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I Found the Fa in 2004; Time Waits for No One to Be Diligent

Dec. 29, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) It was past five o'clock in the afternoon after the Mountain Festival in October 2004, and I just couldn't walk home. Suddenly, a young man stood in front of me with a concerned look on his face. He asked, “Ma'am, does your leg hurt?” I replied, “Yes, I have a pain in my leg and it is hard for me to walk.” He said, “If you read Falun Dafa books, you will soon recover. I used to have osteomyelitis and could not walk. I am fine now.” He gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun. I was so pleased. I had seen Zhuan Falun illuminated in a truck on TV when the news covered the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) destroying Falun Dafa books. I had longed to have a copy and now I finally got one. I took the book home and knew that what I had received was precious. Although I was only able to read five out of every ten characters, I could not put the book down.

I saw the young man three days later and said to him, “I finished three pages.” He replied with urgency, “That won't work. After you go home, make good use of your time. The sooner you finish it, the better.” I listened to him and hurried home to read the book. When I went to bed at night, I did not take off my clothes before going to sleep, so that I could read the book right away when I woke up. I finished Zhuan Falun in 12 days. It was time for me to return the book. The young man saw my reluctance to part with it and said, “Let's say I got this book for you as a gift. I won't charge you for it.”

Holding the book in both hands, I was moved to tears. I cried all the way home.

I had suffered from many illnesses over 20 years. There were years when I was admitted to the hospital three times. They were very painful experiences. I quickly became a very healthy person after repeatedly reading the book. It was Master who took me from the sludge, cleansed me, purified my body, and made me free of illnesses. It was Master who saved my life and gives me wisdom.

In the summer of 2006, my child gave me five 100-yuan bills. One of the bills had “Dafa is good” written on it. I then wrote “Dafa is good” on the others. The next month, my child gave me a 100-yuan bill that had “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good” on it. I seldom went shopping, but in order to use the bills with truth-clarification messages, I began to take care of all the household shopping needs.

Once I bought a melon. The vendor saw the characters on the bill and proclaimed, “I won't take this bill.” Another shopper said, “What did you write on the bill? That is illegal.” I started to send righteous thoughts. The vendor asked the other shopper, “What should I do with this?” It was funny. The other shopper was picking out her melon with her head down and didn't raise her head. The vendor had to take it and give me change. I knew Master was beside me and protecting me. I gladly took the melon, rode home safely on my bike, sending righteous thoughts all the way.

In the spring of 2008, a young vegetable seller held up a truth-clarification bill and said, “Who gave me this bill?” I saw that the bill had written on it: “Sincerely whisper Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good. Heaven will give you happiness and safety.” I said, “Whoever gets that bill will have blessings and safety.” He asked me, “Is that true or false?” I said, “It is true.” He was glad and exclaimed, “Then I will save it and won't use it. I will keep it in a safe place.” He then put the bill in his shirt pocket. The people around him were all laughing.

Following Master's guidance, I began to clarify the truth face-to-face in May 2008. I told the facts to a 76-year-old man, saying, “Falun Gong is nothing like the CCP propaganda. Falun Gong is a good practice that teaches people to be good and to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. The CCP slander is a complete fraud. Everything was faked.” I said, “Wang Jindong, the self-immolator on Tiananmen Square, had a plastic bottle full of gasoline between his legs after his supposed self-immolation. How could the plastic bottle be intact after he had been set on fire? The hair around his eyes was not burnt. The CCP unscrupulously persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. It is extremely vicious. Karmic retribution of good and evil is the law. Heaven's destruction of the CCP is imminent.” The old man agreed, “Yes, the immolation on Tiannamen Square was a fraud. I knew it. The CCP dares to do such evil things.” I was pleased to hear what the old man said. People were awakening. The CCP won't last much longer. I told him, “Numerous disasters have happened in recent years, such as the Wenchuan earthquake, the Southeast Asia tsunami, and the train collision. There have been so many disasters. Quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations to secure a better future.” He used to be the CCP secretary of his village. He willingly quit the CCP. In the end, I told him to remember the sayings, “Falun Dafa Hao and Zhen Shan Ren Hao (Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good) and I gave him a truth-clarification pamphlet and a Dafa amulet(1). He was happy and said, “Thanks.” I replied, “You should thank my Master, not me.” He was excited and called out, “Falun Dafa Hao! Zhen Shan Ren Hao!” I said, “You will be blessed.” He smiled, “Be careful. Don't get bitten by the CCP.”

In recent years, I have walked the path of righteous cultivation practice arranged by Master. My body has experienced great changes and has become more youthful. My hair has gotten blacker, there are fewer wrinkles on my face, and even the soles of my feet are smoother. Fellow practitioners have mentioned, “You have changed so quickly! In just two or three days, we have noticed a change.” They are happy for me. My husband, who also became a practitioner, said, “Her reactions became really fast after she started to practice.” I said, “I will strive forward vigorously and be more diligent. I will walk firmly on the path of righteous cultivation practice arranged by Master, study the Fa more, assimilate to the Fa more, and do the three things well. I will be rectified by the Fa and improve myself by following the Fa standards.”

My education level is low. If there is anything wrong, please correct me.

Note: (1) Amulets In China, practitioners sometimes "clarify the truth" by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.