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Mother and Daughter from Hebei Province Subjected to Forced Labor, Mother Zhang Guofen's Term Extended

Dec. 30, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhang Guofen lives in Dongbozhang Village, Chengdong Township, Boye County, Hebei Province. She was arrested and illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor on May 31, 2010. She has been held in the Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp for one and a half years. Ms. Zhang's daughter, Ms. Dai Shuna, was sentenced to 18 months of forced labor in late September 2009, and has also been held in the Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp.

On the afternoon of May 31, 2010, Boye County Criminal Police Division head Gao Junling and three other officers broke into the home of Ms. Zhang Guofen's younger daughter, Dai Xiaoxia, in Yudi Village, Chengdong Township. They arrested Ms. Zhang, ransacked her home, and took many personal belongings.

Ms. Zhang was given a one-year forced labor sentence the next day and taken to the Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Zhang was forced to stand for 12 hours until she fainted and fell. The guards then allowed her to sit on the ground, but still deprived her of sleep. In the winter, she was forced to sit on the ground for a month.

Guards Zhang Ning and Zhao Xiaomeng physically and verbally abused Ms. Zhang, Ms. Zheng Baozhen, Ms. Chen Gairu, Ms. Zhang Guizhen, and other practitioners. The guards also instigated criminal Yang Junwei to beat the practitioners. Ms. Zheng was unable to move her arms and legs, but inmate Yang Junwei shoved her against a wall and threw her on the ground, leaving a knot on Ms. Zheng's head. She hasn't been able to stand since then. The guards in Division 3 often placed practitioners who refused to renounce their belief in solitary confinement.

Ms. Zhang's term expired on May 31, 2011, but it was extended by six months. She, Ms. Yang Zhiying, and Ms. Zheng Baozhen were forced to stand, threatened, beaten, and shocked with electric batons on August 15 and 16.

Ms. Zhang's second term was due to end on November 31, but her family didn't receive any notification to pick her up, even by the evening of December 2. She is still being detained.