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Using Righteous Thoughts to Resolve Problems

Dec. 29, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) Master said in “What is a Dafa Disciple,”

“Dafa disciples go about their lives alongside ordinary people as part of the illusory ordinary society, and are really susceptible to drifting along with the tide in their way of thinking, at least in some regards. If you can’t manage to conduct yourselves according to Dafa when you do things, can’t manage to think things over with righteous thoughts, or are not on the Fa in dealing with problems, then you are an ordinary person.”

I have found that using righteous thoughts to make an assessment of issues is the key to resolving them. On the path of Fa-rectification, the world around us is filled with everyday situations, and we will frequently meet with problems that everyday people encounter. Whenever I run into a problem, I strive to use righteous thoughts and the requirements of a cultivator to handle it. This has helped me resolve many tricky situations.

Using Righteous Thoughts to Resolve Family Conflicts

I was previously a person who tended to overreact and go overboard. Whenever my husband made a small mistake, I wasn't able to tolerate it. Once, my husband didn't come home until past midnight. I was suspicious, and gave him a big scolding, without giving him a chance to explain. I was so angry that I then hid in another room and cried. When I calmed down, many thoughts went through my head. I reminded myself of Dafa and Master. I asked myself why I was behaving this way and if my behavior was consistent with that of a cultivator. Why did I not look at the situation with righteous thoughts? Why was I so muddle-headed? Was this really a big deal? Was it more important than doing the right thing in cultivation?

After I cleared my mind, I realized that my heart had become calm. When I used righteous thoughts to look at issues related to our relationship, my husband changed. He now listens to me and no longer comes home so late. He helps me with housework, and helps our daughter with her homework. These are things that he would not do in the past. This was really a situation where strong righteous thoughts can remove unnecessary interference.

Using Righteous Thoughts to Assess Things, Going Out to Clarify the Truth

In the past, because of my attachment to fear, I would rarely go out to clarify the truth face to face with people. I surfed the Internet at home and studied Master’s new articles. I sometimes joined Internet discussion sites and exchanged experiences with practitioners. I talked to people about Falun Gong in these chat sessions. I gradually realized that agents from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled many chat websites. It was difficult to tell whom you were talking to. The environment was not favorable. Some practitioners acted carelessly and spread some unfavorable news about Dafa. When I realized this, I decided to go out to clarify the truth. But due to my attachment to fear, I did not take action. I later realized that I should use righteous thoughts to rectify myself. I should eliminate my attachment to fear. Before I go out to clarify the truth, I now send forth-righteous thoughts at home. After that I am not be afraid of anything. When I meet my colleagues and passersby, I tell them about the benefits of practicing Falun Gong, and I give them materials to help them understand more about Falun Gong. When I realized that my righteous thoughts were strong, the evil could not do anything to me.

It was exactly like what Master said,

“If you don’t use righteous thoughts to guide yourself, and if you cannot manage to conduct yourself and look at the world and others according to the standard of a cultivator, like a Dafa disciple does, then you are the same as an ordinary person.” (“What is a Dafa Disciple”)

This is my simple understanding. If there is anything inappropriate, please point it out.