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A New Practitioner’s Sharing: My Whole Family Has Benefited from Falun Dafa

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jiangsu Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I’m a new practitioner who is fortunate to have started practicing Falun Gong in October 2008. I am writing my cultivation experience to thank revered Master for his compassionate salvation.

Before I practiced Falun Gong, I suffered from severe diabetes and heart disease. In 2008 I was diagnosed with cerebral infarction and fell into a poor mental state. Feeling desperate, I went to visit a friend and told her, “I got sick again; it is lacunar infarction.” She was very surprised and then introduced Falun Gong to me. She told me that she once had the symptom of cerebral thrombosis and her left leg was numb. However, by practicing Falun Gong, she fully recovered in eight months.

Because of the communist regime’s propaganda, I was half convinced and half dubious at that time. I returned home without making any further decision.

The following day I went to her home again. She said, “You’d better practice Falun Gong. Only Dafa can cure your illnesses.” She handed me an MP3 player, saying, “Just listen to Master Li’s teachings first!” I sat on her sofa and started to listen to Master’s lectures in Dalian City. While listening to it, I felt at ease and comfortable, so I took the MP3 player to my home and kept on listening to the teachings. One week later, I had symptoms of a urinary tract infection, which was very painful. I knew it was to eliminate my karma. As a result, the symptoms disappeared in three days. Three days later, the symptoms occurred again, but with less pain. The symptoms disappeared again in three days and never recurred.

Looking back at this, Master took care of me even though I hadn’t yet started to practice the exercises. What a predestined relationship it was! Throughout the experience, I understood that I was truly cheated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the past, and that Falun Gong was really wonderful. After that, I started to learn the exercises from my friend.

Without being aware of it, all my illnesses disappeared. My cheeks became tender and rosy, and I was able to eat whatever I wanted. My husband and my son didn’t dare to believe that the changes in me were because of Falun Gong until I told them that I had stopped taking medicine and yet my health had only gotten better. When I first started cultivating, my husband was very worried about us being persecuted and didn’t support me. But after witnessing my miraculous changes, he not only supported my practicing cultivation, he also took the initiative to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Because of firmly believing in Master and the Fa, I broke through another test later. On November 13, 2009, I got up at 3:20 a.m, planning to do the exercises. However, I couldn’t see anything after I opened my eyes. Even after I rubbed my eyes, I still couldn’t see things clearly. I then looked into the mirror and found to my amazement that my eyes were cloudy. In addition, I had difficulty walking. Thinking that I shouldn’t pay attention to it, I persisted in doing the exercises, although I vomited twice in the middle. After finishing all five exercises, I called my friend and let her know about my condition. She came over and asked me with concern, “How are you now? Are you afraid?” I said, “No, I’m not.” “That’s good,” she said, “Just do well on studying the Fa and doing the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts more frequently. This might be interference.” I told her that I couldn’t see things and was unable to read. She said in reply, “Then just listen to Master’s teachings.”

In the afternoon, she brought several fellow practitioners to my home. They sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate any interference and exchanged cultivation experiences with me to help me look inward. Throughout this, I found that I still kept many newspapers at home which had the CCP’s evil factors in them. I also realized that I was attached to cross-stitch embroidery. I hung art works of cross-stitch embroidery in every room. Sometimes I did embroidery as I listened to Master’s teachings. From the sharing, I understood that it was not respectful to Master, and I felt very shamed.

After the practitioners left, I sent the cross-stitch embroidery pieces that I hadn’t finished to others and threw all the newspapers and periodicals away. I kept listening to Master’s teachings and sending forth righteous thoughts every hour. Things went on like this for a week, and then my eyes miraculously recovered. My husband was quite amazed at my recovery without any pills or injections. This time he was thoroughly convinced by Dafa, and since then he has been very supportive of my doing the three things.

Witnessing the miraculous changes in my body, my son also began to improve his heart and mind through following Falun Dafa's teachings. Several times he has seen Falun throughout the house through his celestial eye, and on one occasion he saw Master’s fashen.

After my eyes recovered, I thought that I should do well on the three things to repay Master for His compassionate salvation. With help from fellow practitioners, I started to distribute materials that described the facts about Falun Gong.

In the beginning, I had the attachment of fear and experienced the following test. It was a winter evening. I went out to distribute Falun Gong materials with my son. On our way back home, I saw several strangers. One of them asked my son what he was doing, leading me to feel that we were being followed. I then made a call to my friend. She suggested that I keep calm and send forth righteous thoughts, and that I should not cooperate with the police officers if I encountered them. Meanwhile, she told me that what I saw might be a false impression.

I sent forth righteous thoughts for a while and felt a bit calmer. I called my husband and told him of my anxiety. He said, “Why do you fear? You are not doing anything wrong. Don’t be afraid.” Later it turned out that nothing went wrong. I enlightened that it was a test for me. During the process of distributing materials, I gradually got rid of the fear.

Through studying the Fa and exchanging cultivation experiences with practitioners, I enlightened that I should clarify the truth about Falun Gong to people around me. So I started with my family. Because they had witnessed the miraculous changes in me from practicing Falun Gong, my husband, son, relatives, friends, and former colleagues all understood the truth and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. In December 2009, my mother-in-law passed away, which made my sister-in-law extremely depressed. Very often she fell into a daze and began to rave incoherently. Others said that she was possessed by my mother-in-law’s spirit. When I tried to talk with her, she asked me who I was. I told her, “I am your older sister.” Then she uncharacteristically started to quarrel with me. Later I enlightened that I should say I was a Dafa disciple, so I did. Immediately she became clearheaded. I sent forth righteous thoughts at the same time. By doing this only once, she returned to normal at once. This let me personally experience Dafa’s miraculous power. I then clarified the truth to my sister-in-law and helped her quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Three years ago, my father-in-law suffered from prostate cancer. Although he recovered after having an operation, the disease recurred this June and soon turned into into advanced lymphoma. The severe headaches rendered him unable to get up. I asked him to sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He believed this, but he couldn’t remember the whole sentence firmly. Because my husband already firmly believed in Dafa, whenever he looked after his father, he always taught his father to recite the sentence, and then they recited it together. After a while, my father-in-law recovered completely and was able to go for a walk again.

Because I practice Dafa, my whole family has benefited and was bathed in the light of the Fa. Thousands and thousands of words cannot express my gratitude to Master and Dafa. In the days to follow, I will strive forward more diligently and try my best to do well the three things.