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Thoughts After the Eighth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China

Dec. 30, 2011 |   Dafa practitioner from Mainland China


After “The Eighth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China” adjourned, fellow practitioners expressed how they were deeply moved by the diamond like righteous thoughts made evident during the conference. They were able to find their shortcomings, and were determined to be more diligent on the path of cultivation, firmly believing in Master and the Fa and compassionately saving people.

1. Believing in Master and the Fa

After the Internet experience sharing conference began, I met fellow practitioner A. She asked me excitedly, “Did you read the Minghui Fa Conference articles yet? I read them every day from beginning to end; it is so good this time. My biggest gain from the conference is this: No matter what kind of difficulty we encounter, if you can think of what Master has taught us first, nothing can stop you.” She added: “I did not seize the chance to clarify the truth face to face, and I no longer want to miss any chances. The other day I went out and saw a middle aged woman, and I wanted to save her. But before I could get started, she came up and talked to me first. She was not quite convinced when I talked, and even laughed at me, but I did not give up. I only had the heart to save her. She began to listen attentively, and in the end agreed to quit the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers.”

I also obtained so much from the Fa conference. I felt more sure that Master is beside me. I believe in Master and the Fa more, and know that it is Master who is arranging and doing things for us. From fellow practitioners' articles, I understood the meaning of “being able to accommodate other beings.” I saw where I fell short compared to fellow practitioners who devote every effort to saving sentient beings.

One day after I finished reading the conference articles and went out, I met someone who was a religious follower, who are sometimes difficult to clarify the truth to. That day, I thought Master was next to me, and sincerely told her: “No matter what you believe, you need to know the truth about Falun Gong. It has everything to do with each of us.” As soon as I finished, she stood up straight and with great respect she said: “I am willing to know the truth, tell me please.” After she knew the truth, she replied: “The CCP is deceiving people with false information about Falun Gong and persecuting them, how wrong that is!” She told me that her last name was Zhang, and asked me to help her quit the Youth League and Young Pioneers. She said that she would also tell her family members about the persecution.

2. Becoming aware of who I am and using righteous thoughts to handle problems

Fellow practitioner B stated: “Even though I am busy with my job, I carefully read all the sharing articles daily. I was greatly moved by a fellow practitioner's article, 'Going Door to Door With a Petition to Rescue a Fellow Practitioner' (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/11/20/129591.html). The attitude of the homeowner changed from cursing to signing his name. When a male home owner was making a phone call to the police station, the fellow practitioner stated loudly to the other practitioner, “He is making phone calls to help us,” and indeed the man and the policeman on the phone showed their support. In “Encouraging People to Quit the CCP Using Cell Phone Calls'” (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/12/8/129921.html): “He said that he had recorded my call. I said, 'Then I hope you will replay it to 610 Offices all over the country.'” I am able to see fellow practitioners' enormous compassion and forbearance—that is what I am lacking.

Practitioner B continued: “When I clarified the truth to educated colleagues before, I felt that I did it well. But still there were people who would not acknowledge the truth, and I used to be affected by them. Now I realize that I have to let go of myself. I need to be more compassionate, behave like the fellow practitioners with righteous thoughts and deeds, be clearly aware of who I am, and use righteous thoughts to view problems at all times.”

3. A little fellow practitioner was encouraged

A fellow practitioner told me that the articles included some young fellow practitioners sharing experiences. This fellow practitioner read the article “A Young Practitioners Tells How She Validates Falun Gong” (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/11/30/129775.html) to her child. He was moved and told her the next day, “After listening to the article, I had a dream last night. All my classmates were coming to my home. It was so crowded, and their parents were all standing outside our home.” He realized they were all waiting for us to save them.

Soon he began sending materials to his teachers with his mother and doing other things to help people know the facts about Falun Gong.

4. The mission of saving sentient beings

Fellow practitioner C learned from this Fa conference, “Saving people should be our priority. No matter how busy our job may be, we should not slack off on this matter. We must believe in Master and the Fa one hundred percent. If we have compassion, sentient beings will feel the wonder of Dafa. We need to carry out our mission in our daily lives.”

He said that he was deeply impressed by fellow practitioners from all walks of lives and their “Gods walking among us” state. With this new mentality, he began to clarify the truth to a taxi driver. The driver listened attentively and said: “Oh, then I need to quit.”

A fellow practitioner stated that before, he felt like it was a job to clarify the truth. He did not view saving people as part of his natural instinct, so others only responded with, “I know the truth now, and you be careful.” Now, when he is compassionately saving people, people respond from the bottom of their hearts, deeply grateful towards Dafa.

5. The Dafa practitioner is the key player

After the Fa conference began, fellow practitioner D submitted her own sharing experience article. She was also greatly encouraged by other practitioners' righteous thoughts and deeds. She received a phone call from the city domestic security division, offering to give her back money that they had extorted from her years ago in the form of a “security deposit.”

Her family members and neighbors told her: “Do not go, those police will deceive people at will.” But Practitioner D thought: “The evil manipulates people that are persecuting Dafa, but they do not count, the Dafa practitioner is the key player.” Master said:

“If you can have sufficient righteous thoughts, you can then be towering and massive within your expanse and suppress any bad things that might exist there. Were every Dafa disciple able to achieve this, the entire world would change.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting”)

Practitioner D decided to go and clarified the truth to the policemen. The policemen were very receptive, and understood the truth to varying degrees. Practitioner D felt that after ten years of resisting the persecution, Dafa practitioners have become more mature in following Master's Fa rectification, and their environment have also changed enormously.

I also have a personal story of breaking through the CCP's Internet blockade. I only had one software program that worked to break through the blockade at first. Starting from the very first article, “Taking the Lead” (http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/11/11/129376.html), I kept reading fellow practitioners' articles. I saw that with their righteous thoughts and deeds, nothing can stop them from saving sentient beings. I was deeply moved. I felt the righteous factor is expanding, and the evil is being eliminated. I suddenly felt that those software packages that break the Internet blockade should all work again, and when I clicked on them, they did work!

6. Let us be more diligent and improve together

We have all benefited greatly from this Internet Fa conference. Five thousand experience sharing articles represent our practitioners' diligent hearts. One fellow practitioner stated: “We mainland China Dafa practitioners are doing the three things individually, and the Minghui Fa Conference helped us connect. We were able to get together as a whole, compare our notes, firm up our righteous thoughts, become more diligent and improve together.”

We deeply felt the compassion that Master granted through the Fa Conference. We will cherish our time and mission of Fa rectification, study the Fa well, search inward, and fulfill our vows though our solid cultivation.