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Additional Persecution News from China – December 15, 2011 (23 Reports)

Dec. 29, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 21 cities or counties and in 13 provinces. According to this report, 18 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 17 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Haowen Taken to Langfang Brainwashing Center
  2. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Xu Yansan's Whereabouts Unknown
  3. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Zhao Guicun and Two Other Practitioners Tried
  4. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Jie and Ms. Wei Caiyan Detained for Prolonged Period of Time
  5. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhuang Wei Detained
  6. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information on the Arrest of Mr. Wang Zhongli
  7. [Guan County, Shandong Province] 10,000 Extorted from Mr. Du Zhanchao
  8. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Wu Jingjun
  9. [Haiyang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Ximin Sentenced to One Year Forced Labor
  10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] More Information on the Arrests of Several Practitioners from Fengyuandu Traditional School
  11. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xiong Daoxian Arrested
  12. [Beijing] Additional Information on the Arrest of Mr. Wu Zhiming
  13. [Chongqing] Ms. Xiong Yuzhen Detained Nearly Five Months
  14. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Hou Fengying Arrested
  15. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] More Information on the Arrests of Ms. Zhang Shuxia and Ms. Liu Qingxiang
  16. [Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Xiaomin Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor and Sent to Changchun
  17. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Xing Xiuyun and Ms. Xing Aixiang Arrested
  18. [Houma City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Qiu Xiaohong Arrested
  19. [Yongqing County, Hebei Province] Ms. Xie Qimin and Mr. Li Zunjie Arrested
  20. [Changfeng County, Anhui Province] Ms. Zheng Shunlan Missing
  21. [Nanping City, Fujian Province] Ms. Wu Yuchai Arrested
  22. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Liu Yong and Another Practitioner Arrested
  23. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Additional Information on the Arrests of Ms. Zhou Runlin and Ms. Tang Min

1. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Haowen Taken to Langfang Brainwashing Center

On the evening of December 9, 2011, officers from the Sanhe 610 Office arrested Mr. Zhang Haowen and ransacked his home. Mr. Zhang was taken to the Langfang Brainwashing Center.

2. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Xu Yansan's Whereabouts Unknown

On December 8, 2011, Mr. Xu Yansan was arrested by officers from the Junan County 610 Office and the Dadian Town Police Station. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Dadian Town Police Station: +86-539-7813046
Liu Xipeng, head of the Junan County 610 Office: +86-13205392801 (Cell), +86-539-7220334

3. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Zhao Guicun and Two Other Practitioners Tried

On December 6, 2011, Ms. Zhao Guicun, Ms. Yu Lihua, and Ms. Cui Jinrong were tried secretly by the Ongniud Banner Court.

Liu Caijun, chief of the Domestic Security Team: +86-476-6340175, +86-13722163966 (Cell)
Chen Lixin, president of the Ongniud Banner Court: +86-476-6336059, +86-476-8361827, +86-13500661776 (Cell)
Yang Chunyi, presiding judge of the Criminal Court: +86-476-6336023, +86-13947668566 (Cell)

4. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Jie and Ms. Wei Caiyan Detained for an Extended Period of Time

In May 2011, Ms. Li Jie and Ms. Wei Caiyan were arrested in their homes by officers from the Domestic Security Division of the Jiutai Police Department and the local police station. The officers confiscated a computer, a printer, and other personal belongings. The two practitioners are being held at the Jiutai Detention Center, and they have been denied family visitations.

Ms. Li and Ms. Wei were both subjected to brainwashing during their detention. Officers submitted a fabricated document to the Changchun Procuratorate, but it was rejected because it was considered insufficient evidence to charge the practitioners of an actual crime. However, the two practitioners have not yet been released. In fact, they have been illegally detained for more than seven months.

Domestic Security Division of the Jiutai Police Department: +86-431-82312852
Jiao Long, Jiutai 610 Office: +86-13843034303 (Cell)

5. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhuang Wei Detained

On December 13, 2011, Ms. Zhuang Wei was arrested. She is being held at the Huamu Police Station.

