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My Child Experiences the Amazing Power of Dafa

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Sichuan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I received an urgent call on March 18, 2011, informing me that my five-year-old child had been diagnosed with an enlarged left kidney. It was twice the size of an average kidney, and needed further evaluation. That very day a family member and I flew from southern China to Sichuan Province.

After one week of tests and extensive evaluation, the doctor discovered that my child's illness was due to a narrowing of the left ureter, and he recommended surgery. It was a big operation for such a little child! The surgery was high risk because they had never before performed such an operation. We became very worried because we could not find any other treatment options. During the evaluation period, I told my child to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master Li is good!” He had a pure heart and repeated these words every day. I sent righteous thoughts and asked Teacher for help. My child's pain gradually became less frequent, so we requested that the tests be repeated before surgery. The test results showed some improvement, but the doctor still felt an operation was warranted. After reading the surgical consent form, I felt very depressed. There were many risks to my child's health associated with this surgery and the doctor could not be held responsible if something went wrong. When signing a surgical consent for a child the parents take responsibility for whatever happens during the operation. It is really an impossible situation! Additionally, the surgery had never been performed before, so the risk was even greater for this particular operation. We felt we had to consult with another hospital.

We transferred our child to a better provincial level hospital. One of the doctors did an ultrasound which showed that my child did not have any major health problem. His pain had now disappeared. He ended up not needing an operation after all! However, another doctor in that hospital strongly recommended surgery and continued hospitalization for further testing. A hospital bed was not available until the middle or end of April so we took the child home.

During this whole ordeal I kept reminding our child to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master Li is good!” His condition improved and he did not require any medical treatment. We went to the hospital for further diagnostic testing again yesterday. The doctor said there was no need for surgery. I knew this whole time that Dafa had saved my child. Teacher had helped him eliminate karma. I know his pure repeating of, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master Li is good!” improved his health. I believed the illness would vanish and not require any surgery.

Teacher helped me during these trials. In all circumstances, Dafa practitioners should look inward and cultivate themselves. I did not do well initially during this ordeal because I was not calm and I relied on the hospitals. I asked Teacher for help rather than thoroughly sending righteous thoughts. Actually, this was a test for me. I later looked inward and saw where I have not done well.

Dafa is remarkable and my child experienced Dafa's amazing power. I appreciate Teacher's kindness and compassion.