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Our Fa-Study Group Strives Forward Vigorously on This Final Path

Dec. 30, 2011 |   By Huiguiren

(Clearwisdom.net) Our Fa-study group was set up in early 2009. At first, there were only three practitioners; but gradually more and more practitioners joined us. We study the Fa together once a week, mainly reading through Master's Fa lectures and watching Master's video lectures. Then we share our experiences and understandings together. In this process, every practitioner feels that they have rapidly made progress.

Helping each other and improving as a group

Since there are many practitioners now, we divided into two Fa-study groups. However, we still study the Fa regularly together, send righteous thoughts and share experiences and understandings. Everyone strives forward, and makes every effort to do the three things that practitioners are supposed to do. Some practitioners often go out to distribute truth clarification materials and, at the same time, persist in sending letters to clarify the facts year after year. Many practitioners contribute a part of their pension to practitioners who do not have enough money to produce materials. Some practitioners distribute truth clarification materials to save people, while others mainly clarify the facts to people face to face.

Two practitioners were arrested and persecuted in prison for several years, but they seized the time to study the Fa more after they were released, and soon caught up with the process of Fa-rectification. They actively did the three things that practitioners are supposed to do. In addition, they got in contact with other practitioners who were released from detention, and helped them read Master's Fa lectures so that they could overcome the harmful effects from the brainwashing that they had endured. It helped many of them return to cultivation.

If a practitioner encounters interference and tribulations, we discuss it based on the Fa and search inward to find areas that need improvement, such as letting go of emotion, having more compassion, studying the Fa more, etc. As a result, everyone benefits in the process, and little by little, we get better at knowing how to evaluate ourselves based on the Fa.

When a practitioner wanted to put up truth clarification posters on the walls of some corridors, she required the help of another practitioner so that they could take a chair to stand on to reach a greater height. However, the other practitioner wasn't able to come due to an emergency. Therefore, this elderly practitioner put up the posters by herself by moving the chair and materials from the sixth floor to the first. She put up posters in two buildings.

All practitioners are one family

After reading Master's words, “The next person's things are your things, and your things are his things” (“Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference”), we realized that all practitioners are family, and so decided to visit the families of practitioners that have been persecuted, to let them know the facts about Falun Gong. We told them that their family members being persecuted are innocent and have been wronged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We also told them that if they needed anything, we were willing to help.

A young couple had been arrested and sentenced to 4 years in prison. Their parents, in their 80s, and their 4-year-old daughter were left at home with no one to care for them. The first time we visited them, they were quite depressed and thought that the imprisonment of their children made them lose face in the community. We told them the facts about Falun Gong and told them that they should be proud of their children, as Master said, “...with one person practicing, the whole family benefits?” (“Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia”). We gave them copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, DVDs of Shen Yun Performing Arts and other truth clarification materials.

We are all practitioners and practice cultivation in the same Fa. We are therefore responsible for other practitioners and obliged to help their family members. The young daughter of another practitioner who was persecuted was left with her grandmother. We took her to our home every Friday night, and she stayed with us until her grandmother collected her on Sunday to take her to kindergarten. We washed and changed her, bought her new clothes and shoes, and generally took good care of her. We told her that her parents are good people and that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished. She said, “I just miss my parents a lot. I'm not afraid, because I am a little practitioner of Master.” Each time her grandmother came to collect her, she was reluctant to leave. When she started primary school in 2009, her family brought her to us every Saturday morning and then collected her on Sundays. We did this until her aunt in another city adopted her. The girl's grandmother was very thankful to us, and now the elderly couple and their family members all have a positive attitude towards Dafa.

When practitioners in prison heard that we were caring for their family members, they were quite moved, and sent words of thanks and promised to do better in their cultivation. According to practitioners who were released from prison, the girl's mother was one of the most determined and would not renounce her belief, even though she was severely persecuted. She persisted in writing letters to expose the terrible crimes taking place there.

Another couple who were arrested left a teenage son and daughter at home alone. To avoid being persecuted, the brother and sister had to move away. Initially, we had asked the school of their whereabouts but did not get an answer. We asked many people, and finally found out where they were staying. We soon solved their basic living problems, and paid for the daughter's tuition and their rent. Also, a local coordinator gave them some money for living expenses every month.

Eliminating the CCP's Propaganda with Righteous Thoughts

A practitioner once saw a CCP propaganda poster that had been put up on a bulletin board in a street near a university. The street was not very wide, but many people went through it and would see this notice. We tried to remove the poster, but were unsuccessful. So we decided to concentrate our efforts on sending righteous thoughts to eliminate the old force elements behind the person who was in charge of the bulletin board. Also, some practitioners sent a truth clarification letter to him, while two groups of practitioners sent righteous thoughts in a nearer place. As a result, the contents of the bulletin board were later changed.

The classmate of a practitioner's child once said, “I saw from the wall that Falun Gong is bad.” When we went over there, we found a poster with bad words about Dafa on it. We went back there the next day to remove it. This was a busy road with a light on the wall. On the other side of the road there were several people standing and talking. We sent righteous thoughts and set about removing the poster. Without any fear, we cooperated well and successfully removed it without anybody seeing us. I realized that Master was protecting us. We later clarified the facts to the managers responsible for putting up propaganda posters in the area.