Huamu Police Station: +86-20-68451970

6. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Additional Information on the Arrest of Mr. Wang Zhongli

On December 10, 2011, Mr. Wang Zhongli from Fahaniu Town in Xinmin City was arrested. Several officers from the Xinglongbao Town Police Station, led by director Wei Jincheng, went to his home and ransacked it. Mr. Wang is currently being held at the Juliuhe Detention Center. His family requested his release, but their request was rejected.

Mr. Wang had been incarcerated in Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp to serve an 18-month term for going to Beijing and appealing for justice for Falun Gong. Following the arrest, his wife divorced him, and his supervisor fired him. He suffered a mental breakdown under the intense pressure.

Wei Jincheng, director of the Xinglongbao Town Police Station: +86-24-87460502, +86-13940488118 (Cell)
Yan Xianhua, chief of the Xinmin Domestic Security Team: +86-13998808182 (Cell)
Jin Qingxiang, director of the Fahaniu Town Police Station in Xinmin City: +86-24-87702220, +86-13840083888 (Cell)

7. [Guan County, Shandong Province] 10,000 Yuan Extorted from Mr. Du Zhanchao

In November of 2011, Mr. Du Zhanchao from Liangtang Town was arrested and taken to the Guan County Detention Center. After one month, he was taken back to the Liangtang Town Police Station by the station's director, Chen Wenjie, and deputy director, Sun Zuojun. The directors forced a village committee member to extort 10,000 yuan from Mr. Du.

Chen Wensheng, officer from the Liangtang Town Police Station: +86-13869508979 (Cell)

8. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] More Information on the Arrest of Ms. Wu Jingjun

On April 14, 2011, Ms. Wu Jingjun was arrested by officers from the Jiaoqiao Police Station while clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. The officers ransacked her home that evening and confiscated Falun Gong books, photos of Falun Gong's Teacher, and other Falun Gong materials. Her young daughter was terrified. Ms. Wu was sentenced to one year of forced labor. On October 31, she was released on medical parole.

9. [Haiyang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Ximin Sentenced to One Year Forced Labor

Peng Bo, director of the Haiyang Police Department: +86-13906389068 (Cell)
Li Longquan, head of the 610 Office: +86-13306459366 (Cell)
Wang Lei, deputy head of the 610 Office: +86-13953569800 (Cell), +86-535-3251988

10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] More Information on the Arrests of Several Practitioners from Fengyuandu Traditional School

On November 10, 2011, Mr. Xiao Zhankai was arrested by officers from the Dalian Domestic Security Team and the Kuiying Street Police Station. He was released on December 2 after being held at the Fushun Brainwashing Center for 21 days.

On November 21, 2011, Ms. Ding Ling and Mr. Zhang Jinchao were transferred from the Dalian Detention Center to the Fushun Brainwashing Center. They were released on December 13 after 21 days of detention.

Mr. Luo Qijia and Mr. Tian Hanqin are still being held at the Dalian Detention Center.

11. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xiong Daoxian Arrested

Ms. Xiong Daoxian from Miyi County was arrested for distributing informational material about Falun Gong.

12. [Beijing] Additional Information on the Arrest of Mr. Wu Zhiming

On November 22, 2011, Mr. Wu Zhiming was arrested in Niegezhuang Village, Sujiatuo Town. He has been held at the Sujiatuo Detention Center for more than 20 days. His physical condition has deteriorated, and he now needs support to walk.

In June of 2011, Mr. Wu was arrested by officers from the Xisanqi Street 610 Office. He was taken to the Sujiatuo Brainwashing Center and held there for over a month.

Sujiatuo Brainwashing Center: 86-10-62459654
Sujiatuo Detention Center: +86-10-82587325

13. [Chongqing] Ms. Xiong Yuzhen Detained Nearly Five Months

Ms. Xiong Yuzhen is retired from the Chang'an Factory Hospital in the Jiangbei District. At noon on July 18, 2011, she was arrested by officers from the 610 Office. She has been detained at three different locations, and her current whereabouts are unknown. Officers interrogated her twice daily, demanding to know the source of her Falun Gong informational DVDs. She has been detained for nearly five months.

14. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Hou Fengying Arrested

On the morning of December 14, 2011, Ms. Hou Fengying, in her 60s, went out with another elderly lady. They were both arrested by officers from the Binjiangjiayuan Police Station.

Binjiangjiayuan Police Station: +86-438-6210100
Officer: +86-13756718444 (Cell), +86-13614385996 (Cell), +86-13843814449 (Cell)

15. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] More Information on the Arrests of Ms. Zhang Shuxia and Ms. Liu Qingxiang

On the morning of October 7, 2011, Ms. Zhang Shuxia from the Qinghe District was arrested, and her home was ransacked. The officers confiscated her Falun Gong books. On October 9, she was secretly taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp by the Domestic Security Division of the Qinghe District Police Department to serve a two-year term.

On the afternoon of October 12, Ms. Zhang's sister and another practitioner, Ms. Liu Qingxiang, went to the Hongqi Police Station to report Ms. Zhang as missing; they were detained. The officers searched Ms. Liu, took her house keys, and ransacked her home. They forcibly took Ms. Liu's fingerprints in authorization of a 15-day detention agreement. Ms. Liu was then secretly taken to the Tieling Detention Center. Ms. Zhang's sister was released, as she does not practice Falun Gong.

16. [Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Xiaomin Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor and Sent to Changchun

An Changming, member of the Hunchun City Political and Judiciary Committee: +86-433-7550015, +86-13904471825 (Cell)
Jin Yongquan, 610 Office agent: +86-433-7507576, +86-13843316361 (Cell), +86-433-7555332
Li Shuangqiang, head of the 610 Office: +86-433-7507578, +86-13944358877 (Cell), +86-433-7568877

17. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Xing Xiuyun and Ms. Xing Aixiang Arrested

Ms. Xing Xiuyun and her sister, Ms. Xing Aixiang, were recently arrested at their home. They are being held at the Wanqing Mountain Villa. Several other practitioners were arrested at the same time.

18. [Houma City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Qiu Xiaohong Arrested

On the afternoon of December 13, 2011, Ms. Qiu Xiaohong was reported for handing out Falun Gong materials. She was arrested by officers from the Houma Third Criminal Police Brigade and taken to the Houma Domestic Security Division.

19. [Yongqing County, Hebei Province] Ms. Xie Qimin and Mr. Li Zunjie Arrested

On December 13, 2011, Ms. Xie Qimin and her husband, Mr. Li Zunjie, were arrested by officers from the Bazhou City Police Department and the Yongqing 610 Office on their way home from work. They are being held at the Yongqing Detention Center.

20. [Changfeng County, Anhui Province] Ms. Zheng Shunlan Missing

On October 1, 2007, Ms. Zheng Shunlan, 61, went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. No one has heard from her since.

21. [Nanping City, Fujian Province] Ms. Wu Yuchai Arrested

On December 13, 2011, Ms. Wu Yuchai was arrested by officers from the Nanping City 610 Office and the Domestic Security Team on her way to work. The officers ransacked her home the next day.

Huang Jiatian, chief of the Domestic Security Team: +86-13850987763 (Cell)
Hong Jiren, instructor of the Domestic Security Team: +86-599-8822412

22. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Liu Yong and Another Practitioner Arrested

On the afternoon of December 13, 2011, Mr. Liu Yong and Mr. Li were arrested by officers from the Shanpoxiang Town Police Station and the 610 Office for speaking with people about Falun Gong. They were both taken to the Dongxihu District.

Shanpoxiang Town Police Station: +86-27-81342019
Yi Chujun, deputy head of the 610 Office: +86-27-87952424, +86-27-87950732, +86-13886009938 (Cell)

23. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Additional Information on the Arrests of Ms. Zhou Runlin and Ms. Tang Min

On November 26, 2011, Ms. Zhou Runlin and Ms. Tang Min were arrested by officers from the Yinpenling Police Station. On December 12, they were both transferred to the Laodaohe Brainwashing Center after 15 days of detention.