an effort to cooperate unconditionally. Sometimes when something was wrong with the equipment and they could not fix it, she carried the heavy equipment to the city and asked other practitioners to fix it. She was really great! It moved us and, at the same time, helped us to see our own gaps.

Cooperating as One Body to Save Sentient Beings

Sending forth righteous thoughts is one of the three things Teacher has asked us to do. I enlightened that sending forth righteous thoughts was also a manifestation of the Buddha Fa in the human world. Sending forth righteous eliminates all evil lives and factors that interfere with the Fa rectification and hinder the salvation of sentient beings. Practitioners must therefore pay attention to it. Practitioners in our county began sending forth the righteous thoughts for 30 minutes in turn, in addition to the four times that practitioners around the world send forth righteous thoughts together. This was to eliminate all the evil lives and factors that interfered with the Fa rectification in our area or hindered the salvation of sentient beings, and eliminated the poison of the communist evil specter in people's minds.

In order to save sentient beings in our area, we divided into two large groups to distribute the truth clarification materials. The external group was comprised of young practitioners, and the internal group was elderly practitioners. Actually, the number of practitioners who were able to participate in our county was limited. The young practitioners were responsible for distributing materials to the townships in which there were no practitioners. The internal group was responsible for distributing the materials to people with predestined relationships in all corners of the county.

One practitioner from the internal group said he had kept at home all the materials he received every week to distribute. He not dare distribute them, nor did he tell fellow practitioners about it. With the materials piling up, the burden was becoming increasingly heavy. One day he thought, “These materials are Fa implements, so I can't just leave them at home.” The practitioner had a driver's license, so he considered renting a car and distributing all the materials piled up at home to people with predestined relationships. Since the practitioner had such a wish, the practitioners from the external group asked him to help them distribute the materials at a certain place. However, when they got in the car, they realized they had not prepared any materials. This practitioner took out all the materials piled up at home, and, with the help of the other practitioners, he distributed all if them to people with predestined relationships. He was very exited, and enlightened that it must be Teacher's arrangement. This clever arrangement showed to the practitioner that Teacher was beside us and assisted us in enlightening to the Fa principle:

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Zhuan Falun)

When the fliers and the self-adhesive posters containing the article “Fireworks and Celebration” were published, all the practitioners in our county joined in. This was to cooperate with the process of the Fa-rectification and was meant to send Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese president, to hell. It was also for cleaning the evil lives and factors that obstructed the salvation of sentient beings in other dimensions, as well as the poison of the evil Communist specters. The practitioners in our county cooperated well as one body.

The above is my limited sharing. There is so much more on our one body cooperation, but space is limited. For anything I did not do well, please feel free to comment and correct.

Note: (1) Amulets In China, practitioners sometimes "clarify the truth" by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.